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How time flies, our junior high school (初中) years are coming to an end. After the big exam,most of us will go to          in a senior high school (高中).        are we expecting from senior high? We interview some tudents about their plans for future. Now          hear what plans some students have for the future.
Jerry, 16, from Shanghai, “I have heard that although Senior 3 is a         year, students feel less stressed out in Senior 1 and Senior 2. I hope there’ll be time to enjoy       , especially tennis. The Tennis Masters (大师) Cup will be held in Shanghai. I’m going to volunteer to help out and I’m sure I’ll really enjoy it.”
Han Lily, 15, from Zhongshan, “I really enjoy science. I’m crazy about          model planes, although I’m not good at         . I’ll learn more science in senior high. Anyway, sometimes in the future I’m going to build a super model plane!”
Wan Yang, 17, from Xiamen, “I hope I can be         in senior high school. I’m only 155 cm. I want to be 162 cm.        most of the girls in my family don’t grow any taller than 160 cm. I hope I’m different.”
Li Fan, 16, from Shenzhen, “I hope I can make more friends. In senior high, I’ll meet different people from different areas. I hope I can learn new things         them.”
A.makingB.sittingC.cooking D.cleaning
A.usB.himC.it D.her
A.toB.forC.from D.at


小题1:考查动词及语境的理解。这次大考结束后,我们就要进入高中了. A.walk步行;B.study学习;C.play玩; D。write写。根据in a senior high school进入高中学习,故选B.
小题2:考疑问词及语境的理解。高中我们期盼着什么? A.When 何时;B.How 怎样; C.What什么; D.Where在哪。根据what plans some students have for the future.可知指的是他们的计划。 故选C。
小题3:考查动词及语境的理解。现在让我们一些学生对于将来的计划吧! let’s  让我们。这里是短语let sb do sth让某人做某事。故选A。
小题4:考查形容词及语境的理解。我听说虽然高三是艰难的一年,但是高一和高二很多学生感觉压力没那么大. A.hot热的;   B.hard 艰难的; C.light轻的;D.kind有好的。根据students feel less stressed out in Senior 1 and Senior 2.可知高三压力很大。故选B。
小题5:考查名词及语境的理解。我希望我会有时间享受运动,尤其是网球. A.book书;B.show展览;C.photo照片;D.sports 运动。根据especially tennis可知这里指的体育运动,故选D。
小题6:考查动名词及语境的理解。我执著于制作飞机模型,虽然我不擅长制作A.making   制作;B.sitting坐;    C.cooking做饭;     D.cleaning打扫。这里是短语make model planes做飞机模型。故选A。
小题8:考查形容词及语境的理解。我希望在高中我能更瘦一些. A.shorter更矮; B.stronger更强壮;C.thinner 更瘦; D.taller更高. 根据I’m only 155 cm. I want to be 162 cm.可知作者想要长高,故选D。
小题9:考查连词及语境的理解。但是我们家的大部分女孩长不到160厘米. A.So所以; B.But但是;C.When当……时;D.If如果。 故选B。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

 A. How much is it?      B. What size do you want?
C .What time is it?       D .OK. I’ll take it.
E. May I try it on?       F. Can I help you?
A.    小题1:     
B.  Yes, I’d like to have a T-shirt.
A.    小题2:   
B.  Size XXL.
A.  Here you are.   
B.  Oh, a green one. I don’t like green. Have you got any white ones?
A.  I’m sorry we haven’t got any at the moment. What about a blue one?
B.  That’s all right.    小题3: 
A.  Certainly.
B:   小题4: .
A:  68 dollars.
B:    小题5: 


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

根据短文内容, 选出五个句子填入文中空缺处, 使短文内容完整正确。答案E用“AB”表示,答案F用“CD”表示。(共5小题,计5分)
We were standing at the top of a church not far from my home.    小题1:       .
“Look down,” Father said. I tried and saw the square in the center of the village. And I saw the streets to the square. “See, Elsa,” Father said. “   小题2:      If you can’t get where you want to go by one road, try another.”
Earlier that day, I asked Mother to do something about what we had for lunch at school. 小题3:      When I turned to Father for help, he brought me to the church.
At school the next day, I filled a bottle with the soup for our lunch and took it home. I told the cook to pour the soup in a plate and bring it to Mother. She drank it and cried out, “What’s the matter with the soup today?”   小题4:     , and Mother said that she would take up the matter of lunches at school the next day .
Now I really understood why Father had taken me to the church.  小题5:      I wouldn’t stop working until I tried every way to my goal.
A. There is more than one way to the square.
B. We had a good time.
C. I at once told her what I had done
D. I didn’t know why.
E. I began to work as a fashion designer two years ago.
F. But she didn’t think the food was as bad as I said.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

