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Who wants to eat food that is thrown away as waste? Believe it or not, that’s exactly what world leaders did at a lunch held by the United Nations in 2015.

During the meal, the world leaders enjoyed dishes like salads and burgers made with thrown-away vegetables and fruits. Chef Dan Barber, who helped create the meal, hoped that the experience would make the leaders pay more attention to the issue of food waste.

It is a huge problem. One out of nine people on Earth does not get enough food. Yet every year over one third of the food produced worldwide goes to waste!

Why is so much food wasted? Firstly, food is often thrown away before it reaches customers because too much of it is produced, or because it is not kept properly in farms. Secondly, shops and supermarkets usually throw away unsold food. Finally, customers often buy more food than they need, so a lot of uneaten food is wasted.

How can you waste less food? When eating out, you may ask for less food and take home what is left. Visit fast food restaurants less often, since they are usually more wasteful. Encourage your favorite restaurants to give unsold food to food banks.

You can also waste less food at home. Use smaller rice bowls so that you serve less rice. Encourage family members to use unfinished rice to make rice puddings. Tell family members to make a shopping list and buy only what is on the list when shopping for food.

Food waste is a growing problem and we, either farmers or food sellers or customers, must take this problem more seriously and do what we can to help.

1.What did world leaders do at a lunch held by the United Nations in 2015?

A. They threw away food as waste during the meal.

B. They made dishes with waste vegetables and fruits

C. They ate food made with waste vegetables and fruits.

D. They helped Chef Dan Barber create the special meal.

2.The underlined word "issue" in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.

A. result

B. problem

C. cause

D. beginning

3.The writer organizes Paragraph 4 by asking a question and ______.

A. giving examples

B. using numbers

C. listing reasons

D. telling a story

4.Which way of wasting less food is mentioned in the passage?

A. Buying unsold food from supermarkets.

B. Keeping food properly in a fridge.

C. Using smaller rice bowls when eating out.

D. Asking for less food in restaurants.

1.C 2.B 3.C 4.D 【解析】文章大意:本文主要介绍了世界上还有很多人没有足够的食物,但是全球每年三分之一的食物会被浪费掉。文中告诉我们如何少浪费食物。比如,我们外出吃饭时要少点东西,把剩下的饭菜带回家,去快餐店吃饭次数要少一些等等。食物浪费是一个日益严重的问题,我们应该认真对待这个问题,并尽量去帮助做一些力所能及的事情。 1.细节理解题。根据文中的句子Wh...

科目:初中英语 来源:山西省2018届九年级中考模拟英语试卷 题型:单选题

Last night, A robber walked the street, jumped a tall wall and ran away.

A. through, across B. across, over C. over, across D. across, through

B 【解析】句意:昨晚,一个强盗走过街道,跳过一堵高墙逃跑了。考查介词辨析题。across、through和over三者都有“穿过”、“通过”的意思,但用法各不相同。across多指从一定范围的一边到另一边,且在物体的表面上或沿着某一条线的方向而进行的动作,其含义常与介词on(在上面)有关。through也可表示从某一范围的一端到另一端的动作,但它表示的动作是在空间里进行,其含义常与介词in...


科目:初中英语 来源:八年级下 Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.测试卷 题型:单选题

I won’t __________ come here so early.

A. be able to B. am able to C. can D. could

A 【解析】 句意:我不能来这儿那么早。根据将来时态结构will+动词原形;will后不用情态动词;故选A。


科目:初中英语 来源:北京市门头沟区2018届九年级5月综合练习(一模)英语试卷 题型:单选题

— What did you do last Sunday?

— I ______my mum clean the house.

A. help B. helped C. have helped D. will help

B 【解析】句意:——上周日你做什么了?——我帮助妈妈打扫房子。根据last Sunday可知此处用一般过去时,故为helped,故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省杭州市2018年中考英语试卷 题型:语法填空


Next time you hold a book in your hands, stop and think. Like most other things in the modern world, it is the result of thousands of years of human invention.

First, came the invention of writing,1.(probable) about 5, 500 years ago. With writing, people did not have to remember everything in their heads. They could communicate with people that they never2.(see) and share their knowledge with insure generations.

Later, the Greeks were well-known for their literature (文学) and science, but their "books" looked very different3.the books of today. They were called scrolls (卷轴). They were difficult to use and took a lot of space in a library. About 2,000 years ago, books with lots of pages4. (invent).

For more than a thousand years, the pages of books were made from animal skin. That changed in 5.thirteenth century, when Europeans learned about a very6.(use) Chinese invention: paper.

But the biggest change for books in Europe came in 1439, when Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. Before that, books in Europe were copied by hand, so they were very expensive. Many more people could afford the books7.were produced on a printing press.

