精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

  One Sunday afternoon,my younger brother and I were left alone at home. I was doing my homework 1        my younger brother was watching TV. Suddenly,the doorbell rang. My brother thought it was our parents,so he opened the 2        quickly.

A tall man stood outside and 3        politely if our parents were at home.

Without thinking,my brother said,“No.” When I wanted to close the door,he suddenly 4        the door very hard and came into our house.  He took out a  5        and ordered me to tie up my brother’s 6        with a rope (绳索) . I tied up his hands in a special way so my brother could untie (松开) himself 7        The man then tied my hands up and locked 8        of us in the kitchen.

Soon,he went upstairs. I taught my brother to 9        his rope with his hands. He then untied 10        I rushed to the telephone to call the police, 11        the line was cut off. The doors were all locked from outside. It was lucky that the man forgot to 12        the kitchen door. We got out of the house through the window and went to the nearest pay phone to call the police.

Soon the police came and 13        was caught. By the time,my parents had come home. We told them the 14        story. My parents were glad that we were not hurt. They told me that I should stop my brother from 15        the door to the stranger. I learned a lesson on vSafety.

(   ) 1.  A. when   B. before

   C. after   D. while

(   ) 2.  A. cupboard   B. door

   C. doorbell   D. window

(   ) 3.  A. guessed   B. asked

   C. argued   D. cried

(   ) 4.  A. pushed   B. pulled

   C. knocked   D. closed

(   ) 5.  A. candy   B. gift

   C. knife   D. phone

(   ) 6.  A. feet   B. legs

   C. hands   D. arms

(   ) 7.  A. hardly   B. easily

   C. suddenly   D. difficultly

(   ) 8.  A. all   B. each

   C. neither   D. both

(   ) 9.  A. make   B. tie

   C. untie   D. use

(   ) 10. A.  me   B. myself

   C. him   D. himself

(   ) 11. A.  but   B. and

   C. or   D. as

(   ) 12. A.  break   B. lock

   C. move   D. see

(   ) 13. A.  my father   B. my mother

   C. my brother   D. the man

(   ) 14. A.  happy   B. whole

   C. usual   D. same

(   ) 15. A.  turning   B. sending

   C. opening   D. closing

 1-5  DBBAC 6—10  CBDCA

11—15 ABDBC

题目来源:全品作业本八年级英语下册人教版 > Section A


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4. stop breathing       

5. without any mistakes          


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 2.         go swimming  with them?

   A. Why don’t you   B. What about

   C. Do you mind   D. Would you like


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 When a disaster (灾难) happens,you might find yourself without water,gas and electricity. You might even need to leave your home right away. So you are supposed to plan for the bad situations before the disaster comes. Here are some suggestions.

First,have a family meeting. Plan a way to get your family members together if they can’t find each other after the disaster. Choose two places for everyone to go to if it isn’t safe to return home. The first should be near your house. You can go there in an emergency (紧急情况) like a fire. The second meeting place should be outside your neighborhood.

Next,choose a person outside your area who can help your family get in touch with each other. After a disaster,it is often easier to communicate over a long-distance call than a local one. The person can pass messages between your family members.

Then,get a family disaster kit ready. It should include things your family needs. It can help you survive (生存) at least for three days like bread,water,medicine and things like that. Put them in a bag so you can carry it if you leave in a hurry. When doing it,remember that different people have different needs. Include special things necessary for elderly or young members of your family.

Finally,practice your emergency plan,and up-date (更新) it as necessary.

You may not be able to stop disasters,but with a little planning you can be helped.

(   ) 1. How many suggestions are mentioned in the passage?

   A. Two.

   B. Three.

   C. Four.

   D. Five.

(   ) 2. Why does the writer suggest choosing a person outside your area?

   A. To send food and water to your family.

   B. To help your family move to a safe place.

   C. To choose two places for your family to go to.

   D. To help your family get in touch with each other.

(   ) 3.  What does the underlined word “kit” proba bly mean?

   A. 救护车   B. 搜救犬

   C. 应急用品   D. 防毒面具

(   ) 4.  What’s the best title of this passage?

   A. Planning for disasters

   B. How different disasters happen

   C. Practicing your plan

   D. Where to stay away from disasters


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4. 你在开玩笑吧!这不可能。 You’re        !  It’s        .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 6. It’s important        us        well at night.

   A. of;to sleep   B. of;sleeping

   C. for;to sleep   D. for;sleeping


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

3. As students,we should tell the       (true) .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 5.    —Who designed this game?

—It       by Tom in 1999.

   A. is designed   B. designs

   C. was designed   D. designed


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 9. The story happened       the evening of August 2nd.

   A. on   B. in   C. to   D. at

