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grammar,   suggestion,   good,   boring,   improve,   ask,   differently,   however,   chat with,   for example
     This week we asked some students about the best ways to learn more English. Some students had special
     Li Ping, 2______, said the best way to learn new words was by reading English magazines. She said that
learning the words of pop songs also helped a little. When we 3______ about studying grammar, she said, "I
never study grammar. It's too 4______."
     Wei Ming thought 5______. He had learned English for seven years and really loved it. He thought studying
6______ was a great way to learn a language. He also thought that watching English movies was a 7______
way because he could watch the actors say the words. Sometimes, 8______, he found watching movies
difficult because the people spoke too quickly.
     Liu Chang said that joining the English corner was the best way 9______ her English. She could get lots
of practice and also have fun there. She added that 10______ classmates was not helpful at all. "We get excited
about something and then end up speaking in Chinese," she said.
1. suggestions   2. for example   3. asked   4. boring   5. differently
6. grammar  7. good  8. however  9. to improve  10. chatting with

科目:初中英语 来源:山东省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     3. For those of us who are studying at school, the time of exams is very stressful and difficult. Some
people find exam times so bad that they become ill, because they are afraid of failing; they are afraid of
letting their parents and family down. If exams are really making you ill or worried, don't hide your feelings.
Talk to someone about it. Maybe you can speak to a friend, or someone in your family, or teachers at your
place of study. If one person doesn't help you, ask someone else.
     How to get through exams? Here are some advice:
     Ask a teacher or tutor about how to review your lessons, and exam skills-how to work when you are in
an exam.
     Take short rests during your time of work. If your mind is tired, it will not remember well.
     Plan your work: study at times when you know you will work at your best.
     Get enough sleep, and eat healthy food.
     You need exercise to work well. Walk, run, play sport-whatever you enjoy.
     Stop thinking about the future and failing.
     If you feel ill, talk to someone about your worries. But don't be too relaxed! 4. Some stress over exams
makes you work hard for them.
     If it upsets you to talk to your friends about an exam when it is finished, don't do it! In fact, don't even
think about the exam you have finished. What is done is done. You cannot change what you have written!
     To this advice, we could add:
     If you are studying in the evening, don't go straight to bed. Your mind will still be "going round and round"
-thinking too much. Do something else, maybe walk or get exercise. Choose something that will relax you,
and make you think of other things.
1. Why do some students hate exams?
2. What should you do if the exam upsets you when it is finished?
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     Imagine this: a television screen has the size and thickness of a piece of paper. You carry it around in
your pocket and take it out when you want to watch a show. Imagine a guitar so tiny that you can't see
it with the human eye, but you can hear sound when its strings are pulled.
     Nanotechnology (纳米技术) is the science that deals with doing things in a very small way, and it is
being studied and developed all over the world. Many scientists say nanotechnology will produce the next
industrial revolution (工业革命).
     Perhaps nanotechnology will have the biggest influence on medical science. Imagine nanobots (纳米
机器人) in medicine. Thousands or even millions of tiny machines can be sent into the human body with
specific tasks. For example, they can be designed to find and destroy cancer cells or viruses (病毒).
Other machines may stay in the human body forever to help organs (器官) that are not working properly.
     When could all of these happen? Scientists predict that most of these are possible in the next 30 years.
Thousands of scientists around the world are working on these micro-machines. Nanotechnology is just
around the corner.
1. The two examples in Paragraph 1 are used to _____.
A. introduce the smallest television
B. introduce a new kind of guitar
C. introduce the topic of the passage
D. show how small the world is
2. Nanotechnology _____.
A. will cause an industrial revolution
B. deals with things in old ways
C. has studied the whole world
D. was developed many years ago
3. The underlined word "they" in the third paragraph refers to (指代) "_____"?
A. scientists
B. human bodies
C. specific tasks
D. tiny machines
4. The tiny machines _____.
A. are too small to be repaired
B. can be put in a human body to kill viruses
C. may not work well in a human body
D. can take the place of human organs
5. The underlined phrase "around the corner" in the last sentence means "_____".
A. far away
B. at present
C. in the near future
D. impossible


