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(   ) 20. ―Sam hurt his leg yesterday. Now he's in hospital.


   A. That's all   B. That's all right

   C. I hope you'll feel better soon   D. I'm sorry to hear that

20. D对别人的不幸应表示同情。

题目来源:中考英语丢分题修订版 > 单项选择


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 30. Though he isn't rich,he often        some money to the poorer children.

   A. gives away   B. gives out   C. gives in   D. gives up


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 21. Mary was drawing on the blackboard        the teacher came in.

   A. when   B. while   C. as   D. since


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 8. ―I'm going to take part in the 100-meter race.


   A. What a pity   B. How terrible   C. Not too bad   D. Good luck


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 15. ―Mum,could I watch TV for a moment?

        ,but you must finish your homework first.

   A. Fm afraid not   B. I don't thank so

   C. Why not   D. All right


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 25. ―James,I am sorry I used your physics book when you were away this morning.


   A. That's all right   B. It's a pleasure

   C. You are welcome   D. Thank you


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  One Saturday afternoon,Kate went to buy something for her sister and herself.

As Kate was coming out of a        (1)        ,a young lady walked towards her. She said she was Miss Green―a good friend of Kate's sister's. Kate (2)        her. Then she called a taxi to send Kate home. She (3)        the driver where he should go. Kate was (4)        that it was not in the direction of her home.

  " (5)        ?" Kate asked. The lady smiled.

  When they came to a quiet road,a big rough man (6)       on the road. He stopped the taxi driver,knocked him down,tied him,and threw him out of the (7)       At the same time,Miss Green took out a knife and (8)       it at Kate. She asked Kate to keep (9) The man then started the taxi.

  "Oh,God!I'm being kidnapped (绑架) ”,Kate said to herself.

She tried to escape,but not (10)        Suddenly an (11)        came to her. She took out a lipstick ( 口红) from her pocket,wrote "SOS" on the window,and covered the word with her (12)      

  A few minutes later,a police car (13)       and the policemen saw the sign. When the kidnappers saw the policemen,they stopped the taxi,jumped into the grass,and ran away.

  The policemen then (14)       Kate up and sent her home. When her parents knew what had happened,they were greatly surprised. But they were also (15)       because their daughter had finally come back safely.

(   ) 1. A. school   B. taxi   C. shop   D. friend's

(   ) 2. A. knew   B. believed   C. thanked   D. remembered

(   ) 3. A. told   B. asked   C. wondered   D. checked

(   ) 4. A. sure   B. excited   C. surprised   D. pleased

(   ) 5. A. What   B. Where   C. When   D. Why

(   ) 6. A. drove   B. climbed   C. fell   D. appeared

(   ) 7. A. road   B. sight   C. taxi   D. home

(   ) 8. A. shouted   B. played   C. hurt   D. pointed

(   ) 9. A. healthy   B. alive   C. relaxed   D. quiet

(   ) 10. A. happened   B. failed   C. succeeded   D. hurried

(   ) 11. A. idea   B. answer   C. interest   D. order

(   ) 12. A. hands   B. back   C. dress   D. lipstick

(   ) 13. A. stopped   B. left   C. passed   D. turned

(   ) 14. A. lifted   B. held   C. put   D. picked

(   ) 15. A. worried   B. happy   C. proud   D. successful


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Jeff Keith has only one leg. When he was only twelve years old,he had cancer. Doctors had to (1)       off most of his right leg.

  Every day,Jeff puts on an artificial leg (假肢 ) .The leg is plastic. With the plastic leg,Jeff can ski,ride a bicycle,swim,and play soccer. He can also run.

  Jeff made a plan with his friends who had plastic legs,        (2) They decided to (3)       across America. They all wore special T-shirts. On it was "Run,Jeff,Run. Jeff Keith's Run Across America".

  Jeff Keith ran across the United States from the east to the west (4)       he was twentytwo years old. He started running in Boston. Seven (5)       later,he stopped running in Los Angeles. He ran 3,200 miles. Jeff wore out thirtysix pairs (6)       running shoes and five plastic legs. Jeff (7)       in cities on the way to Los Angeles. In every city people gave Jeff money. The money was not for Jeff,        (8) for the American Cancer Society. The Society used the money to help people know more about cancer.

  On the way to Los Angeles,Jeff talked to people about (9)       Jeff is disabled (残疾) ,but he can do many things. He finished college and is studying to be a lawyer. Jeff says, "People can do (10)       they want to do. I want people to know that. I ran not only for disabled people. I ran for everybody."

(   ) 1. A. take   B. cut   C. put   D. set

(   ) 2. A. also   B. too   C. either   D. neither

(   ) 3. A. walk   B. fly   C. swim   D. run

(   ) 4. A. while   B. because   C. when   D. if

(   ) 5. A. months   B. days   C. hours   D. minutes

(   ) 6. A. at   B. for   C. in   D. of

(   ) 7. A. reached   B. studied   C. stopped   D. started

(   ) 8. A. and   B. but   C. or   D. so

(   ) 9. A. cancer   B. walk   C. society   D. America

(   ) 10. A. any   B. thing   C. nothing   D. anything


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 A famous foreign company in China wanted a clerk for its public relation department (公关部) .

  A beautiful girl with a master's degree (硕士学位) went through a lot of challenges and went to the final. In the final stage she faced an interview together with another girl. Both of them were outstanding,not only in looks but also in education.

  The girl was successful in the interview. It seemed that she would get the chance. At last the examiner asked her, "Can you come to the office next Monday?" Shocked by the unexpected question,the beautiful girl couldn't make a decision at the moment,so she said, "I have to talk with my parents before I give an answer. " The examiner felt surprised but said calmly , " If so,let's wait till you are ready."

  The next day,the girl came to tell the examiner that her parents had agreed to let her begin work next Monday. But the examiner said regretfully (遗憾地) ,"Sorry,another suitable candidate (选手) has got the job. You had better try another place."The beautiful girl was surprised. She asked for an explanation (and was told, " What is needed here is a person who knows her own mind."

  That was how a good opportunity right under the nose of a beautiful girl ran away.

(   ) 1. The beautiful girl wanted to ask her parents for advice because     .

   A. she didn't like the job

   B. she didn't expect the examiner would ask such a question

   C. she didn't want to answer the question

   D. her parents would be angry if she didn't ask them

(   ) 2. We can learn from the passage that         .

   A. the company lost its best clerk

   B. no girl got the job

   C. the other girl who failed in the last interview might get the job

   D. the examiner was very pleased with the girl

(   ) 3. The examiner regarded        as the most important.

   A. a person's confidence   B. a person's knowledge

   C. a person's age   D. a person's beautiful looks

(   ) 4. The phrase "right under the nose of" probably means         .

   A. 就在鼻子下   B. 想要得到的

   C. 没有把握的   D. 就在眼前的

(   ) 5. The best title for the passage above might be         .

   A. Make Decisions with Your Parents

   B. A Successful Interview

   C. Use Your Own Mind

   D. Answer the Examiner's Question Quickly

