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【题目】A country has dreams. We teenagers ________also have dreams. With dreams and hard work, anything amazing can be created.







科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Talent Show

5:30p.m.-10:30p.m, Thursday, March 16, 2017

Don’t leave the gym during the party.

Bring your ID card with you.

You can’t bring snacks and drinks with you.

You can wear your own clothes instead of the school uniform

If you want to have a show, please call 933-3963.

For other information, please call 933-3961 or visit our website: www. talentshow. org.uk

1Where will the talent show be held?

A.In the restaurant.B.In the gym.C.In the library

2Which of the following is NOT true according to the poster?

A.There are five rules for the talent show

B.You must wear your school uniform

C.You are not allowed to bring your friends from other schools.

3If you want to perform a show, you can________.

A.call 933-3961

B.call 933-3963

C.visit www. talentshow. org.uk


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



提示词语: scientist, doctor, teacher, university, knowledge, exercise

提示问题:●What is your goal in life?

● Why do you have this goal?

●What are you going to do to achieve the goal?



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


A: Good afternoon. 1

B: I’d like to buy a washing machine.

A: Well, we have many different kinds of washing machines here. Some are made in China , and some are made in other countries.

B: This one looks very nice. 2

A: In Germany.

B: 3

A: Sure . You put the clothes in the machine , close the door and press this button.

B: It’s easy . How much is it ?

A: 4088 yuan .

B: Wow, that’s too expensive! 4Do you have a cheaper one ?

A: How about this one ?

B: Oh ,this one looks very good. And the price is OK. 5

A: OK, no problem. We’ll soon send it to your house.

B: Thank you so much.

A: My pleasure.

A.I’ll take it.

B.Long time no see!

C.What can I do for you?

D.I can’t afford it .

E.Where is it made ?

F.I can’t believe it’s so cheap.

G.Can you show me how to use it ?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—What should Chinese men’ s basketball team do to win the game?

—I think it is important to develop their________ in playing basketball.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】— I hate watching TV ads. It’s just a waste of time.

—________. I don’t want to watch them at all.

A.Good ideaB.That’s OK

C.I can’t agree moreD.That’s not the case


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Gary, the goose and his sister, Lucy, were playing in the pond one day when their parents called them to the bank. “We have to get ready to leave," said Gary's mother, as she looked up into the sky." Where are we going? 1", cried Lucy. "We will be back, dear," said Gary's mother, "but when the weather gets cold, we have to fly south for the winter.”

“Every year all of our friends and family south for the winter and then return in the spring,” Gary’s father explained to the twins." 2" Gary and Lucy decided to start packing and the family flew south the next day.

The family soon arrived at their winter home, just in time for the birthday party.3Guy and Lucy had a great time at the party, but they were still sad about leaving their old friends, Mr. Frog and Miss Fish. Gary and Lucy's parents encouraged the twins to make some new friends, so they went off to the local pond. When Gary and Lucy got there, they saw colors and animals they had never seen!

One day, a bright colored fish swam up to Lucy and said hello. Lucy did not say anything, so the fish said, "Are you new around here?" Lucy looked down at the fish and said, "How can you tell?" The fish smiled and said “4" Lucy told the fish her story and before long, the two began talking about the beautiful weather. Lucy introduced her new friend to her brother and the three became best friends.

A.All of their family and friends were there!

B.Mr. Frog and Miss Fish are looking forward to meeting you.

C.Why are we leaving our home?

D.I have never seen you around here and you look sad.

E.And it is expected that we will be there in time for your cousin’s birthday.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】A dog was seen________after a group of little ducks that should________.

A.running; take good care ofB.to run; be taken good care ofC.run; be taken good care


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 When 4-year-old British Prince George started his first day of school in September, 2017, Chinese language was on his course.

And he wasn’t alone. According to a report in September, about 51 percent of UK parents want their children to learn Chinese, as it’s believed to be one of the most useful languages to know.

In fact, the popularity of Chinese drove the UK government to launch the Chinese Excellence Program in September last year. Its goal is to make at least 5, 000 British state middle school students speak Chinese well by 2020.

The language has become the second most spoken foreign language in the US, after only Spanish (西班牙语),with over 2. 1 million speakers, according to a survey.

Many US famous people such as Facebook founder (脸书创始人) Mark Zuckerberg and Obama’s daughter,Malia Obama, study Chinese as a second language.

So far, 67 countries and regions (地区) have included Chinese in their national course, so why are so many countries crazy about learning Chinese?

One reason could be that as China continues to develop quickly, Chinese is increasingly becoming a useful tool for people’s personal and professional growth. “I think everyone believes that China will be the next great superpower (超级大国)... even if it' s not a superpower like America. It still has an important influence in the future,” said Aisling.

McCaffrey from Canada, who studied at the Renmin University of China, “Learning Chinese is the best way to make sure that you can be part of that growth.”

This opinion was shared by former (前任的) British Prime Minister David Cameron, who urged(呼吁) British students to learn Chinese to “seal (抓住) tomorrow’s business deals” in 2013.

1Why do UK parents want their children to learn Chinese?

A.Chinese is on the course.B.Princess George starts to learn Chinese.

C.The UK government sets up the program.D.Chinese is one of the most useful languages.

2________asked British students to learn Chinese.

A.Malia ObamaB.David CameronC.Prince GeorgeD.Mark Zuckerberg

3Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Aisling McCaffery is from Canada.

B.Learning Chinese is the best way to be famous.

C.There are more than 2.1 million Chinese speakers in the US.

D.67 countries and regions have included Chinese in their national course.

4What’s the best title of the passage?

A.The ways to learn Chinese well

B.The increasing number in learning Chinese

C.Why learning Chinese has risen around the world

D.The relationship between language and development

