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I came to study in the USA a year ago. Yet I did not know the real American society until I injured in an accident, because after the accident I had to see a doctor and go to court(法院).

After the accident, my roommate called a doctor for me. I was very grateful and decided to repay him one day. But the next day, he asked me to pay him $200 for what he had done. I was very surprised. He had a good reason to charge me, he said. ①And if I wanted to collect money from the person who was responsible(负责)for my injury, I'd have to have a good lawyer. And only a good doctor can help me get a good lawyer.②Now that he had helped me find a good doctor, it was only fair that I should pay him.

But every time I went to see the doctor, I had to wait about 50 minutes. He would see two or three patients at the same time, and often stop treating one so as to see another, yet he charged me $115 each time. The final examination report was only ten lines, and it cost me $215.

My lawyer was all smiles the first time we met. But after that he avoided seeing me at all. He knew very well the other party was responsible for the accident, yet he hardly did anything. He simply waited to collect his money. He was so irresponsible that I decided not to ask for him again. And he made me pay him $770.

Now I had to act as my own lawyer. Because of my inexperience, I told the insurance company(保险公司)the date I was leaving America. Knowing that, they played for time, and I left without getting a cent.

My experiences taught me two things about America: Firstly, in America money is everything. It is more important than friendship, honor or professional morality. Secondly, foreigners are still being unfairly treated. So when we talk about America, we should see both its good and bad sides.

1.The writer 's roommate offered to help him because .

A. he thought it was a chance to make some money

B. he felt sorry for the writer

C. he knew the doctor was a very good one

D. he wanted the writer to have a good lawyer

2.A good doctor is necessary for the writer to .

A. be properly treated

B. talk with the person responsible for the accident

C. become healthy before he leaves America

D. finally get the responsible party to pay for his injury

3.The underlined word "charge" in this passage means " ".

A. be responsible B. be careful

C. ask for money D. get an answer


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版九年级Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious周周清 题型:单选题

We'll plant trees tomorrow, but I don't know if ______.

A. did Nick join us B. Nick joined us C. will Nick join us D. Nick will join us


科目:初中英语 来源:2018-2019学年七年级英语上册(人教版)Unit 6综合检测卷 题型:单选题

Many girls don't want________ fat.

A. to be B. being C. be D. to being


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省苏州市2018年中考英语专题练习《阅读理解》(3) 题型:阅读单选

The rockets take astronauts and man-made satellites into space. The satellites are used for communication, weather monitoring and research. But how do satellites stay up without falling down?

There are two opposite forces (力量) acting on the satellite. One of them is the force of gravitation (地心引力), which tries to pull the satellite towards the earth. The other force is created by the rotation (旋转) of the satellite around the earth. This force tries to take the satellite away from the earth. With these two forces, the satellite goes round and round. The gravitational pull of the earth (the force which pulls everything towards the ground) is like a rope which keeps the satellite from flying away.

Everything that goes up has to come down. It is only a matter of time before a satellite comes back to the earth. As time goes by, the satellite loses its speed, which makes the gravitational pull stronger than the force pulling it away. This makes the satellite crash (坠落) down to the earth.

1.Which of the following uses of satellites is NOT mentioned?

A. communication

B. monitoring the weather condition

C. doing some research

D. taking pictures

2.The force that pulls the satellite towards the earth is created by ________.

A. the earth

B. the satellite itself

C. the rotation of the satellite

D. the rope

3.Why can’t the satellites fly away?

A. Because of the force from the earth.

B. Because the satellite is too big.

C. Because of the force created by the rotation of the satellite around the earth.

D. Because people on earth have made ropes to tie the satellites tightly.

4.The satellite will finally crashes down to the earth ________.

A. when it flies faster

B. when its speed slows down

C. when people cut the rope

D. when there is no electricity in it

5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. There are four forces acting on the satellite.

B. The force of gravitation makes the satellite go round and round.

C. As time goes by, the satellite will finally fall down.

D. The satellite will stay in space forever.


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省苏州市2018年中考英语专题练习《阅读理解》(3) 题型:阅读单选

Over time, the cuckoo(布谷鸟)has learned to get other birds to care for its babies. The cuckoo is an amazing bird. Most birds lay their eggs and look after them until their babies hatch out(孵出).Then they feed their babies until they are ready to leave the nest.

Some birds are not such good parents. Cuckoos lay their eggs in the nests of other birds and do not care for their own babies. They get other birds to act as the parents. The other birds are left with the work of bringing up the young cuckoos as well as their own babies!

If the cuckoo egg hatches first, the baby cuckoo will often push the other eggs out of the nest so that it can get all the attention of its new mother. The young cuckoo sometimes even pushes the other babies out of the nest. The young cuckoo has a loud cry and is often bigger than the other baby birds. It will take all the food and the space in the nest.

A cuckoo lays around 25 eggs each year in the nests of other birds. This means that many other birds spend all their time looking after young cuckoos instead of their own babies. Some birds have learned to recognize the cuckoos' eggs and they push them out of their nests. But the cuckoos have also found ways of fooling the other birds. They can change their eggs to make them look just like the other birds' own eggs.

1.After most birds lay their eggs, they will .

A. look after them until their babies hatch out

B. push the eggs out of the nest

C. eat all the eggs

D. do nothing but leave them in the nest

2.Over time, the cuckoo has known the art of .

A. making a wonderful nest

B. getting other birds to care for its babies

C. catching food quickly

D. singing songs

3.What do cuckoos do to their babies?

