精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

  Once upon a time,some children were playing at seaside when they found a turtle. They began to 1        the turtle. Just at that time,a young man came and said to them, "Stop!" The children ran 2        quickly. The turtle was very thankful and said, "Thanks for your kindness. I really would like to 3        you to a wonderful palace now."

  The young man 4        on the back of the turtle and was taken to the secret palace in the sea. When he 5        the palace,he was very surprised and said to the turtle , " What a nice palace!" To thank him,the king of the turtles gave him a very 6        dinner. He had never seen such a dinner before. He 7        a warm welcome there and was very 8        everything.

  After dinner,the king of the turtles said ,"I am going to give you two boxes,9        you can open only one.""You mustn't open 10       . Don't forget it!" the turtle warned him. "All right. I will open only one," the young man promised. At this time,a large wave sent him out of the sea.

  After he was back 11       ,he opened the bigger one of the two boxes. To his 12        the box was full of gold. "My God!" he cried, "I'm a 13        man now. " Then he thought, "Things in the other box must be expensive,too."He could not wait any longer. He 14        his promise and opened the other box. As soon as he opened it,he became an old man. His hair turned white. His face looked like an old man over eighty years old. It all happened in a 15        . He was sorry for what he did,but it was too late.

(   ) 1. A. beat   B. help   C. play   D. see

(   ) 2. A. through   B. away   C. into   D. out

(   ) 3. A. show   B. allow   C. let   D. invite

(   ) 4. A. lied   B. put   C. rode   D. hid

(   ) 5. A. left for   B. arrived   C. arrived at   D. got away

(   ) 6. A. big   B. poor   C. bad   D. small

(   ) 7. A. asked for   B. gave   C. wanted   D. received

(   ) 8. A. pleased with   B. strict in   C. angry with   D. sorry for

(   ) 9. A. so   B. or   C. but   D. as

(   ) 10. A. one   B. both   C. either   D. neither

(   ) 11. A. to school   B. home   C. happily   D. himself

(   ) 12. A. joy   B. worry   C. happiness   D. surprise

(   ) 13. A. poor   B. rich   C. friendly   D. young

(   ) 14. A. followed   B. kept   C. broke   D. made

(   ) 15. A. day   B. place   C. moment   D. time

1. A根据下文的stop可判断出孩子们是在打乌龟。

2. B ran away作"逃跑"解。

3. D invite sb to a place意为"邀请某人去某地"。to是介词。

4. C年轻人骑在乌龟的背上。

5. C词组arrive at表示"到达"。leave for"动身去某地",get away"离开"。

6. A a big dinner意为"盛宴"。

7. D

8. A此句意为:年轻人在那里受到了热烈的欢迎,他对一切都满意。be pleased with sth "对……感到满意"。

9. C两句之间的关系是转折。

10. B只能打开一个,也就是不能打开两个。

11. B根据上下文可知是离开海王殿回到家后。

12. D to one's surprise"使... 感到吃惊的是"。

13. B有一大箱子金子,故成为了富人。

14. C break one's promise"违背诺言"。

15. C in a moment"瞬间”。

题目来源:中考英语组合训练完形填空+短文填词 > 组合训练3


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Sally was fourteen. She studied in a middle school. She liked dancing and singing,and spent a lot of time on them. But she hated maths and even decided to give it up. Her father was anxious (焦虑的) about it.

  It was Sunday. Sally's father gave a call to his sister who taught maths in another school. He hoped she would come and tell his daughter how to learn maths. The woman came and said, "You are a clever girl,Sally. Fm sure you will soon learn maths well if you do your best."

  "I'm afraid I can't,Aunt," said Sally. "Girls can't be good at maths."

  "I don't think so," said the woman. "I was good at it when I was a girl. You must do more exercises and try different ways to solve maths problems until you work them out or at least understand them better. Here is a maths problem. Please think it over and see if you can work it out."

  "OK," said the girl. "Let me try."

  About an hour later Sally took the exercise book to her aunt and said, "I've tried several times and worked out the problem at last!”

  "Well done!" her aunt looked at her answer and said happily, "Now you see,maths is not as difficult as you thought."

(   ) 1. Sally tried her best to learn maths but could not learn it well.

(   ) 2. Sally spent much more time in singing and dancing than in learning maths.

(   ) 3. Her aunt didn't think that girls could be good at maths.

(   ) 4. The father asked his sister to teach his daughter how to learn maths.

(   ) 5. Sally worked out the problem at last.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Do you really care about your parents? H(1)       this question,most of us may give a quick answer "Of course,I do. " But maybe we don't.

  It is true that all parents remember clearly when to c (2)       their children's birthdays. However,it is a pity that few children know exactly when their parents' birthdays are.

  Most parents can easily n (3)       their children's favorite food,but not many students know w (4)       their parents like to eat.

