精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

A:Hello, Jenny! 1.

B:Pretty good.

A:Where did you go?

B: 2.

A:Great! What did you do there?

B: 3.

A:Did you go shopping?

B:Yes, I did. 4.

A:Were things cheap?

B:No, they were a bit expensive. But we had fun going shopping.

A:How was the food?

B: 5. I love French food.

A.It was delicious.

B.I went to Paris with my parents.

C.We visited a lot of museums.

D.I had a good vacation.

E.How was your vacation?

F.But the shops were crowded.


科目:初中英语 来源:黑龙江省林甸县2016-2017学年七年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解


People didn’t eat potatoes before. They thought potatoes were bad for their health.

After many years, some people in France had some potatoes. They were surprised the potatoes were nice. Later they went to their King and said, “Potatoes are a kind of nice food.” The King was very happy because his people could have more food to eat. He asked his people to plant potatoes but nobody wanted. At last the King had a good idea. He asked some people to plant lots of potatoes in a garden. And then he asked some guards(卫兵)to guard(守卫) the potatoes. many people came and wanted to know what plant was so important. They tried to get some potatoes. Days later, there were no potatoes there. The King was happy.

From then on more and more people in France started to eat potatoes. Because potatoes were good and cheap, people from other countries started to eat them, too.

1.People didn’t eat potatoes before, because they thought potatoes were unhealthy.

2.The France king had some potatoes first.

3.The King wanted to have potatoes himself, and didn’t want his people to eat them.

4.Potatoes were very expensive at that time.

5.Later potatoes arrived at every corner of the world from France.


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级上同步练习1 Unit 1 单元检测英语试卷 题型:单项填空

My name's Gina Hand.What's my family name?

A. Gina B. Hand C. Gina Hand


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级英语上同步练习1Unit 1 Self Check 题型:单项填空

—What do you think of the life in the country?


A. Wonderful B. No problem C. Good luck D. That's right


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级英语上同步练习1Unit 1 Self Check 题型:单项填空

—Why was he late, Tom ? —He was late _______ he was ill, not _______ the bad weather .

A.because, because of

B. because of , because

C. because , because


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级英语上同步练习1Unit 1 Self Check 题型:单项填空

—Where Tina go on vacation last summer?

—She to visit the Great Wall.

A. did;went B. does;went C. did;go D. do;go


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级英语上同步练习1Unit 1 Self Check 题型:语法填空

1.There are some ___ (different) between the twin (孪生的)brothers.

2.There are some new ___ (build) in my hometown.

3.They enjoyed ___ (they) in the park last weekend.

4.It was cool and sunny,so we decided ___ (play ) football.

5.Did they go to the beach with ___ (someone)?


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级上英语同步练习1 Unit l Section B 题型:任务型阅读

Unit l My name's Gina.

Hello!My1.name is John.My last name is2..I am 12.1'm in China.My telephone number is 3..1 have a good friend.Her first name is 4..Her last name is Read.She's 13.She is in America (美国).Her L.elephone number is 5..


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级上英语同步练习2Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science第一课时 Section A 题型:单项填空

are you going to be a volleyball player?

—I’m going to play volleyball every day.

A. What B. How C. Where D. When

