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                          Articles Wanted
 School Life
▲ Articles should be typewritten (打印的) and double spaced, using only one side of the page.
▲ Your name, year of birth, school name (and English teacher), home address and e-mail address must be included.
▲ For photos, place the information on the back of each envelope: PLEASE DON'TFOLD.
▲ Please keep copies of your text, pictures or photos.
▲ The sentence MUST BE WRITTEN with your name on each work, "I promise the above work is completely original (原创的)."
▲ If your article is chosen, you will receive a copy of School Life and a special gift.
For more information, please contact us!
Tel: (02) 92136116     (02) 92674363
E-mail: schoollife@acpmagazines.com.au
Mail: School Life. Box 5252, Sydney, NSW 200
小题1: According to the passage, you can send your articles_________.
A.within 3 weeksB.all summer C.all the year round D.during the whole term
小题2: How many ways can you find in the passage to contact School Life?
小题3:. The underline word "FOLD" means __________.
小题4: Who do you think will write articles for School Life?
A.Students who are interested in writing.
B.Teachers who love writing and taking photos.
C.Parents who wish their kids to be popular writers.
D.Readers who had a happy time in their childhood.


小题1:细节理解题,根据文中语句“SEND IT ALL SUMMER!”理解可知。
小题2:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Tel: (02) 92136116     (02) 92674363
E-mail: schoollife@acpmagazines.com.au
Mail: School Life. Box 5252, Sydney, NSW 200”理解可知。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Here are reports of three attacks (攻击). Three swimmers were attacked by sharks (鲨鱼) because they didn't obey (遵守) the safety rules for swimmers.
Rules for swimmers:
1. Don't swim at night.
2. You are more likely to be attacked in warm water.
3. Sharks are attacking by blood (血). Don't swim with an open cut(划口).
4. It's best to wear a swimming suit to match(与……相配) your skin colour. Sharks can see colours.
5. If you see a shark, don't be nervous. Try to swim quietly, with even (平稳的) strokes (划水动作).
Report 1: Colin was swimming with two friends very late at night. He was attacked by a shark and died.
Report 2: Ann was a very good swimmer. She bought a new bright red swimming suit. She was swimming with some friends when a shark attacked her.
Report 3: Jack was on holiday in Australia. He cut his foot on the beach. He went swimming the same day and got at­tacked.
小题1:Colin was attacked by a shark and died because he was swimming with two friends very late at ________.
小题2:It’s not a good idea to wear a ________ red swimming suit like Ann, because sharks can see colours.
小题3:You mustn’t go swimming with an open _________.
小题4:If you see a shark, try to swim ________, with even strokes.
小题5:You can be _________ only if(只要) you obey the safety rules for swimmers.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Medusa Disco
The best dance music in town!
Every night 9:00pm-4:00am
Hudson Theatre
A play: Shakespeare’s Macbeth
Saturday5:00pm and 9:00pm
Students$3.00, and adults $7.50
“The Band” in Concert
Mason Park Stadium
Thursday-Saturday 8:30pm
City Football
Saturday and Sunday
Games start at 1:00pm
小题1:Where can you go to dance?
A.Hudson Theatre.B.City Football
C.Mason Park StadiumD.Medusa Disco
小题2:When can you watch sports?
A.On Tuesday and SundayB.On Thursday and Friday
C.On Friday and SaturdayD.On Saturday and Sunday
小题3:Which of the following is the most expensive?
A.The concertB.The discoC.The footballD.The play


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:What is Li Ming’s dream ?
A. To invent a language machine.B.To visit the moon
C. To go to BeijingD.To be a doctor
小题2:A bad earthquake happened (发生) in Sichuan on ____________.
A.May 12B.May 22C.July 2D.June 12
小题3:Who is from Tibet ?
A.Wei HuaB.Wang HaoC.JomaD.Wu Dong
小题4:People in Tibet can get to Beijing ____________in about 48 hours now.
A.by trainB.by busC.by shipD.on foot
小题5:The best title (标题) for this passage is ____________.
A.A doctor .B.My dream (梦想)C.An English teacherD.My friend


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Here is the bulletin board of Class 3. Some of the students put their notes on it. Please read them and answer the following questions.

