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Big schoolbags have been a big problem for students for a long time. Maybe your schoolbag is too 31 to carry, and it troubles you a lot 32you want to find out a book to read. Now e -textbooks will 33you.
It is said that many Chinese middle schools are going to use e - textbooks. An e - textbook, in fact, is a small 34for students. It is much lighter than a usual schoolbag and 35to carry. Though it is as 36 as a book, it can hold (容纳) everything for study. The students can read the text page by page on the 37 , take notes 38the pointer (屏写笔) ,or even "hand in" their 39to their teachers by sending e - mails. All they have to do is to press a button ( 按开关).
Some people say e- textbooks are good, but some say they may be40for the students' eyes. What do you think of it.?
小题1:A. expensive   B. heavy   C. light
小题2:A. till   B. after  C. when
小题3:A. trouble   B. help   C. solve
小题4:A. TV  B. radio  C. computer
小题5:A. easy   B. difficult  C. hard
小题6:A. smaller   B. small  C. harmful
小题7:A. paper   B. keyboard   C. screen
小题8:A. with  B. in   C. by
小题9:A. computer  B. homework  C. e - textbooks
小题10:A. bad   B. dangerous  C. good


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

If you wish to become a better reader, here are four important points to remember about speed* of reading.
1.Knowing why you are reading will often help you to know whether to read rapidly* or slowly.
2. Some things should be read slowly throughout. Science and history books are full of important information. You must read such things slowly to remember each important step and understand each important idea.
3.Some things should be read rapidly throughout. Examples are simple stories meant for enjoyable, letters from friends, news from local or hometown paper, telling what is happening to friends and neighbors.
4. In some of your readings, you must change your speed from fast to slow and slow to fast, as you go along. You will need to read certain pages rapidly and then slow down and do more careful reading when you come to important ideas.
小题1:This passage mainly tells us some important points about how to               .
小题2:How many important points are mentioned here in order to be a better reader?
小题3:               should be read slowly. 
A.Science books
B.Stories meant for enjoyment
C.Letters from friends
小题4:The best title of this passage is                 
A.How to Read fastB.How to Read Slowly
C.How to become a Better ReaderD.How to Remember Things.
achieve  vt. 达到、完成           bank  n.    岸              Castle   n. 城堡
human   n.  人                 own    vt.拥有            prince    n. 王子          rapidly   adv. 迅速地             speed   n. 速度              without  prep. 没有
the amusement park   游乐场       the princess and the frog  公主和青蛙


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Everyone knows that exercise is important. We all need to exercise. Doctors say it is good for us. It makes your heart and body strong. Children who often exercise are more alert(灵活). That means they do better in tests and schoolwork than those who don’t exercise.
They are many ways to exercise. You can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games. Make sure you exercise in the following ways: You have to like what you are doing. Exercise enough--- but not too much. It’s best to exercise twice a week. Thirty minutes each time is enough. Try all kinds of sports until you find one, two or even three sports that feel right for you.
You can exercise at fitness centers. They have a lot of equipment(设备)there. The equipment will help exercise your arms, legs and other parts of your body to make you healthy. Some people buy equipment for their homes. But it’s very expensive.
小题1:the underline word “fitness centers” in the passage means _____.
小题2:The sport “_____” is not told in the passage.
A.playing soccerB.skateboarding
小题3:The doctors say that exercise can make your heart and body _____.
小题4:About “exercise”, which statement of the following is NOT right?
A.Thirty minutes’ exercise each time is enough.
B.You have to exercise too much every day.
C.You needn’t do all kinds of sports to keep healthy.
D.You have to like the sports that you are doing.
小题5:It’s best to exercise _____.
A.at fitness centersB.in groups
C.in the morningD.twice a week


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Food is very important.Everyone needs to      well if he or she wants to have a strong body.Our minds also need a kind of food.
This kind of food is    .We begin to get knowledge even when we are very young.Small children are     in everything around them.They learn     while they are watching and listening.When they are getting older,they begin to    story books,science books...,anything they like.When they find something new,they love to ask questions and     to find out the answers.
What is the best     to get knowledge?If we learn   ourselves,we will get the most knowledge.If we are    getting answers from others and do not ask why,we will never learn well.When we study in the right way,we will learn more and understand  .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A young man once asked his grandpa: "Grandpa, how have you achieved so much in your life,
and yet are still full of energy? " The following was the grandpa's 46____ .
I think it has a lot to do with how a person looks at things. I call it "keeping your ____47 open "
First, realize that life is filled with surprises, and many are good ones.  If you don’t keep watching for them, you'll    48   half of the excitement. When you meet with challenges,   49   them bravely. Then they'll make you smarter and stronger. It is normal for you to make a  50   on the way to success. Don't be nervous. Just be thankful for what it taught you.
It's also   51   to decide exactly what you want. Your choices may create your successes or your failures.  52   think about all the ways ahead, and decide which one to follow. Then believe in  53 and go for it!
Most importantly, never   54   .The one who makes up his mind to win will be the winner.
Give life   55  that you've got, and life will give its best back to you .
小题1:A. dream          B.  answer         C.decision
小题2:A. eyes            B.  arms           C.mouth
小题3:A. control          B. enjoy            C.miss
小题4:A. face            B. avoid            C. forget
小题5:A.friend           B. mistake          C. plan
小题6:A. special          B. important        C. suitable
小题7:A. or.             B .But              C. So
小题8:A. yourself         B. itself         C. himself
小题9:A. stay up          B. come up       C.give up
小题10:A. all              B. none          C. either


