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______ Lisa didn't have enough money to buy a present for her teacher,she made a card by herself.

A. While B. But C. Since D. So

C 【解析】句意:由于丽莎没有足够的钱给老师买礼物,她自己做了一张卡片。A. While虽然;B. But但是;C. Since由于,既然;D. So因此。结合句意可知,答案为C。

科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版七年级下Unit2 周检测 题型:单选题

My friends _____ me to go out with them but my mother tells me ______ at home.

A. hope; stay B. want; to stay C. hope; to stay D. want; stay

B 【解析】句意:我的朋友想让我和他们一起出去,但是我妈妈叫我呆在家里。hope用作动词时,后面可接不定式或that从句,但不能接“宾语+不定式”。want sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事。tell sb. to do sth. 叫某人做某事。根据句意可知B正确。


科目:初中英语 来源:Unit 3 Could you please clean your room.精编练习 题型:多任务混合问题

Many parents think that it's very difficult to get their children to do chores. But I don't think so.

My daughter is ten years old.At night,I write down her chores for the following day.Then I stick(贴) the paper with chores on her door.Usually she gets three to eight chores a day.

It ②d________ on how she does chores.If she does all of her chores well,she can get fewer chores the next day.③一些杂务是容易的,比如扫地、叠衣服和晚饭后擦桌子

For my other two children,the chores are different because they are very young.They both know how to put their empty(空的) dinner plates in the dishwasher(洗碗机).My 19-month-old son helps me put the dirty clothes in the washing machine(洗衣机) when I am washing the clothes.They can also help me when I'm working in the yard.They help me pick up the sticks(树枝) and throw them away.








4.任务四:回答下列问题。How many kids does the writer have?


5.任务四:回答下列问题。How does the writer's ten-year-old daughter know her chores?


1.很多父母认为让孩子做家务是非常困难的。 2.depends 3.Some chores are easy,such as sweeping the floor,folding the clothes and cleaning the table after dinner. 4.Three. 5.By reading a piece of paper with chore...


科目:初中英语 来源:Unit 3 Could you please clean your room.精编练习 题型:单选题

—Jim,come out!Let's go to play football.—Sorry.I'm working ________ a math problem.

A. out B. on C. for D. with

B 【解析】句意:——吉姆,出来!我们去踢足球吧。——对不起,我正在做一道数学题。work on从事;work out解决,算出;work for 为…而工作;work with与……一起工作。Work on a math problem做题。结合句意可知,答案为B。


科目:初中英语 来源:Unit 3 Could you please clean your room.精编练习 题型:单词填空

Li Mei is a member of Chongqing Volunteer Service. She often takes part in its a1. on weekends. These days the service is helping Mrs. Liu, an old lady. Mrs. Liu has no husband or children. She lives a2.There is something wrong with her eyes and legs, so she s3. most of her time at home and has a hard life. When Li Mei and other v4. knew about Mrs. Liu’s story, they d5. to help her. Last Saturday they went to Mrs. Liu’s home and helped her c6. up the house, cook l7. and do the laundry. In the afternoon, they walked around the nearby park. Mrs. Liu was happy in the c8. of them. Before they left, the volunteers r9.money and bought some necessary things for Mrs. Liu. They said, “Take c10. of yourself, Granny Liu. We will see you again next weekend.”

1.activities 2.alone 3.spends 4.volunteers 5.decided 6.clean 7.lunch 8.company 9.raised 10.care 【解析】这是一篇记叙文。短文具体叙述了重庆志愿者服务组织成员——李梅和其他志愿者照顾残疾的孤寡老人——刘夫人的故事。 1.句意:她经常在周末参...


科目:初中英语 来源:Unit 3 Could you please clean your room.精编练习 题型:单选题

________ he is,________ he feels.

A. The busy;the better B. The busyer;the better

C. The busier;the better D. The busier;the best

C 【解析】句意:他越忙,感觉就越好。“the+比较级+主谓结构,the+比较级+主谓结构”,意思是“越……越……”busy的比较级为busier,good的比较级为better,最高级为best,故答案为C。


科目:初中英语 来源:Unit 3 Could you please clean your room.精编练习 题型:单选题

—My English is so weak. Can you help me, Gina?

—Practice more and the most important is to a good habit of reading.

A. make B. complete

C. develop D. show

C 【解析】试题分析:句意:——我的英语非常差。吉娜,你能帮助我吗?——多练习,最重要的是养成阅读的好习惯。make制成;complete完成;develop发展;show展示;develop a good habit养成好习惯,故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:Unit 3 Could you please clean your room.精编练习 题型:单选题

Could you please ________ loudly here?Emma is doing her homework.

A. don't talk B. not talk C. no talk D. not to talk

B 【解析】句意:请你不要在这里大声说话好吗?艾玛正在做作业。Could you please not do sth? 请你不要做某事好吗?故答案为B。


科目:初中英语 来源:Unit 3 Could you please clean your room.精编练习 题型:单选题

You can watch TV as soon as you ________ your work.

A. will finish B. finish C. finishes D. finished

B 【解析】句意:你一完成工作就可以看电视了。as soon as引导的时间状语从句用一般现在时表示将来,从句的主语是第二人称you,故答案为B。

