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A fool has gained nothing from the time ______, for he ______ nothing.

A.passing; has paid B.passed; has been paid

C.passing; has been paid D.passed; has paid


科目:初中英语 来源:湖南省2018-2019学年九年级下学期第六次限时训练英语试卷 题型:单选题

— Does your school have any changes, Gao Wei?

— Yes, of course. The small library ________I used to study in now has become a big one.

A.which B.where C.what


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年内蒙古通辽市开鲁县中考一模英语试卷 题型:完成句子


We all agree that this problem must be discussed _________ __________.


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年内蒙古通辽市开鲁县中考一模英语试卷 题型:听句子选答语

A.See you. B.I’m fine. C.Eggs and milk.


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年湖南省实验班自主招生考试英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

To become a doctor in the United States, students usually attend four years of medical school after they complete college. Then these young doctors work in hospitals for several years to complete a training program called a residency(住院医生实习期).

These medical residents provide hospitals with needed services in return for not much pay. They work under the supervision(管理)of medical professors and more experienced doctors. Medical residents treat patients. They carry out tests. They perform operations. They complete records. In hospitals with few nurses, residents also do work formerly done by nurses. Some medical residents work one-hundred or more hours in a single week.

They often work for more than thirty-six hours at a time before they can rest.

Critics(批评家)of this system say medical residents work too long and do not get enough rest. They say these young doctors may be too tired to perform their medical duties effectively. Now, the government will limit the number of hours of work that residents can work. Most doctors in training will be limited to eighty-four hours of work each week. They will have work periods of no more than twenty-four hours at one time. They will have ten hours of rest between work periods.

Medical residents will have one day each week when they do not have to work. Any work they accept outside their hospitals will be limited. Experienced doctors and medical professors will closely supervise the residents to make sure they are not too tired to work.

Many medical residents welcomed the work limits. Others, however, said the new policy may interfere with patient care and their own medical education.

1.If a first-year college student in America wants to be a doctor, he has to wait for ________.

A.4 years B.8 years C.at least 10 years D.more than 20 years

2.Medical residents are not responsible for________.

A.supervising students B.treating patients

C.carrying patients D.doing operations

3.The underlined sentence in the second paragraph means that they have to________.

A.work 36 hours every week B.rest for 36 hours before they can go to work

C.work continuously for 36 hours D.take a rest every 36 hours

4.Why does the government limit the number of hours that residents work?

A.Medical residents get too much money.

B.Medical residents should go back to school to study.

C.There are not enough work for nurses.

D.Medical residents may make mistakes if they work too long.

5.The underlined word "Others" in the last paragraph refers to________.

A.some critics B.some medical professors

C.some experienced doctors D.some medical residents


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年湖南省实验班自主招生考试英语试卷 题型:单选题

______ Yancheng today is more beautiful now. Mr. Jackson said he would visit it ______ fourth time.

A.The; / B.The; the C./; a D.The; a


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年湖南省实验班自主招生考试英语试卷 题型:单选题

—Would you like some coffee?

—Yes, please. By the way, do you have any milk? I prefer coffee ______ milk.

A.from B.with C.to D.for


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年上海市松江区中考二模英语试卷 题型:回答问题

On Friday, 7 June, an Italian Airlines flight was ready to leave Rome for Tokyo in Japan. All the passengers were on the plane. The departure time was 21:00. The seatbelt signs were turned on, so passengers were not allowed to stand up and had to stay in their seats. Then something unusual happened.

A woman decided that she had to go to the toilet. So she got up and walked to the back of the plane. The toilet door was clearly marked ‘TOILET’, but the woman opened a door next to the toilet. This door was the emergency exit and, when she opened it, the evacuation slide (逃生滑梯) opened. Because of this, the plane was not able to take off.

All the passengers had to leave the plane. When the evacuation slide has opened, there are two possibilities. Workers can change the slide at the airport, but the flight will be delayed for a long time. Or the plane can take off without an evacuation slide and replace it when it has landed, but the number of passengers on the plane must be smaller for safety reasons.

Thirty-eight passengers had to stay at a hotel at the Airport and take another flight the next day. The other passengers got back on the plane, and it finally took off at 05:10 on Saturday morning. It arrived in Tokyo at 14:10. Some passengers found that their luggage was still in Italy. But perhaps they were lucky …

1.What city was the Italian Airlines flight ready to fly to?

2.Passengers on the plane were allowed to stand up and walk about, weren’t they?

3.Why was the flight delayed?

4.In what situation can the plane take off without the evacuation slide?

5.How long did it take the plane to get to the destination?

6.Do you think the passengers on the plane lucky or unlucky? Why?


科目:初中英语 来源:湖南省2017-2018学年九年级下学期第一次月考英语试卷 题型:完型填空

When my son, Justin, was 4, he found a caterpillar(毛毛虫) and put it in a jar. Each day, he ______ it plenty of fresh grass and leaves. In a few weeks, the caterpillar was ______ and ready to sleep. One morning, we discovered the caterpillar wrapped (包裹) in a cocoon(茧).

Justin was ______. He knew a moth (蛾子) or butterfly was about to be born. The cocoon had become clear and we would see ______ inside. A few days later, a beautiful black moth broke free from its cocoon and began to lay eggs on the grass.

The next day, Justin took the jar outside, opened the jar, and the little moth flew out. It circled the yard twice, came back, and ______ on Justin’s arm. Justin picked it up, let it go into the air, and it came back. He tried over and over to set it ______, but each time, it would return to his arm. After a few return flights, the moth finally flew off into the tall grass.

I believe the moth, like a person, was afraid to ______ what it was comfortable with. It wanted to stay with something familiar, and was scared to move on and experience ______ things.

I was ______ that little moth and felt scared to move. But if I hadn’t ______, I wouldn’t have been able to watch my wonderful son experience the cycle of life.

1.A.caught B.fed C.put

2.A.fat B.new C.alive

3.A.sad B.scared C.excited

4.A.eggs B.wings C.birds

5.A.started B.landed C.jumped

6.A.back B.free C.off

7.A.drop B.stay C.leave

8.A.new B.bad C.wild

9.A.often B.never C.once

10.A.went B.moved C.flew