There were no classes that afternoon, so Henry went to a        shop near his home. The shop sold many jackets. He looked       them and at last chose a very nice one. He      it on and then told the shopkeeper to put it        a bag.
At that time his friend Bruce came into the shop. They hadn’t seen each other for a long time. They were so              to meet again that they forgot          else. Soon they were busy talking on and on happily. It was nearly six o’clock,       they decided to go and have dinner together.
Henry picked up the bag, and walked           the door of the shop. The shopkeeper stopped them and asked Henry to pay for the jacket. Henry looked at him in          at first, but soon he remembered that he hadn’t paid for it. He said        , gave him the money and then left the shop with his friend.
A.fruitB.book C.foodD.clothing
A.atB.forC.up D.after
A.upB.into C.onD.away
A.everythingB.anybodyC.anything D.nobody
A.butB.so thatC.becauseD.so
A.through B.toC.out ofD.around


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Jim was a 15-year-old boy living with his little sister, Joy. Their parents had passed away long ago. Jim took care of Joy by himself.
One day, Jim woke up at 3 in the morning as usual. When Joy was sleeping alone, Jim left their little house to deliver newspapers. As he did so, he found something unusual. One man was sitting in front of Jim’s house. Jim was so surprised that he stopped to look at him closely. It was an icy morning and he looked very old.
The poor old man didn’t have anything to cover himself with. Jim went into his house to get the old man a blanket(毯子). However, there were no extra blankets, so Jim thought hard and took his father’s coat. It was the only thing of his father’s that he had left. Jim wrote a short note. “Sir, I found you sleeping in front of my house. This is my father’s coat. I hope it fits you well.” He put the note in a pocket of the coat, and covered the old man with the coat. Then he went to work. When he came back three hours later, both the man and the coat were gone. Jim thought that it was the best thing he could have done with his father’s coat.
That afternoon, Jim hurried home after school because Joy was at home alone. However, Joy and the old man were standing in front of the house, and Joy shouted to Jim, “Brother!He’s our grandfather!”
The grandfather smiled and said, “Jim, I have been looking for you all around the country for eight years. I’m not rich. But I can take care of you two. Thank you for giving me the coat and letting me know what a good person my grandson is. This coat was the very one that I gave my own son, a long time ago.”
小题1:Jim looked after his little sister by himself because ________.
A.they were too poor B.their grandfather left them
C.he was old enough D.their parents had died
小题2: Jim got up early in the morning to ________.
A.take care of his sisterB.deliver newspapers
C.sit in front of the houseD.find something unusual
小题3: What did Jim do when he saw an old man was sitting in front of his house?
A.He took a blanket and gave it to him.
B.He took his father’s coat to cover him.
C.He stopped and talked to him.
D.He wrote a letter to the police.
小题4: When Jim came back home that afternoon, Joy told him that ________.
A.the old man was their grandpa
B.the old man and the coat were gone
C.their grandpa was looking for them
D.she couldn’t find their father’s coat
小题5: Which of the following is NOT true about the old man?
A.He was happy to find his grandchildren.
B.He thought Jim was a good boy.
C.He was poor and could not take care of them.
D.The coat helped the old man find his grandchildren.
小题6: The best title of the passage is “________”.
A.Jim and JoyB.A newspaper boy
C.An icy morningD.Father’s coat


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Emily and Alex were happy when their family moved to a house with a very big garden. They could climb up trees, grow flowers and even play badminton. They liked to watch the birds flying among the trees in the garden. They even started to put food out to attract more birds.
Everything was fine for a few days until one afternoon there was a strange bumping noise on a window. Emily went outside and found a small bird dead on the grass. Its neck seemed to be broken.
“It must have flown into the window,” Alex said when his sister Emily called him to have a look. “Ah, yes, look here. You can see the mark where it hit the window. There are a couple of tiny feathers stuck(粘贴) on the window.”
“Poor thing!” Emily said.
During the next month, five more birds died in the same way. “Why would they fly to the windows?” they wondered. Finally they found out the truth. When the birds were flying, they couldn’t see into the rooms. All they saw was the reflection(反射) of the garden. They thought that they were flying into trees because they saw trees reflected by the window.
“Something has to be done to save the birds.” the parents decided.
At first, he family tried keeping curtains(窗帘)across the windows, but this made the room dark. Then they bought some strong black paper and cut out the shape of a hawk. They made six hawks – one for each window. They stuck the hawks to the windows. They looked pretty and did not keep out much light. When the birds saw the hawks, they would fly away.
After that, there were no more dead birds. The family were much happier.
小题1: They put food out to attract birds because they         .
A.had a special garden for birds
B.wanted to see more birds flying in the garden
C.had too much bird food to feed the birds
D.wanted to catch some birds in the garden
小题2:          birds died in the garden.
A.4 B.5 C.6 D.7
小题3: The birds flew to the windows because they         .
A.found the windows very clean
B.fought for more food
C.thought there were more trees ahead
D.wanted to go into the room
小题4:The underlined word “hawk” means         .
小题5:The story is mainly about         .
A.why the birds died in the garden
B.the family were good at paper-cutting
C.the family had a very big new house
D.how the family saved the birds in the garden


