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Walking is good health.

A. in B. at C. to D. for


科目:初中英语 来源:2017九年级英语期中试卷(unit1-5)(邵阳中考题型版) 题型:填空

When I was 5 years old,I went to the USA with my mom. I can still remember the first Halloween holiday I had in the USA.

On the morning of Halloween,we paid a visit to a pumpkin(南瓜) farm. Each of us brought a pumpkin to school with us. I used the pumpkin to make a lantern which had two triangle eyes and a scary mouth.

In the afternoon,we put on the Halloween costumes and went on parade in school. Some of the costumes were nice,but some of them looked scary. I chose to wear a suit of Superman's clothes.

I did a lot of things that day,but the part I liked best was “trick or treat” in the evening. After dinner,I went outside with an empty bag. I hoped to get a lot of candies from people. At first,I was a bit nervous,so when I knocked at the door,my heart was beating very fast. A lady came out,and I said carefully to her,“Trick or treat.” My voice was very low,and even myself could hardly hear it. To my surprise,the lady was so kind to give me two candy bars,and I was so excited,thanked the lady and moved on. I couldn't remember how many houses I visited,but I could remember how many candies I got — I got 91 pieces of candy that day,and I was so proud of myself.

What a happy Halloween I had!And I wish we could have a Halloween every month!

My First Halloween in America

In the morning

Each of us visited a pumpkin farm and brought 1. to school.

In the afternoon

We went on parade in school in Halloween 2..

In the evening

“Trick or treat” was my favorite part. I went outside with an 3. bag. At last I got 4. pieces of candy. This made me feel 5. of myself.


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省广州市毕业班综合测试(一)英语试卷 题型:完成句子


Don’t _______ _______ the old man. He is so poor.


_______ _______ for us _______ _______ more books.


His name is known _______ _______ in Japan _______ _______ in China.


She worked hard _______ _______ everything would be ready by 5 o’clock.


Baishuizhai_______ _______ every day because of its beautiful scenery.


He asked me _______ _______ _______ Baiyun Mountain.


_______ _______ the little boy is running!


科目:初中英语 来源:2017九年级英语中考模拟测试卷(邵阳中考题型版) 题型:单选题

―Knowledge is money.

―But I think it is than money.

A. more important B. the most important C. important


科目:初中英语 来源:2017九年级英语中考模拟测试卷(邵阳中考题型版) 题型:单选题

Lily has e-mail address. It's iilym@163. com.

A. a B. an C. the


科目:初中英语 来源:2017-2018年 人教版八年级英语上册第一单元检测题及答案 题型:单选题

What can I do my English?

A. to improve B. improve C. improving D. improved


科目:初中英语 来源:2017-2018年 人教版八年级英语上册第一单元检测题及答案 题型:单选题

It’s time our class,now.

A. begin B. to begin C. for beginning D. to beginning


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版初三英语上册期末综合复习专练(含答案) 题型:阅读单选

7 January, 2014

A new report says more and more international students are attending colleges and universities in the United States. It also notes a large increase in the number of international students from China.

These findings are from the latest Open Doors Report. The report documents the record number of international students in the United States during 2012, 2013 school year. It says more than seven hundred sixty-four thousand four-hundred such students were attending American colleges and universities during the last two years. That represents an increase of almost six percent than one year earlier.

On the other hand, the number of Americans studying overseas (海外) increased by one percent, which reached nineteen thousand this year.

The report says one hundred ninety-four thousand students at American colleges and universities were from

China. That is an increase of more than twenty-three percent over the year before. Peggy Blumenthal, an expert(专家) of international education, described the effect of the increase in Chinese students.

"Now they have been coming for some time. But this year was the highest level ever." She says many Chinese families are able to pay for the highest-quality education for their children. The children mainly choose to study in America.

"We know many of them have enough income to be able to afford to send them anywhere in the world that they want to go. And for the most part, looking around the world, Chinese students still prefer to come to the United States as their choice."

Chinese students are not the only ones who want to attend American colleges and universities. After China, India sends the second largest number of students to the United States for higher education. India has about one hundred thousand students in American schools. South Korea is third with about seventy two thousand students.

Why do so many foreign students study in the United States? Peggy Blumenthal provides one reason.

"The advantage America has is that we have a huge system and a very perfect system. So there are over four thousand universities and colleges in the United States. Among them are some top ones in the world, and what that tells us is there is still a lot of room to host international students."

Foreign students represent less than four percent of the total student population in American higher education. And from Learning English, that's the VOA Special English Education Report. I'm Bob Doughty. Thanks for listening.

1.Bob Doughty seems to be ________.

A. an exchange student from the USA

B. an expert of international education

C. a viewer of VOA

D. a reporter from VOA

2.Which country below has the fewest students studying overseas?

A. South Korea B. India C. China D. America

3.Which is NOT the reason why so many Chinese students go to the USA for further study?

A. Lots of Chinese families are able to pay for the highest-quality education for their children

B. The USA has a huge and a very perfect education system.

C. There is a lot of room to host international students in the USA.

D. The USA has some top universities and colleges in the world.

4.Which of the following statement is true?

A. China has 122,000 more students than South Korea at American colleges and universities.

B. The number of Americans studying overseas is becoming smaller and smaller.

C. The number of Asian students has an increase of 6% over the past two years.

D. Most of the international students in the United States are Chinese.

5.This passage from VOA Special English is most likely to be ________.

A. An advertisement B. A radio programme C. A science report D. A tour guide


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省扬州市邗江区2018届九年级上学期期中考试(含听力)英语试卷 题型:阅读单选


What do we really mean by being open? Being open is a kind of invitation to others to come in, to speak and to share. It is important in letting others get to know how we think and feel. In this way we will be understood and accepted by others. If we aren’t open with others, we won’t fully believe in ourselves or others.

Here are a few ways for you to be more open. First, make your outside behavior the same with your inside feelings and thoughts. Second, share how you really feel about something instead of just opinions. Third, try to change your questions into statements(陈述句) and talk in the first person so that people will understand you more easily. For example, you might say, “I feel happy that you’re here,” instead of, “Are you glad that you’re here?” Finally, try not to say, “I don’t know.” This usually means I don’t want to think about it anymore.

Remember also that it is not suitable to be open with everyone in every situation. You may want to be more open with close friends, but not with people you don’t know well, because you are not sure how someone else will use what they know about you. Besides, some people may not be used to too much openness. If we say everything we feel or think to them, they will feel very uncomfortable at times.

In all, being open is a good way for us to get on well with other people, but we’d better keep the balance between being open and not being too open.

Title: Being open

Meanings of being open

 76  others to come in, to speak and to share.

Show others   77  we think and feel.

Let others understand and 78  us.

Believe in ourselves and others by being open.

 79  to be more open

Make  80 your outside behavior is the same with your inside feelings and thoughts.

Try to share your    81 feelings.

Make statements instead of  82 and use the first person.

Try not to say, “I don’t know.”

Reasons for not being too open

You are not sure how  83  will use your information.

You will make them feel very uncomfortable  84 .

Conclusion: It will  85 us get on well with others if we keep the balance between being open and not being too open.











