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We do eye exercises. We wear sunglasses. We do a lot of things to protect our eyes. But we usually forget another important part of our body – the ears.

Ears help us hear the world. But many things, such as loud noise can hurt your ears. Once this happens, it’s hard to get your hearing back.

March 3 is Ear Care Day. It reminds us to take good care of our ears. So how can we do this? Let’s take a look together.

Keep your ears dry and warm

Dry our ears with a towel after swimming or taking a bath. If you feel water in your ear, shake your head a little a bit. This can help you get the water out of your ear.

Also, when the sun is shining, use some sunscreen on your ears. During the winter, protect your ears with a hat or a scarf.

How to clean your ears

Usually, our ears can clean themselves. The earwax builds up, dries out, and then comes out of the ear along with some dirt.

So don’t clean your ears with anything sharp. Sharp objects can make the earwax go too deep into your ears and hurt them. But if the earwax is making you feel bad, you can ask a doctor for help.

How to use headphones

Don’t listen to loud music on your headphones for a long time. Follow the 60:60 rule: listen to music at 60 percent of your headphones’ maximum volume(最大音量)for no more than 60 minutes a day.

Over-the-ear headphones are better than in-ear ones. They do a better job of stopping outside noise, so you can listen at a lower volume.

1.Which of the following ways is bad for your ears?

A. Using a towel to dry your ears after swimming. B. Keeping water stay in your ear for long.

C. Using sunscreen on your ears in summer. D. Wearing a hat or scarf in winter.

2.The underlined word “sharp” means ___.

A. 圆的 B. 锋利的 C. 柔软的 D. 干净的

3.Over-the-ear headphones are better than in-ear ones because _____.

A. they only work at a lower volume B. they can keep the ears drier and warmer

C. they keep the ears cleaner and stop dirt D. they can stop more outside noise

4.The story mainly tells us ___.

A. why ears are an important part of our bodies B. how to take care of our ears

C. what can hurt ears D. why we need Ear Care Day

1.B 2.B 3.D 4.B 【解析】试题本文是一篇说明文,作者从“保持耳朵干燥和温暖”“如何清洁你的耳朵”和“如何使用耳机”三个方面谈了如何保护耳朵。 1.题意:下列哪种方法对你的耳朵有害?考查细节理解题。根据If you feel water in your ear, shake your head a little a bit.,耳朵里有水会损伤耳朵,可知选B...

科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省牛津译林版八年级英语下册:Unit8 单元检测 题型:单选题

—Put waste bag into the dustbin,please. —It’s not waste bag. It’s my shopping bag.

A. the, a B. a,the C. a,a D. /, the

A 【解析】 句意:- 请将这个垃圾袋放入垃圾箱。这不是一个垃圾袋。这是我的购物袋。第一空是在说把“那个”垃圾袋扔掉,是特指说话人都知道的“那个”,用定冠词the,第二空是泛指,表示那不是“一个”垃圾袋,用不定冠词a,故选A。


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省七年级下学期Unit7 单元练习 题型:单选题

— I found Tom sleeping at his desk, so I put my coat him.

— It’s really kind of you to do that.

A. out B. over C. above D. across

B 【解析】句意:——我发现汤姆正在趴在书桌上睡觉,所以我把我的大衣给他披上。——你这样做真是太善良了。put… out把……扑灭;put sth over sb给某人披上某物;put…above把……放在……之上;put…across圆满完成。根据I found Tom sleeping at his desk,可知此处表示汤姆趴在书桌上睡着了,因此我把大衣给他披上,故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省灌南县2018届九年级各校命题评比中考英语模拟试卷 题型:单选题

—May I watch TV now?

— No, you ________. You ________ do your homework first.

A. may not; can B. can’t; may

C. may not; must D. can’t; must

D 【解析】句意:---我现在可以看电视吗?---不,不能。你必须先完成作业。此题考查情态动词。根据句意,应选D。


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省灌南县2018届九年级各校命题评比中考英语模拟试卷 题型:单选题

---What _______fine weather it is!

---Yes. Why not play_________ guitar in the garden?

A. a; the B. an; a C. \; the D. \; an

C 【解析】句意:------多好的天气啊!------是的。为什么不在花园里弹吉他呢?What引导的感叹句构成:(1)What + a/an+形容词+名词+主语+谓语!(2)What + 形容词+不可数名词或可数名词复数+主语+谓语!weather是不可数名词,故不用任何冠词;乐器前用定冠词the,故弹吉他是:play the guitar;结合选项可知选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:四川省资阳市毕业班适应性检测英语试卷 题型:单选题

—Have you asked the policeman _______?

— Yes. He told us to turn left onto Main Street. It’s on the right.

A. if there is a bank near here B. how can we get to the nearest bank

C. where can we find a bank D. when we can go to the nearest bank

A 【解析】英语宾语从句中一般为陈述语序。根据下文,是的,他告诉我左转道主街上。就在右边。可知上文宾语从句与地点有关。选项BC为倒装语序,选项D问的是时间,故选A,你问警察这儿附近是否有银行了吗?


科目:初中英语 来源:四川省资阳市毕业班适应性检测英语试卷 题型:单选题

—What do you think your life will be like________ ten years?

—Yeah. I have thought about it________ three years.

A. before; of B. after; in C. for;for D. in;for

D 【解析】句意:——你认为十年后你的生活会是什么样子?——是的。我已经考虑了三年了。考查介词辨析题。of主要表示所有关系和范围,不表时间,可排除。after 在以后,是以过去为起点,用于一般过去时;before “在……之前”,与after相对。for表时间的长度,后接一段时间,用于现在完成时态。in表时间是以现在为起点,表示从现在起多久以后,用于将来时态。before和after都不合句...


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级英语上册Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation 单元测试卷 题型:单选题

Excuse me, I seem a little lost. Can you tell me how to get to the Green Park?

A. be B. being

C. to be D. to being

C 【解析】 句意:打扰一下,我好像有点迷路了,你能告诉我怎样去格林公园吗?be是,动词原形;being是动名词形式;to be动词不定式;to being是介词to后跟动名词形式。句中动词是seem,常用于句型seem to do sth.好像…,故这里应用动词不定式,选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018人教版八年级英语下期 Unit1- 2单词拼写 专题复习 题型:单选题

Recycling is good, so don't ______ bottles or newspapers.

A. find out B. hand in C. use up D. throw away

D 【解析】 试题句意:回收是好的,所以不要扔掉瓶子和报纸。A. find out 查明; B. hand in 上交; C. use up 用光; D. throw away扔掉。根据Recycling is good可知此处表示要回收利用,不要乱扔东西,故选D。