  Sometimes we can hear parents c (5)       that their children don't talk with them as often as b (6)       Children are growing and the generation gap (代沟) is widening.

  If you love your parents well,let them f (7)       your love. Give them a birthday gift on their s (8)       day. Help them do the housework as often as possible. Bear in mind what your parents like or dislike. Don't always say things a        (9) your parents. Talk with them more often and u (10)       them more.

1. H      2. c       3.       4. w       5. c         

6. b        7. f        8. s       9. a      10. u         


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

为了使同学们在与人交往时举止更加文雅,你校学生会正在举办以"How to behave well?"为主题的英语征文比赛,请你写一篇短文。(以上背景内容无需表述) 短文要点如下:

1. 应该守时、守信、不撒谎、不说脏话;

2. 礼貌待人,热心助人;

3. 遵守交通规则;

4. 不在公共场所喧哗,不乱扔垃圾。要求:

1. 不要逐词翻译;

2. 在文中不要提及真实的校名和姓名;

3. 词数60 ~80,短文首句巳给出,不计人词数。参考词汇:dirtyobey v. promise n.

Behaving well is the secret of getting on well with others.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Think about who your b 1       rival (对手) is. Sometimes it's the one you see in the mirror. To be s 2       ,often all you need is selfconfidence. Chinese table tennis p 3       Wang Liqin has just shown this.

  The 28-year-old young man from Shanghai w 4       the singles title at the World Table Tennis Championships in Croatia(克罗地亚) on Sunday. He b 5       his teammate Ma Lin in the final (决赛) .

  B 6       great skills,he showed real strength.

  "I focus on winning one point and then another,"Wang says. "I don't think any further ahead."

  H 7      ,before this game some people had criticized Wang for being immature (不成熟) . There's never been any doubt about his power as a player. But if someone got ahead,he would sometimes lose point after point until he 1 8       the match.

Now he takes advice from his coaches. Also,after matches,he thinks about his m 9       and how to fix them. Now he's a cool customer at the table. His critics have begun to shut up.

"Wang is much c 10       now under pressure. He's much more mature now," said chief coach Liu Guoliang.

1. b       2. s       3. p       4. w       5. b         

6. B       7. H       8. 1       9. m       10.c       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Mr Carey lived in a small village which was surrounded (环绕) with high mountains. He had few 1        and he couldn't get enough food for his family. He was often 2        about it. So he worked harder and harder and tried his best to get more money to 3        his family.

  One afternoon,Mr Carey went out to look for some grass for his cows. It was very 4        and he had to have a swim. Suddenly,he saw something 5        in the water. He swam there and 6        it was some gold in the sand. He was so pleased that he 7        forgot he was in the river. He quickly got out of the river,ran home and asked his son to help him to get all the gold out of the water. The next morning he sent his son to 8        it in the markets. But the young man was afraid to do it. He had to go to the town himself. He didn't 9        any attention to the traffic lights when he crossed the street. A car hit him down and he was hurt. He was sent to hospital 10       . The doctors looked him 11        and had an operation on him. Two months later he felt much better. The doctors were satisfied with the 12        and said, "You'll be fully recovered (恢复) in a week. We're 13       you can write with your right hand when you leave hospital."

  "It's 14        a miracle (奇迹) !" shouted Mr Carey, "I could neither read 15        write before!”

(   ) 1. A. fields   B. parts   C. places   D. spaces

(   ) 2. A. frustrated   B. worried   C. interested   D. divided

(   ) 3. A. care   B. mind   C. raise   D. stay

(   ) 4. A. warm   B. cold   C. cool   D. hot

(   ) 5. A. going   B. flying   C. walking   D. shining

(   ) 6. A. realized   B. thought   C. found   D. felt

(   ) 7. A. almost   B. nearly   C. hardly   D. completely

(   ) 8. A. buy   B. borrow   C. lend   D. sell

(   ) 9. A. pay   B. saw   C. drew   D. took

(   ) 10. A. just then   B. at once   C. just now   D. right there

(   ) 11. A. up   B. over   C. on   D. about

(   ) 12. A. action   B. work   C. operation   D. challenge

(   ) 13. A. proud   B. knowledgeable   C. realistic   D. sure

(   ) 14. A. really   B. never   C. always   D. usually

(   ) 15. A. or   B. and   C. nor   D. but


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  My father and I were very close friends. I am fond of pleasing him,and he was always 1        of my success. If I won a spelling contest (竞赛) at school,he was on top of the world.2        in life no matter when I got a promotion (提升) ,I'd ring up my father at once and he'd rush out to tell all his friends excitedly. In 1970,when I was 3        president of the Ford Motor Company,I don't know which of us was more 4        .

