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The boy was so hungry that he ate________ hamburgers for dinner yesterday.

A. other two B. another two C. two another D. more two


科目:初中英语 来源:湖北省适应性训练(四) 题型:单选题

It's wrong and dangerous to leave children under a(an)______ age alone in the house.

A. young B. certain C. middle D. early


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版英语八年级上Unit3测试 题型:阅读单选

Emily has a pen friend in England.Her name is Alice.They write to each other twice a month.In her last letter Alice told Emily how she spent a week in Japan with her family.Here is Emily's reply (答复).

Dear Alice,

Thank you for your last letter.I enjoyed reading it very much.It seemed that you had a more wonderful summer vacation than I did.I hope I can also go to Japan one day.

In this letter I will tell you about my best friend.Her name is Kate.

Kate has long brown hair and blue eyes.We are both 13years old,but she is a little taller than me.She is always happy and very friendly.

We sit next to each other in class.She is good at math,and I do well in history.We often help each other with our schoolwork.We always go home together and play computer games for an hour.Kate thinks very quickly and she usually wins.

Kate is learning to play the piano.I am learning to play the violin.We practice together every Monday and Wednesday.Now we can both play very well.

Sometimes Kate stays the night at my house,or I stay the night at her house.We always have a good time.Do you ever stay the night at your best friend‘s house?

Write soon!




1.What did Alice write about in her last letter to Emily? ______

A. Her family. B. Her study.

C. Her best friend. D. Her summer vacation.

2.What does Emily do after she goes back from school? ______

A. She watches TV. B. She plays sports.

C. She does her homework. D. She plays computer games.

3.How often does Emily practice the violin? ______

A. Once a week. B. Twice a week.

C. Once a month. D. Twice a month.

4.How are Emily and Kate similar? ______

A. They are both good at history.

B. They can both play the violin.

C. They are both thirteen years old.

D. They both have long brown hair.

5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the letter? ______

A. Emily and Kate are classmates.

B. Kate hopes to go to Japan one day.

C. Emily finds it hard to play the violin well.

D. Emily and Kate live in the same neighborhood.


科目:初中英语 来源:2018-2019人教版八年级英语(Unit 1~Unit 3)单元测试 题型:阅读单选

Dear grandpa,

How are you? I'm writing to say a big “Thank you” for my birthday gift. I really love the MP6 and I listen to it every day when I walk to work.

Everything here is going well. I started my new job last week and I like it very much. These days I'm living with some friends in an apartment(公寓) in the city center, but it's very expensive, so I'm trying to find another place. I will look at an apartment tomorrow, ten kilometers outside the city.

What other news(消息) is here? Well, I'm learning to drive these days. Mom told me on the phone last night that you bought a new car. Is the car cool?

I saw Mom and Dad last week. I traveled(旅行) down Bridgton on Friday night and stayed for the weekend. Mom's fine but Day isn't very happy. He doesn't like his job. I think he should try to find a new one.

I have to stop now because Joe is calling me. We will go to Mary's party tonight. Take care, and thank you again.



1.What did Dave's grandfather give him for his birthday?

A. A radio. B. A basketball. C. An MP6. D. An umbrella.

2.Dave wants to find another place to live because his apartment is too___________.

A. old B. small C. noisy D. expensive

3.Who did Dave talk to on the phone last night?

A. His mother. B. His father.

C. His grandmother D. His grandfather.

4.From the material, we can know that___________.

A. Dave goes to work by bike

B. Dave went to Bridgton last Monday

C. Dave's grandmother bought a new car

D. Dave's father is unhappy about his job

5.What will Dave do tonight?

A. Visit his friend Joe. B. Go to a party.

C. Have dinner with Mary. D. Look at an apartment.


科目:初中英语 来源:2018-2019人教版八年级英语(Unit 1~Unit 3)单元测试 题型:单选题

-How often do you visit your grandparents, Emma?


A. For a week B. Three times C. Twice a week D. Tomorrow


科目:初中英语 来源:2018-2019人教版八年级英语(Unit 1~Unit 3)单元测试 题型:单选题

(题文)Linda and I watched the movie Gone with the Wind yesterday. The movie was so ________ that we really enjoyed it.

A. terrible B. wonderful C. boring D. important


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级上册英语专项训练-词汇 题型:单选题

Do you have __________and __________ for lunch?

A. chicken; potatoes B. chicken; potato

C. chickens; potatoes D. chickens; potato


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新课标八上英语试卷-Unit1 Where did you go on vacation 单元测试 题型:单选题

He doesn’t feel like ______ anything today.

A. to eat B. eating C. eat D. eats


科目:初中英语 来源:人教八年级上Unit9单元小测验 题型:汉译英:单词/短语



_________ you for _________ me to your birthday party.


How often do you _________ _________ your parents?


I’m not _________. I can’t _________ _________ with you.


He ________ leaving Guangzhou ________ next Friday.


You can’t go to school _________ _________ breakfast.


I’m _________ _________ _________ _________ good __________.


Today I _________ ________ stay at home ________ ________ _____ my sister.


He ________ ________ study ________ the English _________.


Can you ________ ________ the _________ with us on Friday?


He is ________ _________ your good news.

