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A. Choose to Be Happy                B. Do Something New.
C. Look for the Opportunity           D. Learn from Losing
小题1:No one wins all the time. Learn from the times that you lose. All great champions were once loser at some point.  But they learned. And they kept a position attitude until they got better.
小题2:Your happiness is up to you. Many people forget this. Truly successful people choose happiness no matter what their present situations are.
小题3:Chances lie in what you do every day. You do the same work. You eat the same foods. You wear the same clothes. Try a new way. Take a new path. Even talk to someone new.
小题4:Opportunity is everywhere. Even the worst situations have opportunities. Seize (抓住) the   opportunity, and seize the time. That's the secret of success.
小题5:The material above tells us the ways to ______.    
A.find a good jobB.live a positive life
C.protect the environmentD.keep us healthy


小题1:D本段大意:没有人始终能赢。最伟大的冠军也有失败的时候,关键是要从失败中吸取教训,保持积极的心态,直到更进一步。选项D. Learn from Losing(从失败中学习),故选D。
小题2:A本段大意:你的幸福取决于你自己。真正成功的人不管所处什么境况,他都选择幸福。选项A. Choose to Be Happy(选择幸福),故选A。
小题3:B本段大意:机会存在于我们日常所做的事情中。要尝试用新的方法做事,走新的道路,甚至同新来的某些人说话。选项B. Do Something New.(做一些新的事情。)故选B。
小题4:C本段大意:运气处处皆有。即使在最不好的境地里也有好运。要学会抓住运气,抓住时机。那就是成功的秘诀。选项C. Look for the Opportunity(寻找运气),故选C。
小题5:B 这几段材料告诉我们什么方法?选项A. find a good job找到好工作;B. live a positive life  过一个积极的生活;C. protect the environment 保护环境;D. keep us healthy使我们保持健康。故选B。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

If you look at the sky one night and see something moving and shining that you have never seen before, it might be a comet (彗星).
  A comet sometimes looks like a star. Like a planet, a comet has no light of its own. It shines from the sunlight it reflects (反射). Like the earth, a comet goes round the sun, but on a much longer path (轨道) than the earth travels.
If a comet isn’t a star, what is it then?
    Some scientists think that a large part of a comet is water frozen into pieces of ice and mixed with iron and rock dust and perhaps a few big pieces of rock. When sunshine melts (融化) the ice in the comet, great clouds of gas go trailing after it. These clouds, together with the dust, form a long tail.Many people perhaps have seen a comet. However no one knows how many comets there are. There may be millions of comets, but only a few come close enough for us to see.
  An Englishman named Edmund Halley, who lived from 1656 to 1742, found out a lot about the paths that comets take through the sky. Some comets move out of our sight and never come back. Others keep coming back at regular times. A big comet that keeps coming back was named after Halley because he was the one who worked out when it would come back again. Maybe you have ever seen Halley’s Comets because the last time it came close to the sun and the earth was in the year 1986. Then people all over the world were outside at night to look at it. You will probably be able to see Halley’s Comets when it comes near the earth again.
小题1:A comet is like ________.
A.sunB.moonC.sunlightD.the earth
小题2:A large part of a comet is ______.
A.water and rock
B.water frozen into pieces of ice and mixed with iron
C.ice, iron and rock dust
D.only a few big pieces of rock
小题3:Maybe many people _______.
A.haven’t seen any cometsB.have seen all comets
C.have seen a comet at daytimeD.have seen a comet
小题4:Some comets keep coming back ________.
A.at any timeB.at noonC.at regular timesD.at daytime
小题5:Halley’s Comets came back _____.
A.in 1990B.in 1980C.in 1986D.in 1989


