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— How are you getting on with your new classmates?

— Very well. _____________.

A. They are all angry with me

B. They are all strict with me

C. They are all friendly to me

D. They are all sorry for me


科目:初中英语 来源:四川省广安市酉溪责任区2015-2016学年八年级下学期第二次月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

A king was old , so he thought it was time to choose a new king. He told all the young people in the country, “I’ll give each of you a seed(种子). Plant it and bring it back one year later. Show me the plant that you bring, and I’ll choose a new king from you.”

A boy named Peter got a seed, too. He planted it carefully. But the seed doesn’t grow at all. A year later, Peter had to take his empty box to the palace. Others all brought beautiful plants there and Peter felt sad.

The king reached the palace and look around. When he found there was nothing in Peter’s box, the king smiled and said to the others, “One year ago, I gave everyone a seed which couldn’t grow. But all of you, except Peter have brought me plants and flowers. Peter was the only one with the honesty(诚实) and courage to bring such a box. So he will be the new king!”

1.It was time to choose a new king, because .

A. the king was young B. the king was old

C. the king wasn’t clever D. the king was the cleverest.

2.The king would choose a new king from .

A. all the old people in the country B. all the people in the country

C. all the young people in the country D. all the young men in the country

3.Others except Peter all brought to the palace.

A. beautiful plants B. empty boxes

C. seeds D. beautiful flowers

4.When he found there was nothing in Peter’s box, the king was .

A. sad B. surprised C. crying D. happy

5.From the passage, we know would be the new king.

A. a young girl named Peter B. a young woman named peter

C. a boy named peter D. a girl named Peter


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省淄博市博山区2017届中考一模英语试卷 题型:短文填空

I love reading. At the age of 6, I could read Harry Potter, a difficult book for a 6-year-old, but I 1.(enjoy) it all the same. It soon became clear that spelling for me was not difficult and I had a wide vocabulary. This is one way I got from reading 2. such a young age.

3.(I) advice for you as English learners would be to read the English novels which you have often read 4. your mother language. Reading novels is a great way of 5. (improve) your vocabulary and spelling without knowing it as you are absorbed(全神贯注的) in the story. You know the story well, so it’s 6.(usual) easy to follow it in English even if you don’t understand every word.

This is anther way of basic point: it’s not necessary 7.(understand) every word. If you understand the 8.(mean) of the sentence, each word is not necessarily important. Quite often, if a word is used several 9.(time) in a text, you’ll gradually get an idea of what it means. Have 10. try. If you love reading you could open up a whole new world of literature.


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省2016-2017学年七年级下学期第三次月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

If someone asks me, “Do you like music?” I am sure I will say, “Of course, I do.” I think music is an important part of our lives.

Different people have different ideas about music. For me, I like rock music because it’s so exciting. And my favourite rock band ( 摇滚乐队 ), the “Foxy Ladies” is one of the most famous rock bands in the world. I also like pop music. My classmate Li Lan loves dance music, because she enjoys dancing. My best friend, Jane, likes jazz music (爵士乐). She thinks jazz is really cool. “I like dance music and rock very much,” says my brother, “because they are amazing.” But my mother thinks rock is boring. “I like some relaxing (轻松的) music.” she says, that is why she likes country music (乡村音乐), I think.

1.The writer likes music because he thinks ________.

A. it’s an exciting part of our lives

B. it’s an amazing part of our lives

C. it’s an important part of our lives

D. it’s an interesting part of our lives

2.What kind of music does the writer like?

A. Jazz and country music. B. Rock and dance music.

C. Rock and pop music. D. Rock and country music.

3.Who likes dancing?

A. The writer.B. Li Lan. C. Jane. D. The writer’s mother.

4.The writer’s mother thinks that country music is ________.

A. amazing B. boring C. relaxing D. cool

5. How many people’s ideas about music are talked about in this passage?

A. 4. B. 5. C. 6. D. 7.


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省2016-2017学年七年级下学期第三次月考英语试卷 题型:单项填空

— Sorry, I’m late.

— _________ tell me the bus broke down again!

A. Won’t B. Can’t C. Don’t D. Doesn’t


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省扬州市毕业升学考试英语模拟试卷及答案 题型:书面表达

扬州市公共自行车租赁系统已经启动近一年,《扬州日报》英文版举办了名为“Are the

public bicycles necessary?”的英文征文活动,你班就此话题也展开了讨论,同学们意见不一。请根据下列表格提示的内容,用英语写一篇短文进行投稿,反映讨论结果并发表自己的观点。




1. 人们出行更容易;2. 保护环境;3. ……


1. 购买和维修自行车要花很多钱;2. 出门可以骑自己家里的自行车;3. ……


1. …… 2. ……


2. 必须包括表格中所有的相关信息,并适当发挥;

3. 词数:100词左右(征文的开头已给出,不计入总词数);


Are the public bicycles necessary?

Yangzhou Public Bicycle System has been into use for nearly a year. Recentlv, our class had a discussion on whether the public bicycles are necessary. Different students have different ideas.



科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省扬州市毕业升学考试英语模拟试卷及答案 题型:阅读理解

Good tips for you

When you travel in other places, you'd better do things as the following:

Visiting other places just like visiting the home of your friends, you have to respect the place, respect the lifestyle, respect the culture and respect the people there.

Never complain about the differences between your place and the place you are

visiting, because no place is the same. If you expect everything is the same as in your place, why do you travel? Remember, complaint won't make your trip enjoyable, just makes you look rude. And it seems that you don't know how to respect others and you don't know much about this world.

Respect and follow the culture and the lifestyle of people of other places. Don't try to apply the way people in your place do to other places. If you do so, you will only be an unwelcome visitor in that place. So, why make yourself unwelcome and look silly?

Admire the differences of other places that you are visiting. It doesn't mean losing face.

1.No matter where you go, what should you do?

A. Complain about the differences between my place and the place I am visiting.

B. Expect everything is the same as in my place.

C. Respect the place, the lifestyle, the culture and the people there.

D. Apply the way people in my place do to other places.

2.If you respect the people in the place that you are visiting, you .

A. will be a welcome visitor B. will lose face

C. will not make your trip pleasant D. will be a rude person

3.The word "so" in the fourth paragraph refers to .

A. expecting everything is the same as in your place

B. complaining about the differences between your place and the place you are visiting

C. applying the way people in your place do to other places

D. visiting other places just like visiting the home of your friends

4.According to the passage, which is NOT wrong?

A. We travel because we want to see the same place as where we live.

B. Respect the place we are visiting as we are visiting the home of our friends.

C. We complain because we know much about the world.

D. Never try to respect the people in other places.


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省扬州市毕业升学考试英语模拟试卷及答案 题型:单项填空

Tom often has ________ egg and a glass of milk for_______ breakfast every day

A. an; / B. an; the C. a; / D. a; the


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新目标版初中英语七年级下册 Unit10单元检测题(A卷) 题型:单项填空

I don’t like

A. onions,tea or porridge B. onions,tea and porridge C. onion,tea or porridges D. onion,tea and porridges

