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From a large elephant to a small mouse, animals live happily together in Disney’s new movie Zootopia. Judy Hopps, the main character, becomes the first rabbit police officer in the city. While solving a mystery, she meets the smart fox, Nick, who helps her with her case, and some other animals like the lion mayor(市长) and a sloth called Flash. Here is something more about the movie.

There are 64 kinds of animals in the movie. Each kind is special. Elephants have trunks(big noses), pigs have snouts; some animals have feet, some have paws; some animals have three fingers while some have two. Judy’s character is a bit different from real rabbits. Real rabbits actually have a split lip(裂唇), but the film makers decided to keep Judy’s lip all together to look nice.

Film makers learned that not all fur of animals is the same. In the movie, some of polar bear fur is clear. It appears white because the light reflects(反射) off of it. Part of fox fur is dark at the root(根部), getting lighter till its red top. They did so to make sure that the animals in Zootopia were believable.

Moreover, a film maker, Nathan Warner with his partners also took a trip to Africa for researching animals. There they had a close watching of different animals. Based on their discovery, these artists added leaves and sticks to animals’ coats like the big sheep. They also make animals’ tears run from the inside corners of eyes down to the outside of the mouth.

1.From the passage we know that Zootopia may be the name of a(an) .

A. animal B. zoo

C. city D. mayor

2.You may see the following characters in the movie EXCEPT .

A. Flash B. Nick

C. Judy Hopps D. Nathan Warner

3.We can infer(推断) from the passage that .

A. Nick is a fox police officer and helps Judy solve a case

B. leaves and sticks on animals’ coats make them look real

C. Judy Hopps also has a split lip as well as the real rabbits

D. part of fox fur is dark at the root and gets lighter till its red top

4.This passage is mainly about .

A. the main clues of Zootopia

B. some fun facts about Zootopia

C. different kinds of animals roles

D. the steps of the movie designing


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级上英语同步练习1期中检测(二) 题型:单项填空

一________your friend Tom?

一 No, .

A. Is; she isn’t B. Are; he isn’t

C. Is; he is D. Is; he isn’t


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级上同步练习1期中测试(二)英语试卷 题型:任务型阅读

One of the easiest ways to keep healthy is to do jogging. “ Jogging is the name for a very gentle (温和的)running—it is just a little faster than walking. ”

Start slow jog for 20 meters, then walk for 20 meters. Little by little, if you are not feeling very tired, you may do more jogging and less walking. Finally, jog the whole day. It will be easy for you to start jogging for 15 minutes twice a week. Then increase(增加)this to 20—30 minutes every day. The longer you join in jogging, the more you enjoy it and the healthier you will become. Some people like jogging alone (独自地),and others enjoy doing it with friends. Jogging in groups makes more people keener (热心的),because you cannot stay in bed while there is a group of friends waiting outside.

If you want to start jogging, prepare a pair of comfortable shoes and determined (坚定的)mind.





3.What is jogging?


4.Is jogging faster than walking?


5.What will you need to do if you want to start jogging?



科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级上同步练习1期中测试(二)英语试卷 题型:单项填空

I think it’s good to_________ good things of the world with others.

A. break B. touch C. share


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省镇江市润州区2016届九年级中考二模英语试卷 题型:任务型阅读

Parents are the most generous people on Earth. However, we often fail to thank them for their efforts and love. And by the time we realize this, it’s too late. So don’t wait for Mother’s Day or Father’s Day to say sweet things to your parents.

“I miss you all the time.” Although you are busy, don’t forget to call your parents and tell them how much you miss them when they are not around.

“I thank you for all your efforts.” Maybe you haven’t thanked them in words, but you surely did it in your mind. Hug(拥抱) them and tell them how much you thank them for their efforts. You can’t possibly give back everything they’ve done for you, but this small act will make them feel special.

“I’m sorry.” You might have said things that hurt them deeply, but they still believe in you and continue to shower their love on you. You may want to go back in time and make everything right. But since that can’t happen, all you can do is to say sorry from the bottom of your heart.

“Thank you for making me what I’m today.” You can never thank them enough for this. They’ve always been your strength to move forward in life. They have taught you all the small and big things about life. Let them know they are the real heroes in your life.

“You are great role models.” Your parents have been great role models and you should always respect them. They always encourage you to work hard and become a successful man in life. Even though you may have lost in a race or failed an exam, they were and still are your number one fans.