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It's very early in the morning and I'm sitting outside. It's also very cold and dark. With me is Jim Nightingale, and he is the reason I'm up so early. He passes me a hot cup of coffee. "Not long to wait now," he says. I hope he's right.
After a few minutes there is a very weak light in the east, and then I hear a bird singing. It sings very loud and very clear. "That's the robin(知更鸟)," says Jim. A few more birds start singing with the robin and Jim knows the names of them too. Half an hour later, there are more and more birds singing, and it's very loud! Suddenly, all around us the air is full of the sound of birdsong. This is the dawn chorus(晨鸣), and it's beautiful.
"Wow, this is amazing!" I tell Jim, who is smiling. "Is there a dawn chorus every morning?"
"Birds can sing any time of the year but the best time is the end of winter and during the spring. This is when the birds sing most."
"Really? So, why do they sing?" I ask.
"Well, there are two reasons," explains Jim. "Most of the songbirds who sing are males. They want to find a female(雌性)so they sing to show how strong they are. The females listen and choose the best singer! The birds also sing to tell other males to go away. They need their own area; they don't like sharing with another male."
I listen to the birds; the songs seem too much to me. "Do the birds sing a special song in the morning?"
"That's a good question," replied Jim. "The successful birds have many kinds of calls and songs. Sometimes they copy the songs of other birds. This makes it sound like there are many birds in that place already and other males stay away. Also the female likes songs with different notes. Some birds, for example the European wren, have songs that contain over 700 different notes per minute!"
So, how does Jim know so much about birds? Well, he works as a volunteer for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. He is trying to help the birds live in the modern world. "More and more of the birds' habitat disappears every year. The sparrow, for example, was a very common bird in the UK, now it's in danger."
By now the sun is up and the birds are quiet. It's light so they can start looking for food, they need a big breakfast after all that singing.
小题1:Why does the writer get up early in the morning?
A.To visit her friend.B.To drink hot coffee.
C.To see different birds.D.To hear birds sing.
小题2:A bird sings early in the morning mainly_______.
A.to call a female's attentionB.to fight with other males
C.to find a place to live inD.to start looking for food
小题3: According to the text, which of the following statements is true?
A.At first the writer is happy to be up so early in the morning.
B.Male birds have their own ways of fooling other birds.
C.It's easier for the birds to find food early in the morning.
D.Jim has a job with the Royal Society for the Proteciton of Birds.
小题4:The text is mainly about_______.
A.the robin's songsB.the birds' habitat
C.why birds singD.how to protect birds


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Good health is very important. Everyone should do all he can to stay healthy. Being in good health means having both body and mind in good order, free from illness and pain.
Good food, plenty of water, cleanness and plenty of rest all help in keeping our machines running as they should. Food does many things for our bodies. It gives what we need for keeping good health. It gives us energy for work and play. No food gives everything we need. We should eat foods of different kinds. Having enough to eat is not the same as having the right food.
The water we drink helps wash away wastes formed inside our bodies. It also puts back the water we lose when we perspire(流汗). Our bodies are actually more than half water. We must drink enough to replace what we lose.
We feel better and look better when we are clean. A bath every one or two days is a good rule for most of us. Brushing our teeth is important part of keeping clean.
Sleep is the best kind of rest. Growing children need more sleep than grown-ups. Children's bodies not only have to be repaired; they also have to grow, No one's body can grow bigger properly while he is working and playing and wearing it out (疲劳).
It has been useful to work for good health. Millions of years ago, people live only 20 years. Now people can live about 70 years. It has gone up 20 years just since the beginning of the present century.
小题1:You should have foods of different kinds because _________.
A.some foods are not good
B.no food can give everything you need
C.different foods taste different
D.different people like different foods
小题2:We must drink enough water to replace what we lose. Here replace means   .
小题3:At the beginning of the present century people live about _________.
A.20 years.B.70 yearsC.40 yearsD.50 years
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Grown-ups sleep less than children because they have a lot of work to do.
B.If one's mind does not work well, he is not considered to be healthy.
C.One cannot grow well when he works too hard.
D.About half of man's body is water.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Cough Medicine
Do you always understand the instructions on a bottle of medicine? Here’s one for John. John is twelve years old. He had a bad cold and coughed day and night. He went to see a doctor. The doctor gave him some cough medicine. Please read the following instructions and see if you can understand them.

小题1: John should take ______ a day.
A. 1 teaspoonful         B. 2 teaspoonfuls       C 3 teaspoonfuls
小题2:The medicine should be kept in ______.
A. any place              B. hot water         C. a fridge
小题3:John should ______ before he takes it.
A. drink a cup of tea     B. eat nothing         C. shake the medicine well
小题4:When people are ______ years old, they cannot take medicine.
A. two                B. twelve                C. thirty
小题5:John will ______ the medicine when it is left after December 1st, 2010.
A. take once             B. throw away         C. take six times more