These days it is difficult8.(imagine) a world without books. But human invention does not stop. Every year, more9.(story) are bought as e-books and read on a screen.

Will anyone turn the pages of a traditional book in the future,10.will books, like scrolls, soon disappear?

1.probably 2.saw 3.from/to/than 4.were invented 5.the 6.useful 7.that/which 8.to imagine 9.stories 10.or 【解析】文章大意:本文讲述了书的由来和发展历史。 1.句意:首先,来说一下写作的由来,大概在5500年以前。由题干可知“ab...


科目:初中英语 来源:重庆市2018年中考英语试卷(B卷) 题型:回答问题


Reading is fun. When you read,would you like a paper book or an e-book(电子书)? Some people choose e-book, some love paper books, and others prefer reading both..

Li Ming ,a university professor(教授), is busy doing some research. So he is ofien on business. When he is at the airport or on the train, he especally loves reading e-books. He also likes reading paper books in the library for his research work. Besides, he enjoys the smell of the paper books.

What's, more, Li Ming would like to read wih his family. There is a reading time from 8:00 to 9:00 each Friday evering at home. Everyone reads and shares what they leam from the books. One Friday evening, Grandma took out an old paper book and said to her grandson, "Lei Lei, this is the first book your grandpa gave me. There is his name on the front page. Whenever I read it,I can get something new from his notes. And I can sill remember the happy life we lived together." Li Lei said," But I enjoy rending e-books. E-books need no paper. Many forests will be saved." Grandma advised. " Don't read for a long time, or your eyes will get sore.”

Diferent people have different ideas about e-books and peper books. No one knows whether e-books can replace(代替)paper books or not. Somehow, books are our friends. No matter which kind of books you choose to read, you can leam more about the world through them.

1.Do all the people prefer reading e-books?


2.When is the reading time in Li Ming's family?


3.What does the old paper book mean to Grandma?


4.Do you think e-books will replace paper books in your life? Why or why not?


1.No, they don't. 2.From 8:00 to 9:00 each Fiday evening. 3.I means love /missing /good memories. 4.Yes,I think so. Because e-books are easy to carry and we protect our environmnent better.No...


科目:初中英语 来源:重庆市2018年中考英语试卷(B卷) 题型:单选题

-Could you please tell me__________?

-In two weeks.

A. when did he come back B. how soon will he come back

C. when he came back D. how soon he will come back

D 【解析】考查宾语从句。宾语从句用陈述句语序,故排除A项和B项。根据答句In two weeks可知,问句“他什么时间回来”是一般将来时。故选D。


科目:初中英语 来源:考点54 任务型阅读之判断正误-备战2018年中考英语考点一遍过 题型:阅读判断

There are many kinds of amazing animals in the world.Have you ever watched one of them﹣Canada geese (雁)?They can teach us a lesson about teamwork(合作).

In autumn,Canada geese have to fly to the warm south to get away from Canada ‘cold winter.When they leave the ground and rise into the air,they fly in no order.Then they quickly form a V shape,with one bird leading the group.

The V shape allows Canada geese to save energy.The head bird moves its wings(翅膀) up and down.The resulting(产生的) force of the air help lift the next bird.Each bird will do so until they get to the southern part.The bird at the head of the group has the hardest job.When it gets tired,another bird moves to the front and takes its place (代替它).By sharing this job,the group can travel great distances.Canada geese flying in a V shape can fly seventy percent farther without having a rest than the birds flying alone.

During the long flying journey,Canada geese communicate with one another,They honk(鸣叫) to encourage the birds up front to keep up the speed.They also cheer one another up while working toward the same destination.

What have we learned from the lovely Canada geese's experience and skills?

Work together! Whether in our personal lives or our jobs,we need the spirit of teamwork!



1.Because of Canada's cold winter,Canada geese have to fly to the warm south in autumn.

2.When the heard bird gets tired,another bird moves to the front and becomes an new head bird.

3.Canada geese flying in a V shape can fly seventeen percent farther without having a rest than the birds flying alone.

4.During the long flying journey,Canada geese hardly cheer one another up while working toward the same destination.

5.From the passage,we've learned that the spirit of teamwork is important to us.

1.A 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.A 【解析】短文大意:本文讲述了加拿大大雁,它们教给人们互相鼓励、共同进步、团队合作的精神。 1.根据文章第二段第一句In autumn,Canada geese have to fly to the warm south to get away from Canada'cold winter可知,本句的描述是正确的。故答案为...


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版南京市七年级下英语期末测试卷 题型:单选题

We found__________ hard to learn Maths well.

A. it’s B. that C. this D. it

D 【解析】句意:我们发现学好数学很难。本题考查it的用法。分析题干可知本句中“it”作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式to learn Maths well;主语+find it+形容词+to do sth.意思是“发现做某事是怎样的”,故答案选D。

