精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情


  Van Gogh(凡高)was born in Holland in 1853.He enjoyed drawing when he was a child.He worked for an art dealer(经营者)in London and Paris for four years, before he became a teacher in England for a short time.He moved back to France in 1877 and soon began to paint.He didn't stay long in Paris.He was attracted by the colors of the countryside and, in 1888, he moved to Arles, a small town in the south of France.There, he painted his most famous paintings.

  He enjoyed painting people, farms, flowers, and other natural things.Some of his most famous paintings are The Potato Eaters, The Starry Night, and several different Sunflower paintings.The Starry Night is now kept in the Museum of Modern Art in New York.There is a quiet village and a tall black tree under an angry sky.Some people say that it is a true picture of the stars on that day.

  He was poor most of his life.He made hundreds of paintings, but only sold one of them while he lived.He was a lonely, unhappy man who died at the early age of 37.

  Today, people love Van Gogh's use of color and the emotional power(激情)of his work.Van Gogh's paintings are world famous and worth millions of dollars.Museums are around the world proudly show paintings by the great artist.


Van Gogh began to paint in ________.

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New York


Van Gogh moved to Arles because ________.

[  ]


it was a famous small town


it was in the south of France


he liked teaching in the countryside


he enjoyed the colors of the countryside


In Van Gogh's The Starry Night, we can see ________.

[  ]


some people


some flowers


a village and a tree


a potato


Van Gogh died in ________.

[  ]










His paintings are world famous for ________.

[  ]


his poor life


the high prices


the use of color and emotional power


the war in his mind between peace and anger


科目:初中英语 来源:2007平湖市当湖高级中学零模考试英语试卷 题型:050


  My-Space, the social networking website, is different from other websites which only provide stories about other people.My-Space is a place that allows you to broadcast your own stories and personal information to as many people as you like.Started two years ago, it is a big source of information for and about American kids.

  Teenagers and their parents feel very differently about it.Teens are rushing to join the site, not sharing their parents’ worries.It signals yet another generation gap in the digital era.

  For teenagers, it is a reliable network to keep in touch with their friends.They will often list their surnames, birthdays, after-school jobs, school clubs, hobbies and other personal information.

  “My-Space is an easy way to reach just about everyone.I don’t have all the phone numbers of my acquaintances.But if I want to get in touch with one of them, I could just leave them a message on My-Space,” said Abby Van Wassen.She is a 16-year-old student at Woodland Hills High of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

  Parents on the other hand are seriously concerned about the security problems of My-Space.

  “Every time we hold a parents meeting, the first question is always about My-Space, ”said Kent Cates, who travels the country doing Internet safety seminars(研讨会).The National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children has received at least 288My-Space-related complaints, according to Mary Beth Buchanan, a lawyer in Pittsburgh.

  “Your profile on My-Space shows all your personal information to anyone on the Web.And My-Space even lists this information by birthplace and age.It’s like a free checklist for trouble-makers and it endangers children,” Buchanan said.


From the passage, we can learn that My-Space ________.

[  ]


brings about the generation gap


is very careful about people’s privacy


encourages you to list your personal information


lists the telephone numbers of your friends


Why are some parents against My-Space?

[  ]


Because they think My-Space has a bad influence on their children.


Because they don’t want to pay so much money for My-Space.


Because it takes up too much of their children’s spare time.


Because troublemakers can easily approach their children through the site.


What can we infer from “Every time we hold a parents meeting, the first question is always about My-Space?”

[  ]


My-Space has become a top issue troubling parents.


My-Space often holds parents meetings.


My-Space is quite popular with parents.


Parents have lots of questions about the website.


The writer’s attitude towards My-Space is ________.

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科目:初中英语 来源:湖北省黄冈地区2012届九年级四科联赛英语试题(A卷) 题型:050


  Many young people want to become pop-stars.It is their great ambition(雄心)in life.They think pop-stars earn a lot of money, they lead interesting and exciting lives, thousands of fans love them, and they become famous!

  Yes, but first they must become stars.Most performers start life with a group.This is the pattern nowadays.But there are many groups and competitions are hard.Groups appear and disappear almost overnight.Only a small number survive.Almost without exception(异议)they have to work very hard before they reach the top.

  And very few reach the top and stay there.In England there are perhaps thirty or so groups at the top.Most of these do not earn so much money, perhaps 500 pounds each time they perform.What’s more, they have quite a lot of expenses(开销).They have to pay a manager, for example.He is the key person in their lives and takes about 20% of their earnings(收入)--perhaps more.Then there are their clothes, their instruments and their van(房车).Sometimes they are still playing for the last two items.