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

What should you take in with you when you take an exam? Pen, pencil, eraser, ruler … and don’t forget a bottle of water!
According to a study held in London, students who bring water into exams may improve their grades by up to 10%.
Scientists in UK did the study on 448 students. The students were studying for different degrees  at the University of East London. Only 25% of them entered the exam hall with water.
Scientists then compared their exam results with their normal schoolwork grades. They found that all those who had brought water with them got better grades by 2% to10%.
Scientists also predicted the students’ scores according to their normal schoolwork. They wrote down their possible scores on paper before exams.
It is unclear why drinking water improves exam results. But scientists say having enough water in our bodies and not feeling thirsty could have a helpful effect on our brains. Drinking water may also reduce anxiety (焦虑), which has a bad effect on exam performances.
“Whatever the explanation is, it is clear that students should try hard to stay hydrated (含水的) with water during exams,” one of the scientists said.
So next time, when you are going to have a big exam, try bringing a bottle of water with you. It may help you pass the exam!
小题1:According to the study, students who bring water to exams may ______.
A. get better scores
B. feel worried in exams
C. be smarter than others
小题2:How many students brought water during the exam in the study by the UK scientists?
A. 25.   B. 112.   C. 448.
小题3:Having enough water in exams ______.
A. makes the students smarter
B. helps the students stay calm
C. improves the students’ scores by 20%
小题4:The underlined word “predicted” means “______”.
A. 预测          B. 提高         C. 更正
小题5:What’s the best title for the passage?
A. The more water, the higher scores
B. Anxiety in the exams
C. Water helps in exams


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

To protect the environment, we are on the way. Here are a few things we can do.
Unwanted gifts? Give them away!
Have you ever received a gift that you didn’t like? Did you throw it away? If so, you can have another choice now. Two British companies hopes people will give away their unwanted gifts to them. And they will resell the gifts to raise money for the poor. In this way, the gifts can be refused and have a future life. And people can make a difference to the world.
Wear the trousers that reduce(减少) pollution!
A chemistry scientist and a fashion designer (时装设计师) have created a new kind of trousers. The trousers are made of a new material which can help reduce air pollution around us. Scientists have tested the material. The result shows that it isn’t harmful to human. This new kind of trousers may appear at the market in two years. Professor Ryan said, “If thousands of people wear the trousers, the air quality will be improved.”
Plant trees with Felix
Felix Finkbeiner, a 14-year-old German boy, is not famous as a child actor but an environment hero. At the age of 9, Felix got the idea that children could do something to protect the environment. So he started a club. Felix soon got support from children all over the world. Some of them have become his good friends. The club has an aim of planting 212 million trees. They have planted over 3.5 million trees all around the world. Felix said, “The answer to controlling global(全球的) warming is trees—lots of trees!”
小题1:The companies resell the unwanted gifts      .
A.to make the unwanted gifts usefulB.to help people learn to think carefully
C.to save money from itD.to make money for themselves.
小题2:The trousers mentioned in the passage         .
A.have been created by a physics scientist and a fashion designer
B.can help make air pollution less
C.will do harm to people
D.will be popular in two years
小题3:Felix started a club          .
A.to become famous
B.to become a child actor
C.to protect the environment with other children
D.to make friends with the children around the world


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

任务型阅读(共10空, 每空1分,满分10分)(每空一词)
What do you think is the most important invention in the world? The TV? The printer? The telephone? Or the computer? A report shows that they are not the only important inventions. Here are three other important inventions.
One of the simplest inventions is the toilet. Before toilets, people poured or dumped waste into rivers from people’s houses. Illnesses were common in big cities, and it was often difficult to find clean drinking water.
Animal food is another important invention. Before the invention, most animals were killed every autumn because there was not enough food for them in winter. After hay(干草) became a kind of common animal food, animals could live through the long winter.
The third great invention is glasses. Glasses help people read, write and do “close work” after the age of 45. Without glasses, the word would be difficult for the people above 45.
Some most    小题2:   inventions
Three   小题3:   simple inventions
 Before the inventions
The TV
The printer
The     小题4:    
The computer
The toilet
Waste     小题5: into rivers from people’s houses. Illnesses were common. It wasn’t often    小题6:  to find clean drinking water.
Hay/Animal food
People. 小题7:   most
animals in autumn because there was not much food in winter.
Reading,    小题9:   and
doing “close work” would be difficult for the people who are    小题10:  than 45.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Most teenagers feel sad or afraid when their parents fight. They might think their parents don’t love each other any more.
In fact, it is normal for parents to disagree and argue sometimes. They might disagree about important thing like jobs and family decisions. They might even disagree about little thing that don’t seem important at all – like what’s for dinner. Maybe sometimes parents feel so strongly about their differences that it may lead to arguments. However, these arguments are often over quickly. Parents may say sorry and make up , and the family returns to normal
As a family member, you should find out what it really means when your parents fight. When your parents get angry with each other, they might say things they don’t really mean. If your parents are fighting, don’t worry too much about it. Try to find a good way to solve it.
If your parent’s fighting really bothers you, you might find it hard to sleep or got to school. If this happens, try talking to your parents. They may not even realize it until you tell them how their fighting has influenced you. You can also tell other relatives, a teacher or a close friend.
Just remember that no family is perfect and arguments are common in every family.
小题1:What does it mean when parents fight?
A.  They aren’t happy with their family.
B.  They don’t love each other any more.
C.  They disagree with each other about something.
小题2:The underlined part “make up” in paragraph 2 means “      ” in Chinese.
A.  弥补              B.  组成               C.  和解
小题3:The underlined word “it” refers to “     ”.
A.  your parents’ fighting.        B.  your parents’ life      C.  your parents’ difference
小题4:What should we do when our parents’ fighting bothers us?
A.  Talk to them.    B.  Shout at them.       C.  Say something nice to them.
小题5:What can we learn from the passage?
A.  Parents’ fighting often lasts a long time.
B.  Parents might fight over small things.
C.  Teenagers should never argue with their parents.