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Scientists have found a new use for children’s imaginations(想象力)—to make Stomachaches go away.   
The BBC reports a new study that shows: “Children can be taught to use their Imaginations to deal with stomachaches.” This may be very good news for parents who need a quick cure for their sick children.
Any mother or father understands the stomach problem is one of the most frequent(时常发生的) things their children complain about. Around twenty percent of children suffer from stomachaches that doctors cannot find a reason for.
This new research is especially good for kids with active imaginations. Researchers found that the more creative the child is, the better he or she is at imagining the pain away.
The researchers used a relaxing CD with children. A voice guided them through different fantasy(幻想) situations. One of these was pretending to be floating on a cloud. Thirty children took part in the tests. Half of them used the “guided imagery” method, and the other half received normal medicines. Researchers found 73.3 percent of the CD users reported a reduction in pain. This compared to only 26.7 percent of kids who got normal treatment.
Study leader Dr Miranda Tilburg was very excited about her findings. She believed that it was a very cheap and easy way to stop children’s stomachaches. She said it would not work as well with adults.
小题1:The new study may be good news for those who____________.
A.have less imaginations
B.don’t know how to relax
C.want to stop their kids’ stomachaches in a short time
D.can find why children suffer from stomachaches
小题2:What kind of kids will benefit most from the new research?
A.Kids who like listening to music.
B.Kids who are good at remembering things.
C.The independent(独立的) kids.
D.Kids with active imaginations.
小题3:From the end of the passage, we know that__________.
A.adults can also use their imaginations to make stomachaches go away
B.Dr Miranda Tilburg wasn’t pleased with her findings
C.the normal cure for stomachaches will not be used
D.a cheap and easy way to stop children’s stomachaches has been found
小题4:What is the best title for this passage?
A.How to stop stomachaches in public places.
B.Children can “imagine” their pain away.
C.Children’s imaginations are very active.
D.How to develop children’s imaginations.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

We know music is very important in our daily life. Do you notice music playing at any of those places when you go somewhere? Today most stores, stations, restaurants and other places play music. You might even hear music in an office or on a farm.
Scientists believe that music influences the way people behave(行为). They think that the sound of western classical music makes people feel richer. When a restaurant plays classical music, people spend more money on food and drinks. When the restaurant plays modern music, people spend less money. Without music, people spend less.
Scientists also believe that loud, fast music makes people eat faster. Some restaurants play fast music during their busy hours. This makes people eat faster and leave quickly. Restaurants can make more money in this way.
Some scientists think that music makes you think and learn better. They say that music helps students to be more active. It is true that people learn better when they are relaxed. And listening to music can help you relax.
The next time you hear music somewhere, be careful. It might influence the way you do things.
小题1:According to the text, scientists believe that music can _______.
A.Create different feelings for us
B.Help us to develop good habits
C.Develop our interest in money
D.Influence natural environments
小题2:Western classical music makes people feel _________.
A.slowerB.Something about manners
C.richerD.Something with new styles
小题3:Which type of music below can make people eat faster?
A.Light music.B.Rock music.C.Sweet music.D.Soft music.
小题4:The habit of listening to music can make a student ___________.
A.slow in actionB.care about manners
C.think and learn betterD.worry about studies
小题5:Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
A.Music in restaurantsB.Good and Bad music
C.Types of musicD.Music and Behavior


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Almost everyone likes to eat apples. Apples trees grow in nearly every part of the world. The United States produces (出产) more apples than any other country except(除外) France. The states of Washington and New York grow the most apples.
Apples are red, yellow or green. They are very popular in the United States. Many people like to carry apples to work or to school to eat with their lunches. Most American people are often too busy or too tired to cook dinner, so they often have their dinners very simply(简单地). Apple juice is also a popular drink and apple pie is the favorite dessert for many Americans.
  The state of Washington is proud(骄傲) of its apples. The trees there produce about five billion apples every year—nearly one apple for every man, woman and child in the whole world.
小题1:Almost everyone likes to eat _______________.
小题2:___________ produces the most apples in the world.
A.The United StatesB.CanadaC.ChinaD.France
小题3:Many Americans like to eat apples during lunch because they _______ at noon.
A.eat nothing but applesB.feel it better to eat apples
C.often eat simple foodD.can get apples easily
小题4: “The trees there produce about five billion apples every year.” One billion is ­­­__.
小题5:The state of Washington is proud of its apples because they think_____________.
A.everyone in the world can share (分享) their happiness
B.they can produce as many apples as people all over the world
C.their apples are better than any of the other fruits
D.their apple trees are the best in the world


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Grades aren’t everything, but if you or your parents are worried about your report cards, try some of these easy tips.
小题1:____________________Find out how much time you need to spend on each subject every week, and figure out from your teachers when the homework is due, and then make a schedule. According to the schedule, you are able to make a study pan.
小题2:_________________.Most teachers base grades on homework, and it’s easier to keep up with your assignments(作业) than it is to dig yourself out of a hole.
小题3:_________________Your teachers may have suggestions about what you can do to learn more and improve what you can’t. But you have to ask!
小题4:___________________When you get a bad grade, you probably get angry and sad. That’s  normal, but you should also use the experience to try to figure out what went wrong so you can avoid the same mistake in the future.
Study with your friends. Sometimes it’s hard to get started on homework, so you may meet with one or two friends to do your work. But this won’t work if you and your friends decide to watch TV or play video games instead of doing your homework!
A. Do your homework.
B. Create a study plan.
C. Learn from your mistakes.
D. Talk to your teachers.
小题5:What’s the best title of the passage?
A.How to learn from others.B.How to try tips.
C.How to do your homeworkD.How to get good grades