小题1:The Chinese meaning of "bulletin board" is _______.
小题2:According to the notes on the bulletin board, what holiday might be coming?
C.ThanksgivingD.New Year's Day
小题3:When Julia is busy, what does Alex always help her do?
A.To do math homework.
B.To clean the windows.
C.To have P. E. class together.
D.To take books to school.
小题4:From the bulletin board, we know that Mr Chen is a ___________.
A.repeaterB.P.E. teacher
小题5:Why does Bill lend books to Mario?
A.They are classmates.
B.Miss Li wants him to do so.
C.Bill has too many books.
D.Mario forgot to bring his books to school.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

1. Clean driving license(执照)
2. Good-looking
3. Age over 25
Apply(申请) to:Capes Taxi, Shenzhen
Tel: 0755-6561382
Teacher needed
1. For a language school
2. Teaching experience necessary
Apply to: Instant Language Ltd. Dalian
Tel: 0411-4313861
Air hostess (空姐) wanted
1. Age between 22 and 33            2. Height from 1.6m to 1.75m
3. Two foreign languages             4. College graduate
Apply to: China Airlines, Beijing      Tel: 010-88488970
小题1:When you wish to be a teacher, you may call____.
A.0411-4313861B.010-88488970 C.0755-6561382D.both B and C
小题2:Lucy , aged 26, knows English and French. She has just graduated. Which job is best for her?
A.Driving for Capes Taxi.
B.Teaching at Instant Language Ltd.
C.Working for China Airlines.
D.None of the above.
小题3:Which of the following is NOT mentioned(提到) in the three ads?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:According to the four advertisements, which of the following offers the lowest Salary for one hour?
A.Mayflower RestaurantB.Center Hospital
C.GoGo Game D.Sunny Kids Training
小题2:You can go and work abroad as ______________
A.a cleanerB.a waiter or waitress
C.a sports teacherD.a game designer
小题3:Which of the following is true?
A.All the jobs above are in the same country.
B.For each job, you need to work 8 hours a day.
C.You can’t phone GoGo Game for more information.
D.If you are 20 years old, you can’t work for Sunny Kids Training.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The London HomeA centre for people with AIDS

The London Home gives them love and care, but money is always needed.
111/117Bute Road,
Tel:0171-792 1200
Do you want to join our group at our weekly meetings and help to make our world safer and cleaner?
Can you spare a few hours a week to hand out information brochures(小册子)?
Needs you!
Write to:
The Information Office
PO BOX 379 GD30 6QA
At Solutions we teach people how to help themselves. In parts of Africa and India we’ve
helped the poor a lot. Now they have hope for a better life.

Finding solutions
to help the poor.
Call 0044-173 654 2427
小题1:Worldwatchers is a centre for ________. 
A.finding solutionsB.protecting the environment
C.searching informationD.helping people with themselves
小题2: With the help of________, people can learn how to help themselves.
  1. Solutions                  B. The London Home  
C. Worldwatchers              D. The Information Office
小题3:If a person with AIDS wants to get help, he can________.
A.go to the Information Office
B.call 0040-173 654 2427
C.post to PO BOX 379 GD30 6QA
D.write to 111/117Bute Road ,London
小题4:What can you do if you want to help the people with AIDS?
A.Donate money to the London Home.
B.Hand out information brochures.
C.Teach them how to help themselves.
D.Write to the Information Office.
小题5:Where can you find this passage?
A.In some newspapers.B.In some magazines.
C.On the Internet.D.All of the above.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When it rains, do your shoes get wet? Of course they do! But you can buy these pretty red and white “Umbrella for Shoes”. They keep the rain off wet.
Who sweeps the floor at your home? Do you do it yourself? Perhaps your mother does it. Well, now you just need a cat. Get a cat and buy these four “Dusters (抹布)for Cats ”.
You talk too long on the phone, don’t you? Most teenagers do! Save time – buy the “Telephone Dumb–bell (哑铃)”! It weighs five kilos. Then your calls will be less than five minutes.
Do your friends sometimes come up behind you and make you jump? Do cars come around the corner when you try to cross the road? Well, you can solve that problem with these modern “Forward – backward Glasses.” Look forward with the right eye and back with the left.
小题1:Which of the following pictures is the right order to match the text?
A.d; a; b; cB.b; a; c; dC.d; a; c; bD.b; d; a; c
小题2:From the text, we know that cats can help mother to _________.
A.do some houseworkB.keep the rain off
C.speak on the phoneD.look for something
小题3:The text seems to tell us that we can solve some problems with the four _______.

