¡ª What do you think of the film Titanic 2?

¡ª , but someone thinks it's .

A. Good enough; bored B. Enough good; boring

C. Good enough; boring D. Enough good; bored

C ¡¾½âÎö¡¿¾äÒ⣺¡ª¡ªÄã¾õµÃ¡¶Ì©Ì¹Äá¿ËºÅ2¡·ÔõôÑù£¿¡ª¡ªºÜºÃ£¬µ«ÊÇÓеÄÈ˾õµÃËüºÜÎÞÁÄ¡£enoughÐÞÊÎÐÎÈÝ´Êʱ·ÅÔÚÐÎÈݴʵĺóÃ棬¹ÊÅųýB¡¢DÑ¡Ïî¡£bored ¸Ðµ½ÎÞÁÄ£¬ÐÞÊÎÈË£»boring ÎÞÁĵģ¬ÐÞÊÎÎï¡£¸ù¾Ý¾äÒâ"ÓеÄÈ˾õµÃËü_"¿ÉÖª£¬´Ë´¦ÐÞÊεÄÊÇitÖ¸´úÉÏÎÄÌáµ½µÄµçÓ°£¬¹ÊÓ¦¸ÃÓÃboring£»¹Ê´ð°¸Ñ¡C¡£

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After Nicholas had an accident, he suffered_____ eye injuries. And his eyes were sensitive _____ strong light.

A. from, to B. ²»Ìwith C. ²»Ìto D. from, with

A ¡¾½âÎö¡¿ ¾äÒ⣺Äá¹ÅÀ­Ë¹³öʺó£¬ÑÛ¾¦ÊÜÁËÉË¡£ËûµÄÑÛ¾¦¶ÔÇ¿¹âÃô¸Ð¡£¿¼²é½é´Ê±æÎöÌâ¡£suffer from»¼£¨Ä³ÖÖ²¡£©£¬ÊÜ£¨Ä³ÖÖ²¡Í´£©ÕÛÄ¥£»sensitive to¶Ô¡­Ãô¸Ð£»¶¼Êǹ̶¨¶ÌÓï¡£¸ù¾Ý¾äÒâÓï¾³£¬¿É֪ѡA¡£


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When it comes to November 11, the young generations will consider it as the Single¡¯s Day as well as the online shopping carnival(¿ñ»¶½Ú).

Online shopping has been much more ______ especially after Jack Ma, the CEO of Tmall and Taobao, had the idea of ¡°Double Eleven¡±. The ______ of online shopping include cheaper pieces, fast searching, comparing between products, and saving time. Before the shoppers make their decisions, they can check ______ and recommendations about the products from other buyers. It is truly global so people can buy the best products from all over the world. Distance is no longer a ______ because most sellers provide an express service(¿ìµÝ·þÎñ) and goods will be sent straight to the door ______. You don¡¯t even need to ______ out of your house or go to the shops. You can stay at home with a nice cup of tea and just click your mouse to choose the article you like.

Online shopping is very ______, but there¡¯s always a trap. Shoppers who buy products online are ______ that the products may be different from what they have expected. Online shopping has proved to be ______ enough. Online shoppers have to fill in their personal information and credit card information, which can be stolen and used by skillful hackers. It will increase the risk of losing money.

So we should be ______ enough to avoid these problems when we enjoy online shopping.

1.A. surprising B. necessary C. excellent D. fashionable

2.A. achievements B. agreements C. advantages D. adventures

3.A. requests B. reviews C. researches D. requirements

4.A. mistake B. trouble C. question D. problem

5.A. quickly B. slowly C. freely D. suddenly

6.A. stand B. step C. look D. sit

7.A. convenient B. difficult C. dangerous D. expensive

8.A. bored B. worried C. excited D. pleased

9.A. unsafe B. unusual C. untrue D. unhappy

10.A. cheerful B. useful C. helpful D. careful

1.D 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.D ¡¾½âÎö¡¿±¾ÎĽéÉÜÁËÍøÉϹºÎïµÄÀûÓë±×¡£Íø¹ºµÄÓŵã°üÀ¨¸ü±ãÒ˵ļ۸ñ£¬¿ìËÙµÄËÑÑ°£¬Ñ¡Ôñ²úÆ·¸üʡʱ¡£ÔÚÍøÉÏÂò¶«Î÷µÄ¹ºÎïÕßµ£ÐÄÄÇЩÉÌÆ·¿ÉÄܺÍËûÃÇÆÚÍûµÄ²»Í¬¡£ÓÐʱ£¬Íø¹ºÊDz»°²È«µÄ¡£ 1.D ¿¼²éÐÎÈݴʼ°Óï¾³µÄÀí½â¡£A. surprising ÁîÈ˾ªÑȵģ» B...


