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Do you like travelling? Do you often travel in your holidays? Travelling is i____小题1:______ and exciting, but it is not if you get sick. So what can you do to stay in good h____小题2:___ ? There are three things you should remember when you travel: relax, sleep and eat w___小题3:___ .
When you travel, there are so many places to v___小题4:___: museums, shops and parks. You may spend most of your days w____小题5:_____ around these places. You may be very tired after a few h____小题6:_____. If this is the way you feel, you should take a good rest .
Sleep is a____小题7:____ important. You may want to stay out late at night. In many cities, the nightlife can be very exciting. Then you should plan to sleep for an hour in the day.
Finally, if you want to stay healthy, you must eat well. That m____小题8:_____ eating the right kinds of foods. When you are in a new country, you may want to try new foods, but you need to be careful about how m_____小题9:____ you eat. Lots of rich (油腻的)food isn’t good for you .
So, remember these! If you want to enjoy your holiday, take good care of y____小题10:____. Give your body some rest. Get enough sleep and eat good, healthy food.


试题解析:你喜欢旅游吗?你经常在你的假期去旅行吗?旅行时记住三件事:休息、 睡觉和吃,就能玩得开心。睡眠充足,旅游途中觉得累了就应该休息;如果你想要保持健康,就必须吃好的健康的食物。不要贪吃。
小题2:句意:但是如果你生病了,就不是这样了。那么你能做什么以保持健康哪?stay in health 保持健康。
小题3:句意:旅行时有三件事你应该记住:休息好、 睡好和吃好。副词well修饰动词。
小题4:句意:当你旅行时有很多地方要参观:博物馆、 商店和公园。visit参观。 
小题5:句意:你可能会花大部分的时间在这些地方转。  spend time walking花时间走路。
小题9:句意:当你在一个新的国家时,你可能想要尝试新的食物,但你需要小心吃的量。用how much 表达吃的食物的量。
小题10:句意:如果假期想要开心的话,就一定要照顾好自己(take good care of yourself)。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

These are _______books.  Yours  are over there .
A.IB. myC. meD. mine


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:There are sixty m__________ in an hour.
小题2:Today we rarely(很少) see s__________ pouring from chimney.。
小题3:Women commit (犯) far fewer c__________ than men.
小题4:All of us should put r__________ into dustbin (垃圾箱) to protect the environment.
小题5:It is very impolite for you to fail to keep an a__________。


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Martin Murray is a _______(15岁) boy.He used to be a “problem child”.  
小题2:—How do you study for a test?
—I study by ______(听) to tapes.                                 
小题3:I’m very ______(担心)about my son’s health.                        
小题4:He didn’t do well in English ,so he wanted to       (make better) it.     
小题5:The big building has been here for two ____(one hundred years).       


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

My grandparents have lived in a town near Nanjing    . They enjoy their life in the town.
A.for many years agoB.since many years
C.many years agoD.for many years


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

help,  woman,  building,  develop,  famous
I spent my last holiday in my hometown. To my great surprise, great changes have taken place there. Lots of   小题1: have joined a ladies’ club. When they are free, they usually chat together and invite some   小题2: people to give them talks. In the past, women there had to plant crops(农作物)in order to  小题3: support their families. My grandpa has already lived in a tall and bright   小题4: . He said they lived in a small and dark house before. They didn’t have enough food to eat. In the past, many children had to be child laborers.
Now our country has  小题5: rapidly. The living conditions in the country have improved a lot. Life there is becoming better and better.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

My younger brother is n___1____ clever. He can’t r___2_____ to questions right. My parents are worried about him. One day, I took him to a zoo. Then I asked him three questions. The first question was “What did you see in the zoo?”, the second question was “Who often gives you money?” and the third was “What did you have for your breakfast?”. He couldn’t answer a____3_____ of them. Then I told him again and again, the first answer is “elephants and bears”, the second answer is “my father and my brother” and the third answer is “bread and milk”. Then he retold(复述)the questions and answers. In the e__4____ I asked the three questions a___5___. He could give the right a___6____:1. elephants and bears, 2.my father and brother, 3.bread and milk. I was very s___7_____ with him.
When we g___8____ home, I told my parents that my brother could answer my questions c__9_____. Then I began to ask him, “What did you see in the zoo?” “Bread and milk.” “Who often gives you money?” “Elephants and bears.” “What did you have for breakfast?” Cried I a__10____. “My father and brother”, he answered.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:What a     (sun) day it is today! Let’s go to the park.
小题2:We need some sugar,two____________(tomato)and some honey to make the salad.
小题3:Mark got a new bike from his uncle on his ___________(five)birthday.
小题4:I think this is         (Tom) room.
小题5:You can’t watch TV until you finish ________(do) your homework.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Please call                 354-6403.
A.me, inB.me, atC.him, toD.she, at

