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—Sonia,we’re going to the cinema.Would you like to go with us?

—Sorry.I my lessons for tests.

A. review B. reviewed C. am reviewing D. was reviewing

C 【解析】句意:——苏娜,我们要去电影院,你愿意和我们一起去吗?——对不起,我在为考试复习功课。根据we’re going to the cinema.Would you like to go with us?可知是说现在在复习功课,所以用进行时态;故选C

科目:初中英语 来源:2018年中考模拟冲刺英语专题复习试卷:单项填空 题型:单选题

The number of the cars in our neighborhood is about eight , and of them are new cars.

A. hundred; two thirds B. hundred; two third

C. hundreds; two thirds D. hundreds; two third

A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:--在我们社区的小汽车的数量大约是800,他们当中的三分之二是新车。 The number of +名词的复数,表示……的数目;谓语动词用单数, 表示具体几百,数字+hundred,hundred不加s。two thirds of+名词的复数,表示……的三分之二;分数的表达方式,分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子超过一,分母要变复数。根据题意。故选A。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年中考模拟冲刺英语专题复习试卷:单项填空 题型:单选题

—Can you tell me to London?

—Sure.Next month.

A. when you will travel B. when will you travel C. when you travelled D. when did you travel

A 【解析】试题分析:考查宾语从句辨析。由回答中的next month可知用一般将来时态,宾语从句用陈述句语序。故选A。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年中考模拟冲刺英语专题复习试卷:单项填空 题型:单选题

A WeChat(微信)is an invention can help people talk to friends,share photos,ideas and feelings freely.

A. which B. who C. whose D. /

A 【解析】句意:微信是一个能帮助人们自由的和朋友交谈,分享照片,想法和感觉的发明。这是一个定语从句,先行词是 invention,所以引导词用which;故选A


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年中考模拟冲刺英语专题复习试卷:单项填空 题型:单选题

Lucy left here quietly without goodbye to us.

A. say B. says C. said D. saying

D 【解析】句意:露西悄悄地离开这儿,没有和我们说再见。根据without介词,后用doing;故选D


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年中考模拟冲刺英语专题复习试卷:单项填空 题型:单选题

—Thank you for carrying me to hospital, young man! It’s kind of you.

—_____________. Helping others makes me happy.

A. Yes, please   B. No, thank you

C. You are welcome   D. No, you don’t have to

C 【解析】 试题分析:Yes, please是的,请吧;No, thank you不,谢谢你;You are welcome不客气;No, you don’t have to不,你不必。句意:谢谢你送我到医院,年轻人!你太好心了。根据下文,帮助别人会让我很高兴。可知选C,最符合语境。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年中考模拟冲刺英语专题复习试卷:单项填空 题型:单选题

一Frank,you look worried.Anything wrong?

一Well,I______a test and I”m waiting for the result.

A. will take B. took C. am taking D. take

B 【解析】考查动词时态。根据答语中“我正在等待结果”可知考试是过去发生的动作,故应该用过去时态,所以答案为B。


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省昆山市2018年中考英语复习题型集训:阅读理解) 题型:阅读单选

Teenager Tony was skiing(滑雪) with his family in the USA when he fell over and lost one of his skis(滑雪板).His family didn't know that he had a problem.They kept on skiing.When they got to the foot of the mountain, there was no sign of Tony.

Tony couldn't find his ski anywhere.In the end, he decided to take off his other ski and walk down the mountain.But he couldn't work out the right way to go.

It was now getting dark and it was far from any place of safety.He knew that he might die that night in the cold temperatures.But he kept calm.At home, Tony watched many TV programmes about living in difficult situations.He remembered the advice from these programmes and knew he should build a hole in the snow.He made a hole and pointed it up the hill so the wind couldn't blow into it.Outside it was very cold, but inside Tony was safe from the cold.

But he had to get down the mountain.The TV programmes always said, “If you are lost, you should find someone else's tracks(轨迹) through the snow and follow them.” So Tony found some ski tracks and followed them.Finally, he found some workers who came to save him.He was safe! His mum was very happy when she heard the news.

So, next time someone says that watching TV is a waste of time, think of Tony.Sometimes TV can save your life!

1.Tony's parents didn't know that he was missing until ________.

A. some workers found Tony

B. they reached the foot of the mountain

C. Tony lost one of his skis

D. they began to ski down the mountain

2.The most important decision Tony made for his safety was________.

A. to go skiing with his family in the USA

B. to search for the ski that he had lost in the snow

C. to build a hole in the snow to keep himself warm

D. to take off his other ski and walk down the mountain

3.How did Tony get down the mountain?

A. He followed his parents.

B. He followed some ski tracks.

C. He followed the workers.

D. He followed some lights.

4.Facing the difficulties, Tony was ________.

A. calm and clever

B. polite and kind

C. outgoing and friendly

D. warm and hard?working

5.The passage is mainly about________.

A. a happy journey in the USA

B. the importance of skiing

C. a TV programme about skiing

D. how Tony saved himself in the snow

1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.D 【解析】试题分析:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要叙述了一个叫Tony的男孩在深山迷路后不慌张,根据平时在电视上所学到的自救知识进行自救且顺利脱险。这个故事告诉我们:孩子看电视不一定是坏事,从中可以学到很多知识。 1.题意:托尼的父母直到 才知道他失踪了。考查细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“When they got to th...


科目:初中英语 来源:河北省2016-2017学年七年级下学期月考一英语试卷 题型:单选题

_____ is important for us ______ our own ideas.

A. That; having B. It; have C. That; to have D. It;to have

D 【解析】句意:对我们来说,有自己的想法是很重要的。根据“句型It’s adj. for sb. to do sth.:做某事对于某人来说怎么样;”结合句意可知选D。