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Dear Sir or Madam,




Yours faithfully,


Dear Sir or Madam, I am a middle school student. I have recently learned from the newspaper that you are going to build a factory here in my hometown. There is no doubt that it is good for the deve...


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World Sleep Day is on March 21st. Last year¡¯s theme was ¡°Healthy sleep, away from the slow disease¡±. Its aim is to celebrate the benefits (ºÃ´¦) of good and healthy sleep.

Sleep is like food for the brain. Enough sleep helps the body and brain grow and develop. According to the National Sleep Foundation in the US, adults need seven to nine hours of sleep every night. For students aged 10 to 17, a healthy amount is about eight to nine hours per night.

But many students don¡¯t get enough sleep because of early school start times and heavy homework. About 80 percent of middle school students don¡¯t get enough sleep, the China Youth and Children Research Center reported. For some students, they want to sleep early, but they keep worrying about their schoolwork and can¡¯t fall asleep quickly. For others, they may even have insomnia which might keep them awake all night.

These sleeping problems greatly affect people¡¯s lives. Experts have shown that lack of sleep for teenagers leads to poor grades. Students without enough sleep cannot pay attention in class or do well in sports. Also, lack of sleep may make them depressed.

Luckily, with good sleep habits, it is easier to fall asleep. Some of these good habits include avoiding drinks that make people excited late in the day, going to sleep at the same time each night, and sleeping in a comfortable place that is dark, quiet, and neither too warm nor too cold.

1.If Li Hong is 15 years old, how much sleep does she need every night?

A. 10-12 hours. B. 8-9 hours

C. 7 hours. D. Less than 7 hours.

2.What might happen if teens don¡¯t get enough sleep?

A. They might do well in sports.

B. Their bodies and brains might grow better.

C. They might feel depressed.

D. They might not be able to finish their schoolwork.

3.Which is NOT a reason why so many students don¡¯t get enough sleep?

A. They cannot pay attention in class.

B. They have too much homework to do.

C. They have sleeping problems.

D. They have to get up very early to go to school.

4.Which of the following are good sleeping habits?

a. Sleeping in a bright place.

b. Going to bed at the same time.

c. Sleeping in a dark and quiet place.

d. Drinking something that makes you excited.

A. a-b B. a-c C. b-c D. b-d

5.The underlined word ¡°insomnia¡± means ¡°_______¡± in Chinese.

A. ½¡ÍüÖ¢ B. ·ÊÅÖÖ¢ C. ¶à¶¯Ö¢ D. ʧÃßÖ¢

1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.D ¡¾½âÎö¡¿ÎÄÕ´óÒ⣺ÈýÔ¶þʮһÈÕÊÇÊÀ½ç˯ÃßÈÕ¡£È¥ÄêµÄÖ÷ÌâÊÇ¡°½¡¿µË¯Ãߣ¬Ô¶ÀëÂýÐÔ¼²²¡¡±¡£Ë¯Ãß¾ÍÏñ´óÄÔµÄʳÎ³ä×ãµÄ˯ÃßÓÐÖúÓÚÉíÌåºÍ´óÄÔµÄÉú³¤·¢Óý¡£¸ù¾Ýµ÷²é³ÉÄêÈËÿÍíÐèÒª7µ½9¸öСʱµÄ˯Ãßʱ¼ä¡£¶ÔÓÚ10µ½17ËêµÄѧÉúÀ´Ëµ£¬½¡¿µµÄ˯Ãßʱ¼äÊÇÿÍí8µ½9¸öСʱ¡£ µ«Ðí¶àѧÉúÒòΪÉÏѧʱ¼äÔçºÍ×÷Òµ·±Öضø˯Ãß²»×ã¡£ÕâЩ˯ÃßÎÊÌ⼫´óµØÓ°Ïì×ÅÈË...


