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If you want to watch and know something about birds, you must find a good place near the bird nest(巢).
Birds sit on eggs and take care of their babies from April to June. Because the baby birds are too young to leave the nest, parents often go to look for food and come back in several minutes. So it is good to watch birds. When we watch birds, we’d better hide ourselves in a close place to the nest, and it’s better to use binoculars(双筒望远镜).
But how to make a bird nest? A good bird nest must be very fine, strong, thick and comfortable. If you want to make one, please follow these:
a) Each nest must have six boards(木板). Don’t make the boards too slippery(滑).
b) Dig a small hole in the front of the nest as a “door”. The “door” is big enough so birds can fly in or out easily.
c) Make sure the rainwater can’t go into the nest.
d) One piece of the board should be easy to open.
e) Don’t forget to colour the nest.
小题1:The most important thing in watching birds is to         .
A.look for a place near the bird nestB.climb up to the trees
C.catch a birdD.kill a bird
小题2:We have to hide ourselves to      , when we’re watching birds.
A.take better care of themB.use the binoculars
C.make them do everything as usualD.kill them at last.
小题3:If we make the nest too slippery,         .
A.it won’t be very beautiful
B.it won’t be easy to make
C.it won’t be strong
D.it’s very difficult for birds to hold or stand on it
小题4: We should leave a hole in the front of the nest so that        easily.
A.we can clean the nestB.birds can fly in or out
C.we can hang(挂)D.we can make it
小题5: What’s the best title of this passage?
A.Birds are man’s friendsB.How to catch birds
C.Watching birds and making bird nestsD.How to keep birds


小题1:细节理解题。根据you must find a good place near the bird nest(巢).可知选A。
小题2:细节理解题。根据we’d better hide ourselves in a close place to the nest, and it’s better to use binoculars(双筒望远镜). 可知选B。
小题3:推理判断题。根据常识可知,板子太滑就会站不稳。选 D。
小题4:细节理解题。根据The “door” is big enough so birds can fly in or out easily可知,选B。
小题5:主题归纳题。根据第一段和第三段可知,本文讲了如何观察鸟和如何做鸟巢两个问题。选 C。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

What will our life be like in the future?Each family will have a ____in the future. You can ask it to do everything____you. It will serve you____hours a day. The robot will____like a human. It can talk with you when you are ____. You won't know whether it is a human____ a robot when you meet it on the street.
People will have____time to work and more time to travel. The vehicles 交通工具in the future will fly freely in the sky because every vehicle will have wings with it. They will____ you to any place you want to visit. You can go to____during your travel when you feel tired. All vehicles will be____because they're driven by robots.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Clothes are important and necessary to us, but do you know how to choose suitable clothes in a correct way? Here are some ideas for you.
When you go shopping and want to buy some clothes,you should think about which kind of clothes you really need and decide how much money you can spend on them.Then look at the labels that are inside the new clothes. They tell you how to take care of the clothes.The label for a shirt may tell you to wash it in warm water. A sweater label may tell you to wash it in cold water. The label on a coat may say “dry clean only” and cleaning in water may ruin this coat. If you do as the directions say on the label, you can keep your clothes looking their best.
Many clothes today must be dry-cleaned. Dry cleaning is expensive. When buying new clothes, you had better check if they need to be dry-cleaned. You can save money if you buy clothes that can be washed or that are well-made. Well-made clothes last longer. They look good even after they have been washed many times.
Clothes that cost more money don’t always mean they are better made. They may not fit you, either. On the other hand, less expensive clothes may sometimes look better and fit you well.
小题1: The first thing for you to do before you buy clothes is__________.               .
A.to know how to wash them
B.to 1ook for well-made clothes
C.to read the directions inside them
D.to see which kind of clothes you need
小题2:  According to the passage,a sweater may be__________.                .
A.washed in cold waterB.washed once a week
C.washed in hot waterD.dry-cleaned only
小题3: What does the underlined word “label’’ mean?
小题4:  The main idea for the passage is __________.                           .
A.buying less expensive clothesB.washing clothes in a right way
C.being a clever clothes shopperD.choosing the well-made clothes