科目:初中英语 来源:黑龙江省中考真题 题型:完形填空

Cloze test.
     Now, people use satellites (卫星) to do many things. So far, man has invented four kinds of satellites.   1   
of them is used to study the weather. Weather satellites can   2   any part of the world. They can watch clouds
and strong winds moving across the earth and   3   many pictures of atmosphere (大气层)   4   the same time.
The pictures   5   the weather stations by these satellites. Scientists can know   6   the weather will change by
studying them, and then tell people in time. Weather plays an   7   part in people's everyday life.
     Today, many weather stations in the world can receive satellite pictures. After receiving them, the scientists
compare (比较) them with   8   ones. Perhaps they may find that the clouds   9   during the last few hours. This
may mean that weather on the ground may  10   change soon. In their next forecast (预测), the scientists can 
  11  this. so satellite pictures are  12  to scientists. 
      13  satellites were invented, the scientists could forecast the weather for about twenty-four or forty-eight
 14 . Now they can make good forecasts for three or five days. Thanks  15  weather satellites, people can know
more about the weather.
(     )1. A.  Every one   
(     )2. A.  reach       
(     )3. A.  taking      
(     )4. A.  of          
(     )5. A.  were sent to
(     )6. A.  how         
(     )7. A.  useful      
(     )8. A.  early       
(     )9. A.  changed     
(     )10. A.  also       
(     )11. A.  talk       
(     )12. A.  helpful    
(     )13. A.  After      
(     )14. A.  weeks      
(     )15. A.  to         
B. Each      
B. arrive    
B. take      
B. in        
B. are sent to       
B. what      
B. important 
B. earlier   
B. change    
B. too       
B. speak     
B. help      
B. Before    
B. days      
B. for       
C. One         
C. get         
C. takes       
C. at          
C. send to     
C. which       
C. useless     
C. earliest    
C. have changed              
C. either      
C. say         
C. helping     
C. When        
C. hours       
C. at          


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏期末题 题型:阅读理解

     When we talk about intelligence (智力), we do not mean the ability to get good scores on certain kinds
of tests or even the ability to do well in school. By intelligence we mean a way of living and behaving (表现),
especially in a new situation. If we want to test intelligence, we need to find out how a person acts instead of
how much he knows what to do.
     For example, when in a new situation, an intelligent person thinks about the situation,not about himself or
what might happen to him. He tries to find out all be can,and then he acts immediately and tries to do
something about it. He probably isn't sure how it will all work out, but at least he tries. And if he cannot make
things work out right, he doesn't feel ashamed (羞愧) that he failed, he just tries to learn from his mistakes.
An intelligent person, even if he is very young, has a special outlook (看法) on life, a special feeling about life,
and how he fits into it.
     If you look at children, you'll see great difference between what we call "bright" children and "non-bright"
children. They are actually two different kinds of people, not just the same kind with different amount of
intelligence. For example, the bright child really wants to find out about life-he tries to get in touch with
everything around him. But the unintelligent child keeps more to himself and his own dream-world:he seems
to have a wall between him and life in general.
1. According to this passage, intelligence is the ability to ________.
A. get some high scores on some tests
B. do well in school
C. deal with life
D. have a lot of book knowledge
2. In a new situation, an intelligent person ________.
A. knows more about what might happen to him
B. is sure of the result he will get
C. cares more about himself
D. keeps his mind on what to do about the situation
3. If an intelligent person failed, he would ________.
A. try not to feel ashamed
B. learn from his mistakes
C. try to find all he could
D. make sure what result he would get
4. Bright children and non-bright children ________.
A. are two different types of children
B. are different mainly in their degree of cleverness
C. have difference only in their way of thinking
D. have different knowledge about the world


科目:初中英语 来源:北京期中题 题型:阅读理解

     This is the times of information technology. Pakistan (巴基斯坦) is also trying to keep up with this IT
development and special steps are being taken to spread the Internet all over the country.
     This is considered as a great achievement and it is. But here is a question whether our people know the
use of the Internet for development purpose. It is a fact that the ratio (比率) of informative and educational
sites is very low.
     What do many of them do in Pakistan when people surf the Internet? They use it mostly for entertainment.
Many students spend a lot of time and money in surfing the Internet. They do chatting or visit other
entertainment sites. It is surprising to read that boys and girls go to the Internet cafes and spend many hours
daily in just chatting. just join any Pakistani chat room at any site, and you will know that what is the level
(水平) of language and which type of language mostly our people use in chatting. The number of the web
addicts in our country is increasing day by day.
     It is also a fact that many people including teenagers visit sites unsuitable. One can imagine that they are
becoming worse and they are becoming addicted to such things that are very harmful (有害的) to them. They
are taking all the disadvantages from the Internet.
     Students do use the Internet for education purpose. But there are also several disadvantages. Students
normally surf more on the Internet than teachers. It happens several times that a teacher gives some work
to students and they get it from the Internet, copy it and present it to the teacher, who many times is unable
to know what is copied from the Internet. In this way students are giving up the habit of reading books. They
just open sites, copy the information and finish the homework that they do not even read. However, a very
good advantage of the Internet for students is that those who want to seek knowledge can get information
very quickly and read many books by famous foreign authors which are very expensive to buy.
     The Internet itself is a very useful and important tool of development nowadays, but it is really sad that in
Pakistan people are mostly misusing it. Those who use it for development purpose are still very few.
1. What is the article mainly about?
A. The development of IT in Pakistan.
B. The very useful and important tool in Pakistan.
C. The worrying situation of using the Internet in Pakistan.
D. The advantages and disadvantages of the Internet in Pakistan.
2. What do the underlined words "web addicts" in paragraph 3 mean?
A. Students whose level of language in chatting is very low.
B. People who are not able to free themselves from the Internet.
C. Entertainment sites of the Internet which are harmful to teenagers.
D. Internet cafes where boys and girls spend too much time in chatting.
3. The writer's purpose in writing this article is ______ in Pakistan.
A. to encourage readers to keep up with the IT development
B. to advise readers to use proper language in chatting rooms
C. to ask readers to pay attention to the problem in using the Internet
D. to stop readers from going to the Internet cafes or misusing the Internet