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¡ª Hurry up, you will miss the great show. ¡ª Ok. I¡¯m coming.

A. so B. but C. and D. or

D ¡¾½âÎö¡¿¾äÒ⣺¡ª¡ª¿ìµã£¬·ñÔòÄ㽫´í¹ý¾«²ÊµÄÑݳö¡£¡ª¡ªºÃµÄ£¬ÎÒÂíÉÏÀ´¡£±¾ÌâÖ÷Òª¿¼²éÁ¬´Ê±æÎö¡£A. so¡°ËùÒÔ¡±£¬±íʾ½á¹û£»B. but¡°µ«ÊÇ¡±£¬±íתÕÛ£»C. and¡°ºÍ¡±£¬±íʾ²¢ÁУ»D. or ¡°·ñÔò¡±£¬±í¼ÙÉè¹Øϵ¡£¸ù¾ÝÌâ¸É¡°Hurry up¡±£¨¿ìµã£©Óë¡°you will miss the great show¡±£¨Ä㽫´í¹ý¾«²ÊµÄÑݳö£©µÄ¹Øϵ£¬¿ÉÖªÕâÀïÊÇÒ»ÖÖ¼ÙÉè¹Øϵ£¬Òò´Ëor·ûºÏÌâÒ⣬¹Ê...


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ÒªÇó: 1. ÌõÀíÇå³þ£¬Êéд¹æ·¶Õû½à£¬100¸ö´Ê×óÓÒ¡£

2. ÎÄÖв»µÃ³öÏÖÕæʵµÄµØÇø¡¢Ñ§Ð£¼°ÐÕÃû¡£

There¡¯s no doubt that parents have given me a lot since I was born. With their care, I grow up happily. So I think it is necessary to do something special for them to show my gratitude. Both of my ...


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºÕã½­Ê¡ÒåÎÚÊÐ2018ÄêÖп¼Ó¢ÓïÊÔ¾í ÌâÐÍ£ºÍêÐÍÌî¿Õ

My son Daniel began surfing at the age of 13. A¨ªter school each day he put on his wet suit and waited to be challenged by three-to-six-foot waves. Daniel¡¯s love for the ride was tested one ____afternoon.

Your son¡¯s been in an accident, the 1lifeguard(¾ÈÉúÔ±)reported to my____Mike over the phone hurriedly. ¡°____he came up to the top of the water, the point of the board was headed toward his eye.¡±

Mike rushed our son to the hospital. He____ 26 stitches (·ìºÏ)from the corner of his eye to the bridge of his nose.

I was____ home from a meeting while Daniel¡¯s eye was being stitched, Mike drove____ to the airport after they left the doctor¡¯s office. He greeted_____ at the gate while Daniel was waiting in the car.

¡°Daniel?¡±I questioned. I remember thinking the____ must have been terrible that day.

¡°He¡¯s been in an accident, but he¡¯s going to be fine.¡± Mike comforted me.

I ran to the car, My son reached out both arms, crying, ¡°Oh, Mom, I¡¯rn .so glad you¡¯re home.¡±

I sobbed(³éÆü) in his arms, telling him how____ I felt about not being there when the lifeguard called.

¡°It¡¯s okay, Mom,¡±he said. ¡°I¡¯ll be fine. The doctor said I can go back in the water in eight days.¡±

Was he ____ ? I wanted to tell him that he wasn¡¯t allowed to go near water again until he was 35, but___ I controlled myself.

He kept asking me to let him go back on the____ for the next seven days. One day after I ____ ¡°No¡± to him for the 100th time, he beat me at my own game.

¡°Mom, you taught us never to____ what we love. ¡±

I gave in. Back then Daniel was just a boy with deep____ for surfing. Now he is among the top 25 surfers in the world.