  And don’t forget, they have to travel a great deal-sometimes 2,000 miles in one week.At times they even sleep in their van instead of a hotel, just to save money.

  So now, what do you think? Are pop-stars so rich? And do they have such exciting lives?


Which of the following is the reason that many young people want to become pop-stars?

[  ]


Living an exciting life.


Becoming a rich man.


Being loved by thousands of fans.


All of the above.


Why is the group’s manager well paid? Because _________.

[  ]


he runs this group


he looks after them


he is important to them


he buys them clothes and instruments


The writer makes us believe _________.

[  ]


it is pleasant to become a pop-star


if you work very hard in pop groups, you will reach the top


pop-stars are neither too rich nor too happy


general persons had better not dream of pop-stars


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


  Americans with small families own a small car or a large one.If both parents are working,they usually have two cars.When the family is large,one of the cars is sold and they will buy a van(住房汽车).A small car can hold four persons and a large car can hold six persons but it is very crowded(拥挤).

  A van can hold seven persons easily,so a family with three children could ask their grand-parents to go on a holiday travel.They could all travel together.Mr.Hagen and his wife had a third child last year.This made them sell a second car and buy a van.Their children are usually asked to sit in the back seats behind them.The sixth and the seventh seats are used to put other things,for a family of five must carry many suitcases(箱子) when they travel.When they arrive at their grandparents' home,the suitcases are brought into the home and the two seats can then carry the grandparents.

  Americans call vans motor homes.A motor home is always used for holidays.When a family are travelling to the mountains or to the seaside,they can live in their motor home for a few days or weeks.All the members of a big family can enjoy a happier life when they are travelling together.That is why motor homes have become very popular.In America there are many parks for motor homes.


From the passage,a van is also called _______.

  A. a motor car  B. a motor home C. a motorbike D. a big truck

[  ]


Before Mr.Hagen and his wife bought a van,they _________.

  A. sold their old house  B. moved to their grandparents' house C. built a new place for a van  D. sold their second car

[  ]


A motor home is usually owned by a family with _________.

  A. a baby  B. much money  C. more than two children  C. interest in van

[  ]


Americans usually use motor homes _______.

  A.to travel with all the family members on holiday. B.to do some shopping with all the family members.

  C.to visit their grandparents at weekends. D.to drive their children to school every day.

[  ]


Motor homes have become popular because ________.

  A.they can take people to another city when people are free.

  B.They can let families have a happier life when they go out for their holidays.

  C.Some people think that motor homes are cheap.

  D.Big families can put more things in motor homes.

[  ]


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新课标初三上册练习 人教新课标 题型:050


  Americans with small families own a small car or a large one. If both parents are working, they usually have two cars. When the family is large, one of the cars is sold and they will buy a van (住房汽车).

  A small car can hold(容纳)four persons and a large car can hold six persons but it is very crowded. A van holds seven persons easily, so a family with three children can ask their grandparents to travel together.

  Mr. King and his wife had a third child last year. This made them sell a second ear and buy a van. There are seven seats in the van, and two of them are used to put things on, for a family of five must carry many suitcases when they travel. When they arrive at their grandparents' home, the suitcases are put into the two seats. And then they can carry their grandparents.

  Americans call vans motor homes. A motor home is always used for holidays. When families are traveling to the mountains or to the seaside, they can live in their motor home for a few days or weeks. All the members of a big family can enjoy a happier life when they are traveling together. That is why motor homes have become very popular. In America there are many parks for motor homes.

(1) From the passage we can learn that a big American family usually ________.

[  ]

A. travel together by van
B. live together
C. live in a van
D. has three cars

(2) After Mr. King and his wife had a third child, first they ________.

[  ]

A. bought a van

B. sold one of their old cars

C. moved to their grandparents' house

D. got many suitcases

(3) A motor home is usually owned by a big family with ________.

[  ]

A. much money
B. interest in traveling
C. two cars
D. a big house

(4) The last sentence“In America there are many parks for motor homes.”in this passage means“ ________.”

[  ]

A. American families like to visit parks

B. There are many beautiful parks in America

C. Vans can be parked in many places in America

D. Motor homes can be bought in many places in America

(5) Americans usually drive motor homes to_______.

[  ]

A. visit their grandparents at weekends

B. take their children to school every day

C. travel with their family members for a holiday

D. do some shopping with their family members

