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B.Sandy is telling her friends about what she did lost Sunday. Complete their conversation.

Amy: (1)  you at home last Sunday,Sandy?

Sandy: No,1 (2) . I(3)  in my cousin's home.

Millie: (4) you in your cousin's home for the whole day?

Sandy: No,I (5) . In the afternoon,we (6) at a fashion show.

Millie: Oh,(7) it the one in Wangfujing?

Sandy: Yes,it (8) .

Amy: (9) the tickets expensive?

Sandy: No,they  (10)   .

Amy: (11) your parents at the fashion show too?

Sandy: Yes,they (12) .

Amy: (13) the fashion show good?

Sandy: Yes,it(14) . It showed clothes designed by many young designers. My cousin (15) one of them.

Part B 

1 Were 2 wasn't 3 was 4 Were 5 wasn't 6 were 7 was 8 was 9 Were 10 weren't II Were 12 were 13 Was 14 was 15 was 

题目来源:2016年译林英语补充习题七年级下册 > Unit 6 Outdoor fun


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A Noun + ’S 

A1.Complete the answers with noun + 's.

1 Q: Whose book is this?

A: It's (Tommy) book.

2 Q: Whose car is that?

A: It's (Mr Wang) car.

3 Q: Is this your watch?

A: No. It's (Steven) new watch.

4 Q: Who's Jane?

A: She's (Emily) new friend.

5 Q: Whose toys are those?

A: They're the (children) toys.

6 Q: Are these glasses yours?

A: No. They're (Grandma) glasses.

7 Q: Is that Tommy's shirt?

A: No,ifs not It's (David) .

8 Q: Are these the students' books?

A: No,they aren't. They're (Miss Luo) .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

E.Cathy likes sheep. Benny is asking Cathy questions about sheep. Listen to their conversation and complete the notes below.

. Their soft white hair is called (1) .

. Every (2) , people cut their wool off,because thst time the (3) gete warmer and eheep do not need their wool to keep(4) .

. Wa uee their wool to make (5) , coate and other things.

. We uee eheepekin to make (6) and ehoee.

. Dolly wae the (7) cloned eheep.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Simple past tense (II)

A.  Complete the questions and answers with the simple past tense of the verbs in brackets.

1 Q:   you (watch) the match?

A: Yes,we (do) .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

E. Simon just came back from a camping trip with his family. He wrote an email to his friend Neil. Listen to Simon and fill in the blanks with the correct words.

Dear Neil,How is your summer holiday going? I just came back from a camping trip with my family and we had a great time.

We ⑴ our tents in a field by a river. There were lots of (2) 

living there!The weather was nice. We played games and (3)  .We also went cycling (4) the countryside. It was good fun!

We met many families from different places there. We  (5)  with them and I made some new friends too!

I hope you're having a great holiday too. Are you doing any (6)   activities?

Best wishes,Simon


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A. Amy and Suzy ore chatting over lunch. Complete their conversation with the words in the box.

at the age of can couldn't do well in in hospital may seat take part in 

Amy:⑴ I take this (2) ,Suzy?

Suzy: Of course. Let's have lunch together. Amy,our class had a picnic in the park last Saturday,but I didn't see you.

Amy: I didn't go. My grandpa was ⑶ , so I went to see him.

Suzy: Oh,Tm sorry to hear that. Is he feeling better now?

Amy: Yes. Thanks for asking.

Suzy: Are you going to (4) the swimming competition next month?

Amy: Yes. I love swimming. I started to swim (5) seven.

Suzy: I (6) swim last year. I began to learn to swim this summer and now I (7) swim. Til join the competition too.

Amy: I'm sure you'll (8) it.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Once upon a time,there was a forest where all the animals lived happily together. One day a family went to spend the day in the countryside,and one little boy left his 1 there. Soon after the family left,a raccoon (淀熊) came by,and 2 the socks. The raccoon decided to try them on. They fit so well,and he 3 them so much that he wouldn’t take them off. He spent his days walking 4 the forest in the socks.

   All the animals talked about the raccoon's 5 look,and some of them were a bit envious that he was getting so much attention. Before long,in that forest,there began appearing squirrels in shirts,pigs in boots,and 6 a mole (鼹鼠) with a hat on!

   Doctor Bear would shake his 7 , telling people, “This can't be good. Animals don't wear clothes,and we don't need them. ” But the mole didn't 8 him. He said Doctor Bear was just old-fashioned. One day,the mole tried to fit into his hole without first taking his hat off. He was stuck in that hole all day.Those who listened to the Doctor's advice stopped having 9 .

   The animals 10 that they didn't need clothes at all. Starting to wear them had been very silly,and they had only done it to make others envious of them,and to get attention.

1. A. shoes   B. gloves   C. socks   D. pants

2. A. lost   B. found   C. covered   D. passed

3. A. liked   B. hated   C. threw   D. picked

4. A. between   B. beside   C. against   D. through

5. A. cute   B. serious   C. new   D. young

6. A. even   B. ever   C. still   D. also

7. A. hand   B. arm   C. head   D. feet

8. A. listen to   B. go with   C. think of   D. look at

9. A. results   B. reasons   C. clothes   D. accidents

10. A. hoped   B. realized   C. forgot   D. ordered


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

6 Our family (live) in a small town when I was a child.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A.Which is the best thing about outdoor activities? Read the phrases. Then discuss what you think with a classmate.

1 Enjoying life 3 Learning new skills 

2 Making new friends 4 Keeping fit and healthy