  Like many 5        Italians,my parents were very open with their feelings and their loves not only 6       ,but also in public. Most of my friends would 7        hug their fathers. But I hugged and kissed my dad at every opportunity (机会) because nothing could have 8        more natural.

  He was a curious man who was always willing to 9        out new things. He was the 10        person in Allentown to buy a motorcycle. Unfortunately,my father and his motorcycle didn't 11        along too well. He fell off it so often that he got rid of it just a month after 12        it. As a result,he never again trusted any vehicle with 13        four wheels. Because of that motorcycle,I wasn't 14        to have a bicycle when I was growing up. Whenever I wanted to ride a bike,I had to borrow one from a friend. On the other 15,my father let me drive a car as soon as I became sixteen.

(   ) 1. A. proud   B. known   C. surprised   D. interested

(   ) 2. A. Earlier   B. Later   C. Ever   D. Always

(   ) 3. A. called   B. led   C. named   D. treated

(   ) 4. A. excited   B. embarrassed   C. revealed   D. disappointed

(   ) 5. A. foreign   B. native   C. American   D. Chinese

(   ) 6. A. at school   B. at home   C. between people   D. in the office

(   ) 7. A. forever   B. always   C. never   D. sometimes

(   ) 8. A. felt   B. filled   C. combined   D. convinced

(   ) 9. A. use   B. get   C. try   D. equipped

(   ) 10. A. last   B. fastest   C. slowest   D. first

(   ) 11. A. go   B. appear   C. turn   D. get

(   ) 12. A. selling   B. hiring   C. employing   D. buying

(   ) 13. A. less than   B. more than   C. rather than   D. other than

(   ) 14. A. agreed   B. considered   C. allowed   D. let

(   ) 15. A. face   B. hand   C. foot   D. head 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  On Saturday afternoon,Kate went to buy something for her sister and herself. As Kate was coming out of a 1       ,a young lady walked towards her. She said she was Miss Green,a good friend of Kate's sister's. Kate 2      her. Then she called a taxi to send Kate home. She 3       the driver where she should go. Kate was 4        that it was not in the direction of her home.

  "5      ?" Kate asked. The lady smiled.

  When they came to a quiet road,a big rough (粗暴的) man 6        on the road. He stopped the taxi driver,knocked him down,and threw him out of the 7       At the same time,Miss Green took out a knife and 8        it at Kate. She asked Kate to keep 9       The man then started the taxi.

  "Oh,God!I'm being kidnapped (绑架) ,"Kate said to herself.

  She tried to escape,but not 10       . Suddenly an 11        came to her. She took out a lipstick (口红) from her pocket,wrote "SOS" on the window,and covered the word with her 12      

  A few minutes later,a police car 13        and the policemen saw the sign. When the kidnappers saw the policemen,they stopped the taxi Jumped into the grass,and ran away.

  The policemen then 14        Kate up and sent her home. When her parents knew what had happened,they were greatly surprised. But they were also 15        because their daughter had finally come back safely.

(   ) 1. A. school   B. taxi   C. shop   D. friend's

(   ) 2. A. knew   B. believed   C. thanked   D. remembered

(   ) 3. A. told   B. asked   C. wondered   D. checked

(   ) 4. A. sure   B. excited   C. surprised   D. pleased

(   ) 5. A. What   B. Where   C. When   D. Why

(   ) 6. A. drove   B. climbed   C. fell   D. appeared

(   ) 7. A. road   B. sight   C. taxi   D. home

(   ) 8. A. shouted   B. played   C. hurt   D. pointed

(   ) 9. A. healthy   B. alive   C. relaxed   D. quiet

(   ) 10. A. happened   B. failed   C. succeeded   D. hurried

(   ) 11. A. idea   B. answer   C. interest   D. order

(   ) 12. A. hands   B. back   C. dress   D. lipstick

(   ) 13. A. stopped   B. left   C. passed   D. turned

(   ) 14. A. lifted   B. held   C. put   D. picked

(   ) 15. A. worried   B. happy   C. proud   D. successful


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Mr White was the owner of a small newspaper,he always tried to bring the readers the 1 1       news.

  One day he r 2       an exciting telephone call from someone who told him that there was a sudden flooH in a village up in the mountain s 3      in the north and several people disappeared. He gave a detailed account of the disaster,and Mr White made n 4       carefully. That evening the story was printed in his newspaper. Mr White was pleased to see that no other paper had got the s 5       news.

  Unfortunately,however ,a 6       telephone calls soon came and he learned that he had been f 7       So in the next day's paper he wrote:"We were the first and o 8       newspaper to report yesterday that the village in the northern mountain was caught in a flood. Today,we are p 9       to tell you we are again the first one to bring our readers the news that yesterday's story was not t b 10       "

1.1       2. r       3. s       4. n       5. s         

6.a       7. f       8. o       9. p       10. t       

