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Mr Grant moved to another town. One day he went to see a doctor. He sat down in the waiting room and looked round. The doctor’s degrees (学位证书) were on the wall. Suddenly Mr Grant remembered there had been a classmate with the same name in his class at school, and he had become a doctor.

  As he went in to see the doctor, he remembered a young, handsome student and he was sad to see how old this man looked. He said to him, “Good morning, Doctor. Did you go to King High School?”

  The doctor answered, “Yes, I did.”

  “Were you there from 1942 to 1946?” Mr Grant asked.

  “Yes, I was.” the doctor answered. “How did you know?”

  Mr Grant laughed and said, “You were in my class!”

  “Oh?” the doctor said and looked at him carefully for a few minutes. “What were you teaching?” he asked.

  ( )1. Mr Grant went to see the doctor because _________.

  A. he had nothing to do that day  B. he was ill that day

  C. he knew the doctor very well  D. he was very busy that day

  ( )2. Mr Grant suddenly found the doctor’s name was the same as one of his ________.

  A. teachers    B. students    C. classmates   D. friends

  ( )3. When Mr Grant found the doctor was old, he __________.

  A. became worried B. got angry at once  C. felt very happy D. was very sorry

  ( )4. Who was in King High school from 1942 to 1946?

  A. Both Mr Grant and the doctor were in King High School.B. Only the doctor was there.

  C. Neither of them was in King High School.  D. Only Mr Grant was there.

  ( )5. Mr Grant thought the doctor was old, but the doctor thought Mr Grant _________.

  A. was as young as he   B. was even older

   C. was much younger     D. was as old as he

1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


66. While traveling in Africa, we had many happy and exciting _________(经历)

67. He feels             (失望)because he couldn’t get a ticket to The Sound of Music.

68. It’s too far to cycle, but there are other           (交通工具)for us to choose.

69. They are looking forward to ___________ ( 解决)this problem.

70. People should know the __________ (important) of protecting the environment.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Most middle school students wear uniforms. Some students like uniforms,  26  others don’t. However, recently, a Japanese government survey(政府调查)  27  that more students in Japan like uniforms now  28  school uniforms are more fashionable (时尚的) than they were before. I surveyed some Japanese students about  29  they thought about school uniforms. I asked them, “ Are fashionable uniforms popular or not?” There were lots of different opinions (观点,看法). Hiromi said, “I like school uniforms because I don’t need 30  clothes every day. I think that fashionable uniforms are  31 . My high school uniform is fashionable, but there is a  32 . Fashionable uniforms are too expensive.”

Miki said that she didn’t like fashionable uniforms because she didn’t want to spend so much money 33 uniforms. She thought that the uniforms should be changed (被改变). They should be cheaper and easier to get.

Mitsuaki said, “ I don’t like school uniforms because I want to look  34 . I also agree that fashionable uniforms make many students want to  35 uniforms in high school. If students like fashionable uniforms, it is good.”

(  ) 26. A. and    B. but              C. or              D. so

(  ) 27. A. shows   B. tells             C. speaks              D. talks

(  ) 28. A. before  B. when            C. because          D. so that

(  ) 29. A. why     B. how             C. where              D. what

(  ) 30. A. choose  B. to choose         C. choosing         D. chose

(  ) 31. A. good     B. bad             C. well             D. old

(  ) 32. A. question  B. word            C. thing            D. problem

(  ) 33. A. in        B. for              C. on              D. at

(  ) 34. A. the same   B. different          C. happy           D. same

(  ) 35. A. wear    B.show       C. make        D. spend


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

——Why not __________ the music club?

——I’m sorry.I can’t sing or dance.

  A. to join  B. join  C. joining  D. to joining


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Half of the class__________ most of the work. Some of the work ________really difficult.

A. have done ; is                     B. has done ;are

C. has done ; is                      D. have done ; are


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 What _______ you _________at this time yesterday ?

A. did; do   B. have; done   C. were ;doing   D. are ; doing


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

When Mr. David retired(退休), he bought a small house in a village near the sea. He liked it and hoped to live a quiet life in it. But to his surprise, many visitors came to see his house in summer holidays, for it was the most interesting building in the village. From morning to night, there were visitors outside the house. They kept looking into the rooms through the windows and many of them even went into the house. He decided to drive the visitors away. So he put a notice on the window. The notice said,“If you want to satisfy your curiosity(好奇心),come in and look around. Price: twenty dollars.”Mr. David was sure that the visitors would stop coming, but he was wrong. More and more visitors came and Mr. David had to spend every day showing them around his house. “I came here to retire, not to work as a guide(导游)”, he said angrily. In the end, he sold the house and moved away.


(  )31. Mr. David’s house was      that many visitors came to see it.

A. so small         B. so quiet          C. so interesting      D. such interesting

(  )32. Mr. David put a notice on the window in order       .

A. to drive the visitors away

B. to satisfy the visitors curiosity

C. to let visitors come in and look around

D. to get some money out of the visitors

(  )33. The notice made the visitors      .

A. more interested in his house

B. lost interest in his house

C. angry at the unfair price

D. feel happy about the price

(  )34. After Mr. David put up the notice      .

A. the visitors didn’t come any more

B. fewer and fewer visitors came to see his house

C. more and more visitors came for a visit

D. no visitor would pay the money for a visit

(  )35. At last he had to sell his house and move away because       .

A. he did not like it at all

B. he could not work as a guide

C. he made enough money and wanted to buy a new expensive house

D. he could not live a quiet life in it




科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Sally’s Income(收入)                               Last month





$15/a week


Part-time job

$8/a week





Waste(废弃的) things



Sally’s Expenses(支出)                              Last month




Movie every Friday night

$5/ a week


Birthday gift for Betty



New  clothes



New  CD



lunch at school

$10/a week


51.Last month Sally’s income mainly(主要地)came from ___.

A .her parents                       B. her grandmother  

C. the waste things she collected    D. her part-time job

52.How many times did Sally go to the movies last month ?

A .Two times    B. Three times   C. Four times   D. Six times

53.How much could Sally save if she goes to the movies only twice

  a month ?

A . $5        B. $10         C. $15           D. $20

54.From her total income and total expenses, we can know Sally had ______ dollars left last month.

A . five      B. six         C. seven         D. eight

55.Which of the following is NOT true ?

A .Sally went to the movies every Friday night last month .

B. Sally spent $50 on her new clothes last month.    

C. Sally did a part-time job last month.     

D. By the end of this month, Sally has got the same money as last month.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

My friends have never heard of their names,     ______ have I .

A. so             B. either          C. neither        D. no

