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In 1995, Oseola McCarty donated $ 150, 000 --most of the money she made in her lifetime--to the University of Southern Mississippi. She just wanted to help poor students. Her friends and neighbours were surprised at the news. McCarty was a good woman and was always friendly and 【小题1】 . But everyone in her town knew that she was not r 【小题2】
Oseola McCarty was born in 1908. She had to leave school when she was eight to support her family by 【小题3】 other people's clothes. She made only a few dollars a day. Oseola washed the clothes by hand. Then she h 【小题4】 the clothes to dry. She did this for nearly 80 years. In the 1960s , when many people began to buy their own washers(洗衣机) and dryers(烘干机), McCarty didn’t have much work to do, so she started to iron clothes i 【小题5】 .
McCarty n 【小题6】 married or had children. Her life was simple. She went to work and to church. She had a black-and-white television, b 【小题7】 she didn’t watch it very often. It only had one channel. Oseola McCarty s【小题8】 money all her life and finally had about $ 250, 000.
In an interview with the University of Southern Mississippi News, McCarty said, "I can't do everything, but I can do s 【小题9】 to help somebody. And what I can do I will do. I wish I could do more." This quiet exceptional cleaning lady has 【小题10】   the world a lesson in giving.


解析试题分析:这篇短文中作者主要介绍了一位叫Oseola McCarty的老人捐钱给the University of Southern Mississippi的故事。并描述了这位老人的生平经历以及她如何节省下如此巨款的过程,给我们刻画了一位身世平凡却形象高大的老人形象。
【小题2】 镇中人们对这样一位孤寡老人捐巨款这种举动非常吃惊,感到不合常理。reasonable合情合理的。
【小题4】洗完衣服挂起来晾干。hang 悬挂,过去式hung。
【小题5】该句意思是,老人不再洗衣服,而代之以熨衣服。instead 取代。
【小题6】根据短文信息Her life was simple 可知老人一生单身,既没有结婚也没有儿女。故填never。
【小题8】该句意思是,老人一生都在节省钱,最终攒了大约$ 250, 000。故填saved,节约,节省。
【小题10】给某人上一课,teach somebody a lesson;teach的过去式taught。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:句型转换

【小题1】When I was young, my teacher told me that the early bird _________ the worm.
【小题2】I ________the Great Wall as soon as I arrive in Beijing.
【小题3】---Why didn’t you answer my phone?
---- Sorry. I _________ on a patient the whole afternoon.
【小题4】I __________ this magazine. Will you please show me another?
【小题5】_________ the letter ______ to the manager of the company yesterday?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】He looks smart because he has a square face and big eyes. ( 保持句意不变 )
He looks smart ________  ________  his square face and big eyes.
【小题2】 My uniform isn’t the same as Jack’s. ( 保持句意不变 )
My uniform is ________  ________  Jack’s.
【小题3】 Tom is a short boy with short hair. ( 对画线部分提问 )
________  ________  Tom look like  ?
【小题4】 Jenney is a very pretty girl . ( 改为感叹句 )
________  ________  Jenny is !
【小题5】 I don’t think climbing is as interesting as hiking. ( 保持句意不变 )
I think hiking is ________  ________  than climbing.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单词拼写


success , lazy , twelve, warn, German
【小题1】Next Sunday is my son’s  ________  birthday .
【小题2】The _________ a person is, the more things he has to do tomorrow.
【小题3】A good plan can make your study _____________.
【小题4】Travelers _____________that a new flu called H7N9 has arrived in Asia.
【小题5】This morning I met some ________ in the supermarket.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单词造句


problem,  means,  serious,  be ,  food ,  well,  large, 
population,   policies,   reached                              
Every minute about 261 babies  【小题1】born in the world. That 【小题2】people have to find  【小题3】for about  375,840  newborn  babies every day. The world’s【小题4】is growing faster and faster. It has become one of the greatest  【小题5】today.
China has the  【小题6】population in the world. There are about 1.3 billion people in China. It has  【小题7】one fifth of the world’s population. China has  carried  out some     【小题8】to control the population, and these policies have worked  【小题9】. But China still faces a    【小题10】population problem.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

fall   get   pick   visit   take
Last Sunday, it was a fine day.An old man 【小题1】___________ a train to his hometown(家乡).He enjoyed 【小题2】_______ his friends there. When he got on the train, one of his shoes【小题3】__________ onto the ground. He wanted 【小题4】______it up, but the train started Then he took off the other and threw it near the falling shoe.A boy asked him, “Why do you do that?” He answered with a smile (微笑)“If a man picks them up, he【小题5】________a pair of shoes.”


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

【小题1】Bob came           in the race and didn’t win a medal,but we still clapped him.
【小题2】You will never be alone and           .All of us are willing to give you a hand at any time.
【小题3】Though the weather was getting          ,the boys decided not to change their camping plan.
【小题4】Her           have recorded all her experiences in her study of English.
【小题5】Jacky hates to be like others and he always does things             .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

accident, first, main, them, keep, pollute, settler, harm, appear, balance, although, people
Nowadays, the hazy (雾霾的) weather often 【小题1】        in our country. It has not only affected the public transportation but also done great 【小题2】       to people’s health. Terrible 【小题3】       happen every now and then. Some freeways are shut down because of the low visibility (能见度). In Nanjing, schools had to close because of the hazy weather last December.
Obviously, air pollution is the (【小题4】        cause that has resulted in (导致) the terrible weather. People don’t pay much attention to the environment, so the 【小题5】       between nature and human beings is lost.
People have started to consider how to protect【小题6】       on hazy days. They try to avoid outdoor activities and wear expensive masks to 【小题7】       away from haze while going out. But actually, no one can really keep away from it【小题8】        they wear masks or stay inside. Haze is everywhere around the city.
Haze is a warning. It warns us to take action to make our Earth a better place. If Earth is too【小题9】       for us to live on, what should we do?  Maybe we have to be 【小题10】       on Mars.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

look  up        laugh at    make mistakes      think of       belong to
【小题1】It  isn’t  polite  to                          others.
【小题2】You  should_____   it         in  a  dictionary  when  you  have  a  new  word .
【小题3】The  book  must _____              Anna.  Look,  her  name’s  on  it .
【小题4】He           many            in the composition.
【小题5】 My  sister  can’t ______              any new ideas,  she  has to  do  it  as  before.