科目:初中英语 来源:0117 中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     "How can I learn English well?" This is a question many students ask. In my opinion, the most effective
way is to learn lessons by heart. If you can recite the text and write it out, you've learned it fairly well. And
if you can tell, in your own words, what the lesson says you're a very successful learner indeed. Your English
will be quite perfect.
     This is a difficult task. However, if you try to learn by heart only part of each lesson, you'll find it not half
so hard as you might have thought. Learning this way, you will make rapid progress. Of course, writing is also
necessary. It helps you a lot on our way to success in English.
     Equally important is to feel the language. You should be able to laugh at jokes and be shocked at bad news.
When using English, try to forget your mother tongue, instead of helping you, your own language gets in your
way. So, never try to see English through translation.
1. In the writer's opinion, the most effective way in learning English is _____.
A. to practise speaking, writing and feeling it
B. to forget your own native language
C. to translate everything into his own language
D. to memorize the English words and grammatical rules
2. "Instead of helping you, your own language gets in your way." This sentence means that memorizing your
    own language can _____.
A. help you to study English well
B. stop you learning English well
C. make English easy to learn
D. help you notice mistakes
3. Equally important is to feel the language "to feel the language" here means _____.
A. to get a knowledge of English by touching
B. to be able to read and write English
C. to translate English into your own by imagining
D. to be able to understand and enjoy the language


科目:初中英语 来源:四川省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     How do you like to go to school like this one in Oxford, England? There are no real classes. The students
go from one group to another when they want to. You may find students of fourteen, sixteen or twenty-one
years old all in the same group. They work at their own studies. Nobody tells them what they should do or
what they shouldn't do.
     The day I visited, school began at nine. Some students were listening to their own lessons. Others were
watching TV on physics. A group was working in the library. I didn't see anybody just sit doing nothing.
Everybody was studying.
    At lunch time I could see students working, too. They were talking about their lessons while they were
eating. When you think of those students, you can be sure it is one of the best schools in the world.
1. In this school in Oxford, the students _______.
A. are all teenagers
B. don' t study in groups
C. never study in any real classes
2. Every student is working at _______ in this school.
A. the same thing
B. a different thing
C. his or her own studies
3. It is true that _______.
A. this school is one of the best schools in the world
B. the students in this school like to study in the same group
C. the students in this school learn everything by discussing with others


科目:初中英语 来源:北京模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     All over the planet, they are disappearing. Scientists are worried. It may mean the end of the world. I'm
not talking about disappearing frogs. I'm talking about absent vowels (元音). I got a message the other day
that said," Mt@ 3rd st crnr@ 12", signed (签字) "BT". What did it mean? A young man in the office told
me that BT meant" beauty" and translated:" A beautiful young woman wants to meet you at the corner of
Third Street at noon."  
     The following week I was at a private dining club when a Hong Kong banker named David told me he
had met with a man who pronounced his name Choong,but spelt C - H - N - G." There can't be many names
with no vowels in them," he said. It turned out he was sitting next to a Singaporean doctor named Ng. Vowels
are disappearing at high speed among businesses, too. Ever wondered what happened to Reebok, the
sportswear company? It's still around but has renamed itself Rbk. Kentucky Fried Chicken became KFC.
      I've read articles saying that the no-vowels trend (趋向) is caused by companies trying to give their
products the shorthand spelling liked by young people. But a research finds that the real reason is often more
uninteresting. Flickr,one of the busiest websites on the Internet, was set up by people who wanted the name
Flicker but were too careless to register (注册) that word.
     Have any readers ever been to a small town in the mountains of California called Zzyzx? A man named
Curtis Howe Springer founded it as a health club and called it Zzyzx because he thought it sounded different.
The business failed. People who looked through lists for somewhere to go never reached it.
     Older readers may remember the computer game Zzyzzyzz that appeared in 1982. Fans did not know
how to ask for it. James Gleick's book Faster has been re-titled FSTR. But the revision is half-hearted with
the main text of the book still having vowels. Why not write the whole book in the simpler way? U cn stll rd
the wtht vwls. On the other hand,just know that vowel-free words can be explained in different ways. One
day I'll get a message from a BT  who may be a beauty. But I'm afraid a bat (蝙蝠) will be out there.
1. The writer's purpose in the passage is _______.
A. to introduce a new trend
B. to study a new language
C. to correct a new mistake 
D. to show a new method
2. The word "around" in the third paragraph means _______.
A. on every side
B. here and there
C. present in a place
D. without special purposes
3. What's the result of the use of vowel-free words,according to the passage?
A. It makes communication easier.
B. It helps us write more quickly.
C. It bringsa lot of fun to people.
D. It causes some trouble in life.
4. What does the writer think of the use of vowel-free words?
A. He doubts the idea a little.
B. He doesn't mind the matter.
C. He doesn't think it's good to do so.
D. He accepts the idea at last.

