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They _____have a mobile phone.(手机)

A. aren’t B. don’t C. doesn’t D. haven’t


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级上册Unit 2 This is my sister 课堂达标题同步检测 题型:句子/对话改错













科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林2018届英语九年级上册Unit2基础知识检测卷 题型:单选题

This pink dress looks nice _______ Sandy because she looks very nice _______ pink.

A. on;in B. in;on C. for;on D. to;in


科目:初中英语 来源:外研版九年级英语册Module 2 Public holidays Unit1 同步练习 题型:完成句子


1.________ People's Republic of China was founded in 1949.

2.My grandfather was born ________ 10th December, 1950.

3.National Day is coming. We'll have ________ seven?day holiday.

4.There will be ________ important test at the end ________ this term.

5.Mr Smith and Mary will get married next month and they will have three days ________.

6.________ that day, we did all kinds ________ things for the old people at ________ Old People's Home.

7.It's ________ start of spring and we can see green grass everywhere.

8.Many people like going swimming in the river ________ July and August. Because it's so hot.

9.I will have ________ picnic with my friends this Saturday.

10.There are many interesting festivals in ________ UK.


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七上英语试卷Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball 单元测试 题型:单选题

(题文)--Let’s play soccer.


A. You are welcome B. Thank you C. Here you are D. That sounds good.


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七上英语试卷Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball 单元测试 题型:单选题

There ______ an orange on the table.

A. am B. is C. are D. /


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省2017-2018学年七年级下学期第二次月考英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

Jacques Cousteau was born on 11 June, 1910 in France. He studied the sea and all forms of life in water. He loved the beautiful colors and the beautiful fish in the sea.

One day, when he was taking photos under the sea, he saw some colorful coral reefs (珊瑚礁) were dead and grey. He wanted to know why and he found a factory near the sea poured waste water into the sea. Jacques Cousteau was very sad and he decided to tell people it was important to protect the environment under the sea.

He encouraged everyone to take part in protecting our lakes, rivers, seas and oceans.

Jacques Cousteau died of a heart attack on 25 June 1997. He made a great contribution to(对……作出很大的贡献) the environment of the sea.

1.Why were some colorful coral reefs dead and grey?

A. Because the waste water polluted the sea.

B. Because there was not enough water in the sea.

C. Because some fish in the sea ate them.

D. Because people near the sea cut them off.

2.How old was Jacques Cousteau when he died?

A. 83 years old. B. 85 years old. C. 87 years old. D. 89 years old.

3.What might Jacques Cousteau be?

A. A conservationist (自然环境保护主义者). B. A fisherman. C. A science teacher. D. A swimmer.

4.What is the passage about?

A. How to protect the sea. B. A man who protected the sea.

C. All forms of life in water. D. A great organization.


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省2017-2018学年七年级下学期第二次月考英语试卷 题型:单选题

— When did you borrow the book from the library?

—I borrowed it two days ago and I will return the book tomorrow.

A. think of B. give back C. look after


科目:初中英语 来源:外研版九年级英语上册Module 6 Problems Unit 1同步练习 题型:单词填空


Being safe in your everyday life needs 1.(知识). If you 2.(考虑) the following information, your life will be much safer.

It's 3.(必要的)for you to notice the environment around you. You shouldn't walk 4. (独自) outside. Make sure where the public phones are.

Get into the5.(习惯) of carrying your bag towards the front of your body6.(代替,而不是) of putting it on your back. When a bus is full of people, it is easy 7.(足够的) for a thief to take away the things in the bag on your back.

If someone strange 8.(跟随)you, cross the street and go to the other way, let the person understand that you know he or she is after you. Next, don't go home at once. You are safer in the street than you are alone in your home or in a lift(电梯).

If you have to take a bus to a place far away, try to get to the stop a few minutes earlier before the bus leaves. Then other people will 9.(未能达到) to study you. On the bus, don't sit alone. Sit behind the driver or with other people. Don't sleep.

Those are my10.(观点,看法). Don't you think so?

