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Ji Xianlin(季羡林) ______ many of his collections to Beijing University years ago.

A. threw away B. put away C. gave away D. right away

C 【解析】 句意:几年前,季羡林把他的很多收藏品捐赠给北京大学。threw away扔掉,put away收拾起来,gave away捐赠,right away立刻。give away sth to……“把某物捐赠给……”,故选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省如皋市2016-2017学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:材料作文




1. 博览群书,勤学上进;


1.创建QQ, 关爱邻里;














1. 表达中必须包含所给要点,可以适当发挥,不要简单翻译。

2. 词数80左右,开头已经写好,不计入总词数。

3. 表达中请勿提及真实校名和姓名。

提示:创建qq群 set up QQ groups

片儿警 a local regional policeman

Li Baizhan, the Most Excellent Policeman, was born in Rugao. _____________________

Li Baizhan, the Most Excellent Policeman, was born in Rugao. He is hard-working. He works hard and reads all kinds of books. He is proud to be a policeman. He has set up QQ groups in order to help peo...


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版2017-2018学年江苏省七年级英语下册课堂练习 题型:根据音标写单词


1.I like _______________ [d?i'?ɡr?fi]. I can learn more about the world.

2.--- These are your hair clips and here is your ________ [t?eind?]. --- Thank you.

3.I am _______________ [???(r)] you will have a good time here.

4.Our new school hall looks __________ (现代的) and beautiful.

5.Jeans are popular among students. So my design ________ (包括) a pair of blue jeans.

1.Geography 2.change 3.sure 4.modern 5.includes 【解析】 1.句意:我喜欢地理。我可以更多地了解这个世界。like喜欢,及物动词需接宾语;根据句意语境和音标提示,可知填Geography。 2.句意:这些是你的发夹,这是找你的零钱。your你的,形容词性物主代词需接名词;根据句意语境和音标提示,可知填chan...


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版2017-2018学年江苏省七年级英语下册课堂练习 题型:单选题

---Would you like juice? ---No ,I’d like some things .

A. any; else B. any; other C. some; other D. some; else

C 【解析】 句意:——你想来点果汁吗?——不,我想要其他的东西。考查不定代词辨析题。any一些,用于否定句、疑问句和if等条件句;some和any同义,但用于肯定句和期望得到肯定回答的一般疑问句,表示委婉说法。would you like是委婉说法,需用some,可排除AB两项。other和else都表示“别的/其他的”,但else多用于结尾,other后面需加名词。根据句意语境,可...


科目:初中英语 来源:四川省雅安市2017-2018学年下期期末检测八年级 英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

Dear Mom,

  I’m sorry that I can’t go back home for Mother’s Day next week. On that day, I’ll have to go to an important meeting for my boss. But I’ll find time to see you at home soon.

  Mom, thank you for everything you’ve done for Tim and me. After Dad died ten years ago, you had to work in a supermarket in the daytime and in a restaurant at night. But you always gave us two your love and care. Though you don’t have to work now, I still remember your coming home and feeling tired many evenings.

  Tim is going to finish his studies next month. He said he would move back from school and look for a job near home. I’m glad you won’t live by yourself any more. Let’s plan to take a trip in the near future. It’s been years since the three of us took a trip together.

  Happy Mother’s Day. I love you, Mom.


1.John wrote this letter to _________.

A. his mother B. his father C. his brother D. his boss

2.John will _________ on Mother’s Day.

A. go back home B. go to see his boss

C. go to a meeting D. go to the movies

3.John’s mother used to work _________ at night.

A. on a farm B. in a factory

C. in a supermarket D. in a restaurant

4.Tim will look for a job near home because he wants to live __________.

A. with John B. with his mother

C. with his friend D. by himself

5.Which of the following is true?

A. John’s mother still works day and night. B. John visits his mother once a week.

C. John hopes to take a trip with his family. D. John bought a gift for his mother.

1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.C 【解析】 本文介绍了一封约翰写给他母亲的信。在信中,他告诉母亲在母亲节这天无法去看她,感谢母亲对他和蒂姆的关爱和照顾。他希望和母亲、蒂姆一起去旅行。 1.A 细节理解题。根据称呼Dear Mom,可知这封信是约翰写给他母亲的,故选A。 2.C 细节理解题。根据I’m sorry that I can...


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级英语上册Unit2单元测试卷 题型:补全对话7选5


A. How do you spell"Rose"?

B. She isn't my sister

C. No, he's my uncle.

D. Are these your brothers?

E. It's a photo, my family photo

F. He is your father

G. She is my sister

Bill: What's this, Kate?


Bills:Is this your father?


Bill:Is the girl your family member?

Kate:Yes. 3.

Bill:Whats her name?





Kate:Yes they are.

Bill:Thank you.

Kate:You're welcome.

1.E 2.C 3.G 4.A 5.D 【解析】 请在此填写整体分析! 1.根据上句提问“这是什么”选择E,这是一张照片,我的全家福。 2.根据上句提问“这是你的父亲吗” 选择C,不是,他是我的叔叔。 3.根据上句提问“这个女孩是你的家庭成员吗”及肯定回答,选择G,她是我的妹妹。 4.请在此填写小题的解析! 根据上文提及妹妹的名字及后文的...


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级英语上册Unit2单元测试卷 题型:单选题

(题文)_____name is Jim ____is my brother.

A. His; He B. Her;He C. He;His D. His; Him

A 【解析】 他的名字叫吉姆。他是我的哥哥。his他的,作形容词性物主代词修饰名词;he主格,作主语;him宾格,作宾语;her她的,修饰名词。根据my brother可知Jim是男性,故选A。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津英语译林版9上期中复习学案 -- 单项选择(Unit3-Unit4) 题型:单选题

— I am afraid I have to give up my dream of being a singer.

.No dream is too big and no dreamer is too small.

A. Don’t lose heart B. Don’t mention it

C. That’s unusual D. You must be joking

A 【解析】试题句意:恐怕我要放弃成为歌手的梦想了。不要灰心,梦想再大也不嫌大,追梦的人再小也不嫌小。A. Don’t lose heart!不要灰心。B. Don’t mention it 别提了;C. That’s unusual那是不寻常的;D. You must be joking你一定在开玩笑吧!结合句意,故选A。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津英语译林版9上期中复习学案 -- 单项选择(Unit3-Unit4) 题型:单选题

— I have written to them twice to tell them the problem, but there is no______at all.

— Maybe they didn’t get your letters.

A. reply B. call C. information D. news

A 【解析】 试题根据语境可知此句的含义是:我已经给他们写了两封信告诉他们这个问题,但是始终没有任何答复。考查名词reply,call,information,和news的基本含义。其中reply表示回答,call表示打电话,information表示信息,news表示消息,故正确答案选择A。

