精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
小题1:Hurry up!We are ________ _________(等候)you at the gate.
小题2:He was so tired that he _________ _________(入睡)as soon as he lay down.
小题3:Michael is _________ _________(擅长)physics but he is weak in chemistry.
小题4:Li Lei seldom goes to school ________ ________(步行).He usually takes a bus there·
小题5:A lot of trees were _________ __________(砍伐).As a result,there were more sandstorms.

小题1:waiting for
小题2:fell asleep
小题3:good at
小题4:on foot
小题5:cut down

小题1:考查短语waiting for,等待.结合语境及前文助动词are,可知动词用现在分词形式.
小题2:考查短语fell asleep,入睡.结合语境可知本句描述的是过去某时发生的动作,故用一般过去时态.
小题3:考查短语be good at擅长某事.
小题4:考查短语on foot,步行.注意foot用原形.
小题5:考查短语cut down,砍伐.结合语境可知本句主语是动作对象,故用被动语态.注意cut的过去分词和原形动词词形一致.

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,并将答案写在答题卡标有题号的横线上。(本大题共8分,每小题1分)
小题1:A new car __________ (test) many times before it comes into the market.
小题2:I didn’t catch what you said because I __________ (read) the evening newspaper at that moment.
小题3:As we know, regular exercise ___________ (bring) us health.
小题4:To do this would be ___________ (cut) the foot to fit the shoe.
小题5:Could you tell me how soon the visitors from the USA _____________ (arrive) here?
小题6:--- ___________ you ___________ (hand) in the report today?
---Yes, I put it on your desk shortly after lunch .
小题7:It was a great pity that the plane __________ (take) off when they got to the airport.
小题8:---When shall we go to watch the basketball match in the sports centre?
---Not until the work __________ (finish) tomorrow.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:It is my _________ / 'ple??/ to help you.
小题2:The population of our country is ______________/?n'kri:s??/ very fast.
小题3:Mr Black has ____________ /træns'le?t?d/ many Chinese books into English.
小题4:The ___________['t??:t??z] in the USA are very famous.
小题5:I want to have my watch ___________ / r?'pe?d/ because it doesn’t work .
小题6:The young people often hand out _______________ in the street.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Can you help me w______ my English?
小题2:He leaves for school after a q______ breakfast.
小题3:To be healthy, my parents never forget to e______ in the morning.
小题4:Alice isn’t w______ TV. She is reading a book.
小题5:I’m afraid to get l______ because I’m new in the city.
小题6:Some animals are f______ to people so we like them.
小题7:Many people have dogs as p______.
小题8:Mum isn’t at home today. My father and I have to eat o______.
小题9:Can you play the g______ or the piano?
小题10:My home is about five k______ away from school.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:She loves taking photos and always takes her c________ with her wherever she goes.
小题2:The old man is d_________. He can hardly hear anything.
小题3:— Could you l________ me your dictionary?
— Sorry. I am using it at the moment.
小题4:Don’t run so f________! I can’t catch up with you.
小题5:Please don’t w________ about Jim. He can take good care of himself.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

用所给单词的适当形式填空 (5分)
小题1:When he knew the dog died, he left__________ (happy) without a word.
小题2:He will give the book back to you if he ________(finish) reading it tomorrow.
小题3:Miss Li ______________ (not have) breakfast, she feels a bit hungry now.
小题4:“How long have you had your car?” “ I ___________(buy) it three years ago.”
小题5:I said hello to her, but she __________ (talk) to the shopkeeper and didn’t hear me.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

用所给词的适当形式填空(共10小题 ,每小题1分 ,共10分)
小题1:Congratulations! Both of you are the_________ (win) of the match.
小题2:According to the ________ (science) studies, the color red can make people hungry.
小题3:Next Sunday is my grandpa’s____________ (ninety) birthday.
小题4:Mike, tell them not to climb the stones, or they may hurt_________(they).
小题5:After watching this programme , you will realize the________(important) of learning English.
小题6:---What’s the weather like today?         ---- It’s        (cloud).
小题7:—How many times have you been to Hong Kong?    —_________(two) .
小题8:________________ (luck), Kate hurt her leg last week.
小题9:The more you practice, the____________ (easy) it becomes.
小题10:Everyone needs to have at least eight____________ (hour) sleep a night.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:In autumn the leaves of most trees turn y________.
小题2:There’s no b________ over the river. We have to cross it by boat.
小题3:It’s best to water plants either e________ in the morning or late at night.
小题4:Many children like spending much money in b________ beautiful pencil boxes.
小题5:Before you come into the room, please k ________ at the door.

story   practice   find   notebook  but