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Maybe you know floods, droughts, earthquakes, sandstorms and so on. But have ever heard of typhoons(台风)?
Typhoons are some of the worst storms, usually around the Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea. Most happen in July, August and September.
How does a typhoon happen? When lots of sea water gets hot in the summer sun, it evaporates into the air. This makes the air hotter. When the air gets warm enough, it starts to move higher up into the sky. Then, cooler air around it rushes in. It fills the space that is left. After the air gets warmer, it starts to move quickly, making wind. The wind goes in circles, and it keeps moving higher in the sky. The warmer the air gets, the quicker the wind moves. And when the wind moves faster than 30 meters a second, a typhoon begins.
A typhoon has two parts, One is called the “eye”. In the eye, the wind does not move so fast. The other part is the wall of clouds around the eye. This is where the strongest with and hardest rains are.
Typhoons are very dangerous. In 2004, Typhoon Yunna killed 164 people in Zhejiang, and 24 people were missing. In May 2006, Typhoon Pearl hit Guangdong and Fujian, and thousands of houses were damaged.
What to do when a typhoon hits:
Stay inside, Close all the windows and stay away from them.
Try to bring all of your things inside. Strong winds could even blow away your bikes!
Listen to the radio or TV for important information.
If you’re told to go to a safer place, do so right away.
小题1: Typhoons often happen      
A.in the hot seasonB.in the cold season
C.only in ChinaD.under the sea
小题2: Which picture can tell the meaning of the underlined sentences“…,it starts to move higher up into the sky. Then, cooler air around it rushes in.”?

小题3: When a typhoon comes, we cannot      
A.close all the windowsB.listen to typhoon news
C.stay outside with our bikesD.stay inside the strong house
小题4: This passage is mainly about      
A.the knowledge of typhoonB.the eye of a typhoon
C.the most dangerous typhoon YunnaD.the names of typhoon
小题5: Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The warmer the air gets, the slower the wind moves.
B.In 2006, Typhoon Peal killed 164 people in Zhejiang.
C.The strongest winds and harder rains are in the eye of typhoon.
D.A typhoon will happen when the wind goes faster than 30 meters a second.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A.Emily often feels tired and seems to be lack of energy.
B.Jeff spent his summer vacation on the beach and got serious sunburnt.
C.Kate has poor eyesight and she can’t see clearly at night.
D.Tony sometimes feels pains in his bones and he has loose teeth.
E. Luke is so careless that he often gets hurt. And it takes a long time for his wound to heal.
F. Linda feel nervous before the new people.

1.Vitamin A
What can high-vitamin A foods do for you?
??be great for night vision
??help you see in color
??help your grow properly and aids in healthy skin
﹡ vitamin A in carrots helps you see at night

2.The B vitamins
What can the B vitamin do for you?
??help make energy and set it free
??help make red blood cells which carry oxygen(氧气) throughout your body
﹡ The B vitamins in leafy green vegetables help your body make protein(蛋白质)and energy.

3.Vitamin C
What can vitamin C do for you?
??keep body tissues(组织) in good shape
??help you heal when you get hurt
??help your body resist infection
﹡ Vitamin C in oranges helps your body heal if you get a cut

4. Vitamin D
What can vitamin D do for you?
??help keep your bones strong and healthy
??help keep your teeth strong and healthy
??help your body absorb the amount of calcium(钙)
﹡ Vitamin D in milk helps your bones and teeth.
5. Vitamin E
What can vitamin E do for you?
??protect your skin from ultraviolet(紫外线) light
??protect you lungs from becoming damaged by polluted air
??help make red blood cells
﹡ Sunflowers seeds are the richest in Vitamin E


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Your daughter has finally reached the age of 18, and you think perhaps your job will finally get a little easier. That could be wrong thinking - as the parent of any 18-year-old will tell you.  Learning to cope with an ungrateful 18-year-old daughter takes patience, understanding and time.
_______ When she was a little girl, she wanted you to be involved(参和) in everything of her life from her daily activities to her friends. This is' no longer the case. She's a grown woman who needs her own personal life. Comment(评论) on her choices only when asked to do so - especially if you want to say no to her.
Allow her to make mistakes. No parent wants to see his or her child fall, but the days of protecting her all the time are at an end. Unless(除非) you see a train coming, let her fall when she makes poor choices. It will enable her to grow past the ungrateful "know it all" stage.
Encourage dialogue whenever you can, rather than planning talks. She's more likely to open up to you when talking over something trivial (琐碎的). Anytime she wants to talk, become a willing listener in the conversation. You never know when a deeper, more important conversation will develop.
小题1:What does the underlined phrase "cope with" mean?
A.walk withB.go withC.talk withD.deal with
小题2:Which sentence is best to put into the blank in the second paragraph?
A.Never give your opinions to her.
B.Give her the space she asks for.
C.Never take part in her activities.
D.Always say yes to her.
小题3:We can learn that parents_______ from the third paragraph.
A.can't protect their children every minute
B.sometimes make mistakes
C.should let their children fall as often as possible
D.shouldn't allow their children to take the train alone
小题4:The passage is written for_______.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