Things you must say to your parents before it’s too late


●You 1.express your thanks for your parents’ efforts and love.

●You don’t say sweet things to them until some special days.

What to say

“I miss you all the time.”

2.to phone your parents though you have no time.

“I thank you for all your efforts.”

●Show your thanks for their efforts to give you the best life possible.

●A small act like a hug will mean everything to them.

“I’m sorry.”

●Your parents will always love you 3. you may hurt them before.

●Say sorry sincerely to your parents since you can’t correct your past mistakes.

“Thank you for making me what I’m today.”

●Realize that your parents make you what you are today.

●Your parents are your real 4. who make you move forward in life.

“You are great role models.”

●You are always encouraged to be hard-working and successful.

●Your parents always 5. you even though you may not succeed in a race or pass an exam.


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省镇江市润州区2016届九年级中考二模英语试卷 题型:单项填空

--- I think Running Man is the most popular TV game show now.

--- ____ .

A. I’m glad to hear that B. That’s all right

C. Never mind D. I can’t agree more


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省镇江市润州区2016届九年级中考二模英语试卷 题型:单项填空

The girl is often seen ____in the art room.

A. practice drawing B. practised drawing

C. to practice drawing D. practice to draw


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级上英语同步练习1期中测试(一) 题型:完形填空

Now more and more people care for their health. So they think they should eat___ food every day. They need _____food and good health, but not all the people knew that well years ago.

When I was in No. l Middle School, our teacher, Mr. Lin asked us to learn something about green food by______.We had no idea at first. Then our four-member group had a discussion and went to do some research (调查)in a supermarket. Two of us wrote down the names of the _____food on the shelves. The other two____customers (顾客)some questions like‘‘Do you know what green food is?” “How often do you _____green food?” and so on. More than 30 customers _____our questions! Later each group in our class wrote a research report ____ the topic and handed it in(上交).Our teacher chose the______ones and put them on the wall of the classroom. ____was one of them! We not only learned a lot about green food but also knew how to keep healthy.

Let’s try our best to make our life more healthier! Join us at once!

1.A. clean B. fast C. happy D. healthy

2.A. green B. red C. yellow D. blue

3.A. our B. us C. ourselves D. ours

4.A. green B. delicious C. fast D. hot

5.A. told B. asked C. helped D. answered

6.A. buy B. sell C. send D. give

7.A. copied B. asked C. answered D. remembered

8.A. in B. about C. to D. for

9.A. long B. short C. bad D. excellent

10.A. Mine B. Theirs C. Ours D. His


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级上英语同步练习1Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show单元检测 题型:阅读理解

When we think of Hollywood (好莱坞),we will think of film and famous film stars. Today people make films in other places, too. Not all the famous film stars live in Hollywood. But Hollywood is still a very special city in Los Angeles, California.

You can easily see where Hollywood is in Los Angeles. There is a big sign on the hills,it says “HOLLYWOOD”. The white letters are fifty feet tall. You can see the sign from far away. The Hollywood sign is a famous landmark (标识)in Los Angeles. Many postcards show this famous Hollywood landmark.

In the hills of Hollywood, there is also an open-air theatre called the Hollywood Bowl. It has seventeen thousand seats and a very special stage (舞台).The design of the stage was by the great American architect Frand Lioyd Wright. You can listen to all kinds of music at the Hollywood Bowl.

1.We can learn from the reading that____________.

A. “HOLLYWOOD” can just be seen from far away

B. Hollywood is now a place only for travelers

C. all the films are made in Hollywood

D. Hollywood is one part of Los Angeles

2.The underlined(画线的)word “special” in the reading means __________ .

A. new B. rich C. unusual D. famous

3.At the Hollywood Bowl,__________.

A. all the postcards are made

B. only 7,000 people can get together

C. people can enjoy the music

D. you can hardly listen to different kinds of concerts

4.It seems that___________.

A. some famous film stars don’t live in Hollywood

B. film stars don’t think Hollywood is a good place to make films

C. the Hollywood Bowl is larger than any other open-air theatre in the world

D. the Hollywood Bowl is a hill in Hollywood

5.The best title(题目)for the reading should be________________.

A. Hollywood

B. Famous Films and Film Stars

C. the History of Hollywood

D. Famous Hollywood Film Star

