精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

A: May I come in?

B: No, ______ .  

[  ]       

A. you can not     B. you may please

C. I'm using it now  D. you don't come in


科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年福建郊尾枫江蔡襄教研小片区九年级上学期第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:补充句子


A: May I help you?

B: Yes, please. I’d like to borrow a book.

A: ?????? 1.???????????

B: Jane Eyre.

A: Wait a minute. ????????? 2.???????? . Sorry, it has been borrowed.

B: ???????? 3.??????????? . What about Romeo and Juliet?

A: Yes. ???????? 4.???????? .

B: Thank you.???????? 5.??????????? .

A: Two weeks. You must finish reading it and return it on time.

B: I see. Thank you. Goodbye.

A: Goodbye.

A.What a pity!

B.What’s the name of the book?

C.Here it is.

D.Let me find it on the computer for you.

E.How long can I keep it?



科目:初中英语 来源:2012年仁爱版初中英语七年级上册第三单元topic 2练习卷(解析版) 题型:补全对话


A:Daddy, __1__ This is my new friend, Bob.

B:Welcome to our house, Bob. Come and make yourself at home.

A:Thanks. Wow, what a nice room!

B:Thank you. Sit down, please. Bob, are you and Mike in the same class?

A:No, __2__

B:By the way, _3___

A:He’s a doctor.

B:Oh, I’m a doctor, too. __4__

A:He works at the Red Star Hospital.

B:Really? Me, too. __5__

A:Sure. His name is Jack Green.

B:Oh! It’s a small world. Your father and I are friends as you and Mike.

A. May I have his name?     B. I’m coming home. C. what does your father do?

D. but we’re in the same grade E. May I know his age?   F. Where does he work?



科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年福建省八年级上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—May I speak to Tom?

         —Sorry, he isn’t in now. What’s up?


         —Sure, go ahead.

A.   May I take a message for him?

B.   May I leave a message?

C.   Hold on, please.



科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年辽宁大连甘区初二下期阶段学习质量检测期中英语卷(解析版) 题型:选词填空


A: Hello! (51) ___________ Who’s that?

B: Hi, Tony. This is Daming’s friend, Sam. (52) ______

A: (53)______ please. Sorry, he isn’t here right now. Can I take a message?

B: Yes. He told me to meet Sally at the airport, but I don’t know when she’ll arrive.

A: (54) ______ what’s your telephone number?

B: My telephone number is 5160332.

A: OK. I’ll tell him to call you back when he comes back.

B: (55) ____________Bye!

A: It’s my pleasure. Bye!

A. May I speak to Daming?

B. What should I do?

C. By the way,

D. This is Tony speaking.

E. What’s wrong with you?

F. Thank you very much.

G. Hold the line,



科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏省初三中考二模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Once there was a little orphan (孤儿) who always wished that he could fly like a bird. It was very difficult for him to understand why he could not fly.

There was another little boy who was crippled. One day the orphan came to a park, where he saw the little crippled boy playing in the sand alone.

He ran over to the little crippled boy and asked him if he had ever wanted to fly like a bird.

“No,” he said. “But I’ve been thinking about what it would be like to walk and run like others.”

“That is very sad,” said the little orphan. “Do you think we could be friends?”

“Sure,” said the little crippled boy.

The two little boys played for hours. Neither of them felt as lonely as they had been before. Then the little crippled boy’s father came with a wheelchair to pick up his son. The little orphan ran over to him and said something into his ear.

“That would be OK,” said the man.

The little orphan ran back to his friend and said, “You are my only friend and I wish I could do something to make you walk and run like others. Unluckily, I can’t. But there is something that I can do for you.”

The little orphan boy turned around and told his friend to slide onto his back. Then he began to run across the grass. He ran faster and faster, carrying the little crippled boy on his back.

The father began to cry with tears as his son shouted at the top of his voice, “I’m FLYING! Daddy, I’m FLYING!”

【小题 1】The underlined word “crippled” in the second paragraph means ______.

   A. having no arms               B. not being able to walk

    C. not being able to fly            D. not being able to see

【小题 2】 What did the little orphan most probably say to the crippled boy’s father?

   A. May I carry him on my back for a run?

    B. Could you be my daddy, too?

   C. Would you join us in our game?

    D. Could I be friends with your son?

【小题 3】Why did the little crippled boy’s father cry?

   A. Because the orphan boy became his son’s only friend.

   B. Because his son was able to fly.

   C. Because he was happy to see his son’s excitement.

   D. Because the orphan boy was riding on his son’s back.


