精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
1. Where does the woman want to go?
[     ]

A. Hotel.
B. Hospital.
C. Bookstore.

2. Where is Tom's home?
[     ]
A. Behind the post office.
B. In front of the post office.
C. Between the shop and the school.
3. Where are they talking?
[     ]
A. At home.
B. In the classroom.
C. In the library.
4. What are they talking about?
[     ]
A. People.
B. Cars.
C. Traffic accidents.
5. Who will go to the supermarket?
[     ]
A. The man.
B. The woman.
C. Both the man and the woman.
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    科目:初中英语 来源:江苏期中题 题型:听力题

    1. What's the man's favorite animal?
                A                         B                    C
    2. What is the man's uncle like?
                      A                                   B                                      C
    3. What's Andy's father's job?
                 A                         B                            C 
    4. Which sport is Leo good at?
                        A                                           B                                            C
    5. How many students are there in the class today? 
        A. Thirty-nine.        
        B. Twenty.          
        C. Nineteen
    6. What time is it by Liu Ying's watch?
        A. 5:45.                      
        B. 6:15.                
        C. 6:55
    7. What does Jack want to do first?
        A. Play computer games.    
        B. Play with Susan.      
        C. Do his homework.
    8. What does Jim usually do on Sundays?
        A. He does his homework.      
        B. He plays with his parents at home.
        C. He watches TV at home.
    9. How many people come to Lucy's birthday party?
        A. 6  
        B. 5        
        C. 4
    10. How does Miss Li go to school today?
        A. By bus    
        B. On foot    
        C. By bike


    科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:听力题

    1. What's the man's favorite film?
    [     ]
    A. Cats.
    B. Dogs.
    C. Titanic.
    2. Does the woman have a ticket?
    [     ]
    A. Yes, she does.
    B. No, she doesn't.
    C. We don't know.
    3. Why does Kate look unhappy?
    [     ]
    A. Because she doesn't want to see the movie.
    B. Because she can't get a ticket to Love Me Once More, Mom.
    C. Because she wants to buy a ticket to Love Me Once More, Mom.
    4. What was the matter with Mike?
    [     ]
    A. He was ill.
    B. He seemed happy.
    C. He sounded surprised.
    5. How does Tom like Beijing Opera?
    [     ]
    A. Very funny and interesting.
    B. Boring.
    C. Moving.


    科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:听力题

    1. Tom's telephone number is _______.
    [     ]
    A. 7869460
    B. 7866518
    C. 7869650
    2. Tom is ______.
    [     ]
    A. at home
    B. at Neil's home
    C. at Jim's house
    3. ______ has a new basketball.
    [     ]
    A. Neil
    B. Mike
    C. Jim
    4. They all want to _______.
    [     ]
    A. stay at home
    B. play basketball
    C. play football
    5. They will meet at _______ on Sunday afternoon.
    [     ]
    A. 2:00
    B. 3:20
    C. 2:30


    科目:初中英语 来源:湖北省中考真题 题型:听力题

    1. How are the shoes according to the woman?
    [     ]
    A. Too small.
    B. Just so-so.
    C. Pretty nice.
    2. Where are they?
    [     ]
    A. In a restaurant.
    B. In a hospital
    C. In a reading room.
    3. What season is it now?
    [     ]
    A. Spring.
    B. Summer.
    C. Winter.
    4. What does the man mean?
    [     ]
    A. He didn't take the seat.
    B. He didn't remember the test.
    C. He didn't do well in the test.
    5. Who are they?
    [     ]
    A. Teacher and student.
    B. Husband and wife.
    C. Mother and son.
    6. What do we know from the conversation?
    [     ]
    A. The man forgot about Tima.
    B. Tima can't come to the party.
    C. The man will see his mother tomorrow.


    科目:初中英语 来源:北京市期末题 题型:听力题

    1. Why is Shelley worried?
    [     ]
    A. Because she is out of work.
    B. Because she doesn't like working.
    C. Because she has no friends.
    2. What is the best way to help Shelley?
    [     ]
    A. To take her out to have a delicious meal.
    B. To find the same kind of job for her.
    C. To help her find good friends.
    3. What made Mary nervous?
    [     ]
    A. The bike.
    B. The car.
    C. The truck.
    4. Why does the doctor ask Mary questions about her birthday?
    [     ]
    A. He wants to know whether Mary's head is all right.
    B. He wants to know how Mary celebrated her birthday.
    C. He wants to know if parties can make Mary better.
    5. What does the first speaker do?
    [     ]
    A. A student.
    B. A teacher.
    C. A reporter.
    6. How can we make our speeches more conversational?
    [     ]
    A. Try to speak instead of writing.
    B. Use right grammar (语法) rules.
    C. Make ourselves understood more easily.
    7. What is a good speech like according to the speakers?
    [     ]
    A. Useful, interesting and with many examples.
    B. Easy, clear and full of facts.
    C. Short, real and with less grammar.