In China, more and more middle school students are getting      sleeping time than before.Most students sleep less than 8 hours every night       they have too much homework to do. Some homework is given by their teachers. And some by their        .Also , some students don’t know how to save time, they are not       enough while they do their homework., so they make many mistakes, and it takes them a lot of time. Some studentstoo much time watching TV programs or playing computer games. They    very late. Some students have to get up early every morning on weekdays to get to school on time     bus or bike. It can be a      time from home to school.
School and parents should cut down some of the     so that the children can enjoy more than 8 hours of sleep every night for their health. As we all know ,children are our country’s       .They should be well cared for.
A.becauseB.but C.soD.after
A.stay upB.give upC.turn upD.put up
A.long B.shortC.difficultD.happy
A.housework B.homeworkC.teamworkD.class


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Every year many young people leave school for a few weeks or months and enjoy an unusual type of educational program. They learn new skills by living in a different country and doing unusual jobs. There are several organizations. They help students to find the experience they are looking for. The table below shows a few possibilities for students.

One interesting possibility is helping elephants in Thailand. Most people think o elephants as animals in zoos. In fact, many elephants in Thailand are no longer kept in cages. Now, hundreds of them are homeless. They don’t have owners to care for them. Although they may look well, they are often in poor health and don’t have enough to eat.
One centre in Thailand cares for these elephants. It gives them a safe and natural living space. When they  are at the centre, they stay in a building but are free to walk around. Students come from all over the world to help here. The student helpers work with the elephant keepers. These keepers train the students in caring for the elephants. In the morning, they go to the forest together and lead the elephants to the centre. They clean them and give them food. In the afternoon, they take the animals back into the forest for the night. Helping at the center is interesting and the young people learn a lot.
小题1:Which country can you choose if you want to prepare yourself for a medical career?
A.IndiaB.GhanaC.ThailandD.New Zealand
小题2:Which job might be suitable for the students who love children and arts?
A.Teaching young childrenB.Health care work
C.Saving elephantsD.Teaching Chinese
小题3:What does the underlined word “they” in the last paragraph probably refer to?
A.The keepersB.The doctors
C.The studentsD.The elephants
小题4:What does the writer think of the unusual educational program?
A.It is amazingB.It is boring
C.It is helpfulD.It is expensive


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

How dangerous it would be if there was a fire! Winter is the time for us to learn a lot more about fire, especially what to do if we are caught in a fire.
1. Shout out
If you smell smoke or see fire, shout out “Fire!” Shout as loudly as you can, because people may be asleep.
2. Call 119
Never try to put out the fire yourself, even if it is a very small one! Get help from your parents or call 119.
3. Keep down close to the floor
If there is a lot of smoke in your room, keep down close to the floor.
4. Test the door
Test the door before you open it. If the door is cool, open it carefully. If the door is hot, do not open it! Try to find a different way out.
5. Get out
If you can, get out of your home as soon as possible.
6. Don’t use the lift
Never use the lift during the fire. It may also go wrong.
7. Don’t go back
Never go back into a burning building!
小题1:The passage is mainly about _____
A.how to look after yourself when you are on fire
B.what to do when you are caught in a fire
C.when to leave the burning place
D.why to call 119 when there is a fire
小题2:When people are asleep, what will you do when a fire breaks out in your building?
A.Call 120 for help as quickly as you can
B.Only wake your parents up fast
C.Shout out “Fire!” as loudly as you can
D.Run away as fast as you can and don’t call others
小题3:Why shouldn’t you use the lift when a fire breaks out?
A.Because taking the lift is so slowB.Because the fire can burn you
C.Because the lift is too crowdedD.Because the lift may not work
小题4:When a fire is burning, you test the door to ____.
A.find a different way outB.notice the fire clearly
C.call for a much quicker helpD.see if it is close
小题5:If you realize you have left an expensive thing at home in a fire, you should
A.go back for itB.keep down close to the door
C.not get outD.not go back for it