1.A. unusual B. boring C. amazing D. relaxing

2.A. brother B. uncle C. husband D. father

3.A. If B. When C. Unless D. Though

4.A. avoided B. changed C. received D. discovered

5.A. flying B. driving C. boating D. Walking

6.A. suddenly B. happily C. comfortably D. Directly

7.A. her B. them C. us D. me

8.A. waves B. dreams C. clouds D. Suggestions

9.A. brave B. lucky C. awful D. proud

10.A. busy B. crazy C. friendly D. Polite

11.A. instead B. already C. even D. often

12.A. plane B. bed C. board D. Chair

13.A. posted B. offered C. threw D. repeated

14.A. find out B. give up C. hand out D. pick up

15.A. love B. fear C. sadness D. regret

1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. B 11. A 12. C 13. D 14. B 15. A ¡¾½âÎö¡¿ Õâƪ¶ÌÎĸøÎÒÃǽ²ÊöÁË×÷ÕߵĶù×ÓDanielϲ»¶³åÀË£¬ÔÚ¾­ÀúÁËÒ»´ÎÒâÍâµÄʹÊÖ®ºó£¬Daniel²¢Ã»ÓзÅÆúËûϲ°®µÄÊÂÇ飬×÷ÕßҲûÓÐ×èÖ¹Ëû...


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º½­ËÕÊ¡ËÞǨÊÐ2018ÄêÖп¼Ó¢ÓïÊÔ¾í ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁµ¥Ñ¡

In 2017, when the high speed train. Furing, left Beijing for shanghai at a speed of 350 km/h, it amazed the world. It is China's newest high-speed train and also the fastest train in the world.

Therewere2, 959 high-speed trains running across China by 2016. They make up60 percent of

the worlds total high- speed trains. Chinese companies have also built more than 10 high-speed

railways in Europe, Southeast Asia and South America. And the high speed trains has become anew name card for China.

Besides the high-speed trains, many other innovations(´´ÐÂ)have also changed people's lives in China.

For example, though bike sharing is not new itself China has made it much more convenient.

And popular. When the Chinese bike sharing companies reached Singapore and Britain months ago, users there excited and couldn¡¯t wait to post photos of themselves riding the bikes on social media(ýÌå).

Cashless payment has become a lifestyle choice in China it is common that people in China go shopping with no cash(ÏÖ½ð)in pockets. Many people just pay with their bile phones by scanning a quick respond code(QR, ¶þάÂë)from the seller. Even a person selling vegetables has a QR code.

Many foreigners have experienced lives without carrying any cash in China. They say they can't do it when they are back home in Europe.

China is now in a great time. It has made great achievements in innovation They are true pictures of national strength. It seems that China is really leading in some ways. And Chinese people have every reason to believe in an even brighter future.

1.How many examples are mentioned to show China¡¯s achievement in innovation according to the passage?

A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four

2.The underlined word ¡°it¡± means ____.

A. living in China B. buying things without carrying any cash

C. having QR codes D. making enough money by working hard

3.The best title for the passage might be _____.

A. China leads in innovation B. Science develops very quickly

C. China faces many chances D. Science catches the world¡¯s attention

1.C 2.B 3.A ¡¾½âÎö¡¿ÊÔÌâ¶ÌÎÄͨ¹ý¸ßËÙÁгµ¡¢¹²Ïíµ¥³µºÍÎÞÏÖ½ðÖ§¸¶Èý¸öÀý×Ó£¬ËµÃ÷ÁËÖйúµÄ´´Ð³ɾ͡£ 1.ÌâÒ⣺ÎÄÕÂÁоÙÁ˶àÉÙ¸öÀý×ÓÀ´ËµÃ÷ÖйúµÄ´´Ð³ɾͣ¿¿¼²éÎÄÒâÀí½âÌâ¡£¸ù¾Ý¶ÌÎÄÄÚÈÝ£¬¿ÉÖªÁоÙÁ˸ßËÙÁгµ¡¢¹²Ïíµ¥³µºÍÎÞÏÖ½ðÖ§¸¶Èý¸öÀý×Ó£¬¹ÊÑ¡C¡£ 2.ÌâÒ⣺Ï»®ÏߵĴʡ°it¡±Òâ˼ÊÇ¡° ¡±¡£¿¼²é´ÊÒåÀí½âÌâ¡£¸ù¾ÝÏÂÎÄthat people in China go sho...