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Katherine Com male is an 11-year-old girl from Pennsylvania. At the age of five she began raising money to buy nets for children in Africa to help stop the spread of malaria(疟疾).
When she was five, Katherine learnt about malaria in Africa. She learnt that every 30 seconds a child died from this disease. She, also learnt that people wouldn’t get that disease if they had enough bed nets. “I was really sad to learn that a child died every half a minute because of malaria.” Says Katherine, “I wanted to send nets right away, so that’s what I did.”
Five-year-old Katherine made presentations at churches and schools. She told students and others how important bed nets were for Africans. After people heard the presentations, many of them donated money. Katherine sent the money to NBN. NBN is an organization that sends bed nets to Africa.
Besides, every holiday Katherine makes something called “ net gift certificate” with the help of her friends and brothers. On each l0-dollar certificate there is a message. It explains that a bed net would be sent to Africa. When more certificate orders come, Katherine gets help from students in her school.
Katherine has helped to raise $200,000 for NBN. “It makes me proud to help African children. I wont stop working until everyone in Africa has a bed net.” says Katherine.
小题1:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.When Katherine was six, she began helping children in Africa.
B.Katherine learnt that two children died from malaria one minute.
C.Katherine did a lot and helped to raise $ 20,000 for NBN.
D.Katherine’s parents helped her make “bed net gift certificate”.
小题2:In Paragraph 4, “It” refers to “       ”.
A.a 10-dollar note B.a gift certificate
C.an organization D.a message
小题3:From the passage we know Katherine did the following EXCEPT   _______.
A.raisinga great deal of money for NBN
B.givingpresentations at churches and schools
C.explainingthe importance of nets for Africans
D.ordering people to learn to use the nets well
小题4:It can be inferred from the passage that         .
A.Katherine’s work is very helpful and meaningful
B.thespread of malaria in Africa will be more serious
C.everychild in Africa gets a net with Katherine’s help
D.Katherinehas received much money from NBN


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Two children stood outside the door with old coats. “Any old papers, Lady?” asked one of them.
I was busy. I wanted to say no, but I saw that their shoes were broken and wet. “Come in and I’ll make you a cup of hot tea.” They came in, saying nothing. Their shoes left snow on the floor.
I gave them tea and bread to protect them against the cold outside. Then I went back to the kitchen and started my housework again.
The silence in the front room surprised me. I looked in.
The girl held the empty cup in her hands, looking at it. The boy asked me in a low voice, “Lady, are you rich?”
Am I rich? Oh, no! I looked at my old things in my room.
The girl put her cup back in its saucer(茶碟) carefully. “Your cups match your saucers.”
They left then, holding their papers against the wind. They hadn’t said thank you. They didn’t need to. They had done more than that. The blue cups and saucers were simple. But they said that they matched. The potatoes and meat before me, a roof over our hands, my husband with a job—these things matched, too.
I moved the chairs back from the fire and cleaned the living room. The prints of their small shoes were still wet on my floor. I let them be. I wanted them there to remind me how rich I was.
小题1:The writer let the two children in _________.
A.to offer them some warm clothesB.to serve them tea and food
C.to sell them some old papersD.to show them how rich she was.
小题2:We can learn from the passage that_______.
A.the writer was in fact not very rich
B.the children took away many old papers
C.the writer’s husband was out of work
D.the two children were looking for a job
小题3: It can be inferred(推断) from the passage that _______.
A.it was snowing outside when the story happened
B.the two children thanked the writer and then left
C.the two children were not polite to the writer
D.the writer had a set of new furniture in her house
小题4:The underlined sentence “I let them be” means  “_________”.
A.I dislike themB.I didn’t want to see them
C.I cleaned themD.I left them there
小题5: What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Any Old Papers?B.Matching Cups and Saucers
C.Are You Rich?D.Two Poor Children


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

It was 3:43. Thunder was crashing and the rain was pouring. Suddenly my father rushed into my room. “Adam! Adam! Get up! We’re flooding!” he shouted and shook me by the shoulders. That woke    up! I ran downstairs to the basement. It was like a swimming pool. My mother and I immediately started to pick up things and take them upstairs. I had no      on, so my feet were quite freezing.
Things got worse every minute. Within the next hour, we had moved everything that we could to the first floor. The computer, big-screen television and heavy boxes       with our most valuable things were taken to safety.       , our piano, sofa, washing machine and water heater were all still down there—being       . There was nothing we could do.
That was the hardest part. Knowing that your home is being destroyed is bad enough, but       that you can’t do anything to stop it feels even worse.
Water had come in our front door. Rescue      were floating in our streets. Mother told me to pack an overnight bag of clothes and valuables and get ready to leave.
When it was        safe to walk outside, all the people in the neighborhood        at the street corner. People became friends, and friends became like family. People      each other. We learned later that the National Weather Service had declared the storm a flash flood.
I really have      something from this flood. I’ve learned what destruction is. I have learned what       means. I know in the future, when I watch people’ s lives affected by natural disasters, I can understand them. I will show great pity on them and I will do what I can to help them.