A. They lay their eggs in the nests of other birds.

B. They do not care for their own babies.

C. They get the other birds to act as the parents.

D. All of the above.

4.If the cuckoos eggs hatches first, the baby cuckoo will often .

A. push the other eggs out of the nest

B. fly to find its own parents

C. help to warm the other eggs

D. do nothing but wait for food

5.Which of the following statements is true?

A. A cuckoo lays about 25 eggs each season in the nests of other birds.

B. No birds can recognize the cuckoos' eggs.

C. Some birds can recognize the cuckoos'用eggs and push them out of the nest.

D. It's more difficult for cuckoos to lay eggs in the nests of other birds.


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省苏州市2018年中考英语专题练习《阅读理解》(3) 题型:阅读单选

Scientists find that hardworking people live longer than others. Career(职业)women are healthier than housewives. Facts show that the jobless are in poorer health than the job holders.

Why is work good for health? ①It's because work can keep people busy, away from loneliness or solitude. Studies show that people feel unhappy, worried and lonely when they have nothing to do. Instead, the happiest people are those who are busy. ② Many successful people who love their work feel that they're the happiest when they're working hard. By working together,

people can often meet others and find friendship and warmth. This is helpful to health.

Work can give one a sense of fulfillment(满足). Work makes one feel his value in society.

When a writer finishes his writing, he feels very happy.

From the above we can learn that the more you work, the happier and healthier you will be.

Let us work hard and study well and live a happy and healthy life.

1.The underlined word " solitude" in the passage means "_____" in Chinese.

A. 担心 B. 孤独 C. 幸福 D. 充实

2.Why is work helpful to health ?

A. people can find friendship and warmth by working with others.

B. people feel happy when they are busy with their housework.

C. the more work people do, the more money they will make.

D. work makes people feel their value at home.

3.The writer tells us that ______.

A. life is too short to worry about others

B. the loss of work means the loss of ability

C. people should make good use of every minute of their lives

D. working can give people a happy and healthy life

4.The loss of work means people may ______.

A. become poorer and poorer

B. lose their value at home

C. feel unhappy, worried and lonely

D. die soon

5.What's the best title for this passage ?

A. Work Makes Man busy

B. Hard Work Make Man Rich

C. Work Is Good for Your Health

D. Jobless Means Happy


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省苏州市2018年中考英语专题练习《阅读理解》(3) 题型:阅读单选

What is a Chinatown? Is it a town in China? Of course not! The Chinatown is a part of a town area with a large number of Chinese residents(居民),usually outside China. Chinatowns are throughout the world, including those in East Asia, Southeast Asia, North America, South America, Australia, and Europe. The biggest one is in New York. It is a good place to go.


Shopping in the Chinatown is fun. You can

find lots of things there. Most of them are made

in China.①Mott Street is the best place to shop

because things there are not very expensive.


The Chinatown has more than 200

restaurants. You can enjoy traditional Chinese

food there. New Silver Palace Restaurant is one

of the best Chinese restaurants.


Living in the Chinatown is comfortable.

You can find hospitals, banks, libraries and

supermarkets there. In some schools, students

must study Chinese. Many overseas(海外的)

Chinese send their children to these schools.② They want their children to learn more about China and its culture.

1.The Chinatown is a living area .

A. in China B. in a foreign country

C. in the countryside D. in a shopping mall

2.New York in the United States has Chinatown in the world.

A. the smallest B. the largest

C. the funniest D. the most boring

3. is the best place to shop because things there are not very expensive.

A. South America B. Europe

C. East Asia D. Mott Street

4.In New York, you can go to New Silver Palace Restaurant to .

A. eat Chinese-style food B. borrow magazines

C. have Western food D. see a doctor

5.Many overseas Chinese want their children to .

A. live in a foreign country

B. know something about Chinatowns

C. read books in Chinese language

D. learn more about China and its culture


科目:初中英语 来源:2018-2019学年七年级英语上册(人教版)Unit 5综合检测卷 题型:单选题

—________ Alice and Helen play sports after school?

—Yes, they ________.

A. Do; do B. Does; does

C. Do; does D. Does; do


科目:初中英语 来源:新人教版九年级全一册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark 单元测试 题型:完型填空

When I was younger,I used to be afraid of dogs.If a dog was close to me,I would move away as____as possible,or go to____side of the street.

But later on my sister bought a little dog____Cathy,and I had to live with a dog in my house.My sister told me to touch the dog.She was small and looked nice and cute,____I wasn’t so scared,and I did it.The little dog did not attack(袭击) me.That’s when I____I really liked this dog!

I started taking care of her,feeding her,taking her out for walks,and taking her to the vet’s(兽医站) for checkups.Slowly I started to find____.Now,I love her so much,and I would do anything for her. 

My friends are still____why I am no longer afraid of dogs.It was a long time,but I did it.I made up my mind to___being afraid.I____my fear and I have overcome them.You can,too!Is there anything you are afraid of?You have the power to beat it!Think about it and see if you can____a way to face your fear.Take a chance!It could change your life.

1.A. slowly B. angrily C. quietly D. fast

2.A. other B. the other C. others D. the others

3.A. called B. played C. fed D. talked

4.A. and B. but C. so D. or

5.A. realized B. hoped C. regarded D. required

6.A. anger B. happiness C. worry D. hate

7.A. surprised B. excited C. afraid D. relaxed

8.A. begin B. stop C. lose D. find

9.A. got B. raised C. understood D. faced

10.A. come up with B. keep up with C. fill up with D. put up with

