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Lin Ping _______ the whole class _______his high marks.

A. impressed; by B. has impressed; with C. made; by D. has made; with

B 【解析】句意: 林平以优异的成绩给全班留下了深刻的印象。be impressed with留下深刻印象。be impressed by被...所感动;被...给予深刻印象。本题为主动句,而不是被动句。故选B。

科目:初中英语 来源:河南省周口市西华县2017-2018学年七年级上学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:听短文回答问题

- your mother know Jim?

-No,She .

A. Do;don’t B. Does; doesn’t C. Does;don’t D. Do; doesn’t

B 【解析】句意:——你妈妈认识吉姆吗?——不,她不认识。考查助动词辨析题。问句是一般疑问句,your mother是三单人称,助动词需用does,可排除AD两项;其回答需用does的相关形式,可排除C项。根据句意和语境,可知选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版2018届英语九年级英语(下)第四单元综合测试卷 题型:阅读单选

Hello Kitty, the cat with no mouth, has become the first cartoon kitty to go to spaced A seventh grader from America came up with the idea for her science project at school.

Lauren Rojas,a13-year-old girl,once watched a television programme. In the programme,a balloon was released into the sky. She thought she could do the same with her Hello Kitty doll.

Lauren spent about a month building a small silver rocket and a weather balloon by herself. She put the Hello Kitty doll into the rocket and tied it with the balloon. After testing wind direction and temperature, she set the balloon free. Lauren Rojas said she wanted to test the effects of altitude on the balloon's air pressure and temperature. To record the journey, she put cameras to the rocket.

After a few minutes,the balloon rose more than 90,000 feet above the ground. It was near outer space. There,the air was so thin that the balloon burst. The balloon was 53 times larger than its original size before bursting open. Hello Kitty's rocket fell back down to Earth with the help of a parachute. It landed in a tree 47.5 miles from the launch site.

Hello Kitty went along for the ride in the rocket just for fun. "I have liked her ever since I was 6 years old," Lauren told the New York Daily News. " I thought it would be really fun to add a toy inside the rocket. "

Lauren loves carrying out science experiments. This experience sparked her interest in science even further.

1.What idea did Lauren come up with for her science project?

A. Watching a television programme.

B. Making a science experiment with her friends.

C. Sending a Hello Kitty doll into space.

D. Flying a rocket to the Moon.

2.The rocket flew into the space .

A. slowly all by itself

B. with the help of a balloon

C. with the help of a parachute

D. in a small plane she built

3.Lauren set the weather balloon free in order to .

A. test how altitude influences the balloon

B. record the journey with a camera

C. make herself become a famous girl

D. add a toy inside the rocket for fun

4.What happened to the rocket after the balloon's bursting open?

A. It flew into outer space at once.

B. It became larger than its original size.

C. It reached 90,000 feet above the ground.

D. It fell down and got stuck in a tree.

5.We can infer from the passage .

A. Lauren put the video recordings on the Internet

B. Lauren will become more interested in science

C. Lauren won't carry out science experiments any more

D. Lauren got an A+ on her project

1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.B 【解析】文章大意:13岁的美国女孩LaurenRojas用气象气球把Hello Kitty送入了太空。Lauren说她6岁喜欢上了HelloKitty ,她认为把它放在火箭里是一件有趣的事情。Lauren喜欢做科学实验,这次经历会让她对科学更加感兴趣。 1.细节理解题。由文中句子“She thoughtshe co...


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版9(上)Unit 1 Know yourself单项选择练习 题型:单选题

-Did you get the points at the meeting? -Yes, of course. I listened ______ all the time.

A. careful enough B. carefully enough C. enough careful D. enough carefully

B 【解析】句意: -你在会上拿到分数了吗?-当然了。我一直认真地听着。Listened为动词用副词修饰它;enough作为副词,修饰形容词、副词的时候,要置于所修饰的形容词、副词的后面,中文译为“足够地……”。故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版9(上)Unit 1 Know yourself单项选择练习 题型:单选题

-Helen, I've failed in the Chinese exam again.

-Don't______. Work hard and you'll be good at Chinese some day.

A. give out B. give off C. give up it D. give up

D 【解析】句意: -海伦,我语文考试又没及格。-不要放弃。努力学习,将来有一天你会擅长中文的。A. give out分发;公布;B. give off发出;放出;C. give up it这种结构不对,应该it放在up的前面;D. give up放弃;结合句意可知D正确。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版9(上)Unit 1 Know yourself单项选择练习 题型:单选题

_______you ______Amy_____ interested in star signs.

A. Not only; but also; is B. Neither; nor; are C. Both; and; is D. Either; or; are

A 【解析】句意: 不仅你而且艾米也对星座感兴趣。 A. not only…but also…“不仅……而且……”谓语看临近的主语,即所谓的就近原则。 B. Neither…nor…是两者都不,谓语必须与nor后面的名词或代词的人称及数保持一致,即所谓的就近原则。 C. Both…and…是两者都,谓语用复数。 D. Either…or…“或者……或者……”两者之中有...


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版9(上)Unit 1 Know yourself单项选择练习 题型:单选题

﹣Mum, I'm_______ to eat five bowls of rice!﹣Really? But there isn't ______in the fridge.

A. hungry enough; food enough B. enough hungry; food enough

C. hungry enough; enough food D. enough hungry; enough food

C 【解析】句意:—妈妈,我饿得能吃五碗饭!—真的吗?但是冰箱里没有足够的食物。enough作为副词,修饰形容词、副词的时候,要置于所修饰的形容词、副词的后面,中文译为“足够地……”,enough作为形容词,中文译为“充足的,充分的……”后面接名词的时候,作前置定语。故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版9(上)Unit 1 Know yourself单项选择练习 题型:单选题

The doctor asked my father to give up to keep healthy.

A. smoking B. smoke C. smoke D. to smoke

A 【解析】句意: 医生要我父亲戒烟以保持健康。give up doing sth,放弃做某事,表示主观放弃,自己放弃。故选A。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版9(上)Unit 1 Know yourself单项选择练习 题型:单选题

--- Where is my food, Tom? --- Sorry, I _____just ______it _______ .

A. did ,eat, up B. has, ate ,up C. have, eaten, up D. will ,eat ,up

C 【解析】句意:—汤姆,我的食物在哪里? —对不起,我刚吃完。结合句意可知用现在完成时。现在完成时的结构为:助动词have/has +动词的过去分词。eat—ate—eaten。故选C。

