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一_______ find a pen pal to practice writing with?

一Sounds good. I’ll do so.

A. Will you B. How about C. What about D. Why don’t

A 【解析】句意:——你要找一个笔友来练习写作吗?——听起来很好,我要那样做。根据How about 和 What about 后用doing形式; Why don’t后通常有主语you;故选A

科目:初中英语 来源:2018年四川宜宾中考英语试卷 题型:单选题

My sister be lazy. But now she’s working really hard.

A. used to B. is used to C. was used to

A 【解析】句意:我妹妹过去常常很懒,但是现在她真的工作很努力。A. used to do过去常常做某事, B. is used to do被用来做某事(一般现在时态), C. was used to do被用来做某事(一般过去时态),根据But now she’s working really hard可知过去常常很懒;故选A


科目:初中英语 来源:中考英语--代词典型例题解析 题型:单选题

Some of the stickers belong to me, while the rest are ___________.

A. him and her B. his and her C. his and hers D. him and hers

C 【解析】试题这些贴纸一部分属于我,然而其余的是他和她的。结合语境可知下文为名词性物主代词做表语,his可用作形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词,故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:中考英语--名词典型例题解析 题型:单选题

Our school has fifty-six _____teachers.

A. woman B. women C. woman’s D. women’s

B 【解析】句意:我们学校有56个女老师。名词作定语修饰复数名词,通常用单数形式;但woman作定语,要与其后名词保持数的一致;teachers为复数形式,故用复数形式women作定语,故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:河南省信阳市2018届九年级下学期第一次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

Height is just one of the features your genes(基因) decide. In fact, because you have two parents, your genes provide you a height that usually lands somewhere between the height of each parent. If both your parents are tall, then most probably you will be tall, too. But if you have questions about how tall you’re going to be, ask your doctor if he or she can help you find them out.

But genes don’t decide everything. For example, eating an unhealthy diet can keep you from growing to your full potential(潜力). Getting plenty of sleep and enough exercise will help you grow to the expected height.

It’s natural that you’re wondering how fast you should grow. There’s no perfect or right answer. Generally speaking, kids grow about 6 cm a year between age 3 and the time when they start puberty.

Your doctor will know how your growth has been going over the years. 2 cm here and 3 cm there make a little difference to the height you’re at now. How have you been growing up to this height? What other changes may your body be going through?

Don’t be amazed if you seem to have grown a lot in a very short time. Everyone has a growth spurt(高峰) during puberty. The age for starting puberty is about 10 for girls and about 11 for boys. But it can be earlier or later — between 7 and 13 for girls and 9 and 15 for boys.

You’11 usually begin to notice that you’re growing faster about a year after your body starts to show the first changes of puberty.


1.If you want to know how tall you should grow, ________.

A. you should have enough exercise

B. you can ask doctors for help

C. you should take some special medicine

D. you can record your growth during puberty

2.The Chinese for the word “puberty” is ________.

A. 童年时期B. 婴幼儿时期 C. 习惯养成期D. 生长发育期

3.This passage is mainly about ________.

A. how you look like your parents B. how you grow to a certain height

C. how the genes work in your body D. how your parents’ height influence you

4.After reading this passage, we can explain ________.

A. what healthy diet is B. how good it is to be a doctor

C. how much sleep time we need D. why genes can’t decide everything

5.Which is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Your height most probably depends on how tall your parents are.

B. Girls’ age for starting puberty is usually earlier than that for boys

C. You may be amazed sometimes when you grow too fast.

D. The features showing the first changes of puberty between boys and girls are different.

1.B 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.D 【解析】文章介绍了关于身高的一些问题和怎样能长的更高的一些建议。 1.根据if you have questions about how tall you’re going to be, ask your doctor if he or she can help you find them out.可知想知道能长多高,可以...


科目:初中英语 来源:河南省信阳市2018届九年级下学期第一次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:单选题

—Must I finish my homework now?

—No, you _______. You _______ do it this evening.

A. mustn’t; can B. needn’t; may C. can’t; must D. needn’t;can’t

B 【解析】句意:——我必须现在完成我的家庭作业吗?——不,你不需要。你可以今天晚上做它。 mustn’t必须不能, can能,会; can’t不能,不可能; must必须,一定; needn’t不需要;may可以,可能;根据must 引导的一般疑问句,否定回答用needn’t;根据上句不需要马上完成,所以说可以今天晚上做;故选B


科目:初中英语 来源:河南省信阳市2018届九年级下学期第一次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:单选题

一What delicious cakes?

—Yes. But they would taste _______ with butter!

A. good B. better C. bad D. worse

B 【解析】句意:——多美味的蛋糕啊!——是的,但是有黄油它们尝起来更好。根据Yes可知是尝起来好,所以排除C/D;根据with butter有黄油和没有黄油比更好,两者比较用比较级;故选B


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省连云港市2018届九年级下学期全真模拟(一)英语试卷 题型:填空


If we agree that education is used to prepare us for life, then there is very little time to waste. So, while we can, we should teach children something really useful. Here is what our school should teach.

Politeness is a mark of civilization(文明). The sooner children learn this, the better. In any case, a lot can be achieved by a smile and good manners. Like it or not, our adults work hard for money, but we don't make an effort to teach children how to manage it. So our schools have a duty to teach them this ability from the beginning.

We're likely to accept something we are told, but that's not what educated people do. Educated people are reasonable and they look at facts. If our schools teach nothing else, they should at least teach critical(批判性的) thinking.

Children should learn to take care of their health. They should know that if they eat junk food, they will become fat and unhealthy. They should be very clear about what happens to their bodies when they drink or smoke.

All of us are part of society. We have rights and duties. We should understand what they are. We have to know a little bit of history and geography, because we need to have an environment in which to communicate with the people around us.

In a word, our schools should spend every moment they have telling this to our children: “This is life, this is what you are going to face, and this is how you deal with it."


Very Useful Education


Education should help children 1. ready for life.


Important things should be taught in schools.

What to teach

How to behave 2.

The basic skill of 3.money

How to think in a critical way

How to keep 4.

The rights and duties one has in society


Children should be taught what life is and how to deal with it.

1.get 2.politely/properly/well 3.managing 4.healthy/fit 5.Conclusion 【解析】试题文章大意:文章主要说明了教育的功能,以及我们在教育过程中应该注意的方面。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


科目:初中英语 来源:云南省开远市业水平复习统一检测英语试卷 题型:单选题

You can ask Paul to help you. He always has lots of great ideas in his ______.

A. heart B. dream C. mind D. room

C 【解析】句意:你能让保罗帮你,在他的头脑中总是有许多好主意。A. heart 心脏; B. dream 梦想; C. mind头脑, D. room房间;根据He always has lots of great ideas总是有许多好主意,可知是在头脑中;故选C

