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    After many days of waiting, the Olympic mascots were finally chosen at 8pm on November 11, 2005.
The Olympic mascots are the Olympic torch (火焰), the fish, the panda, the Tibetan gazelle (藏羚羊) and
the swallow (燕子). The panda is named "Jingjing". He was chosen because he makes children smile and
brings the blessing of happiness wherever he goes. He was chosen to show China's wish to protect nature.
    Unlike the well-known panda, the Tibetan antelope is considered much sportier than other chosen animals.
"I can run 70-100 km per hour. So you see, I'm a perfect symbol (象征) of the Olympics-'higher, faster and
stronger'." Says the athlete, whose name is "Yingying".
    The fish, "Beibei" stands for prosperity (繁荣). She will represent (代表) water sports. "Nini", the swallow
stands for a good luck and wish for a better life. She will represent gymnastics (体操). The Olympics flame,
"Huanhuan" gives out enthusiasm (热情) and best wishes for the Olympics. He will represent ball games.
    Many teenagers are surprised that Beijing will have mascots but very excited that they will have more
choices when shopping for souvenirs (纪念品).
    "I hope there will be a cartoon in which these mascots are the main characters, doing different sports. So
the whole world will have a better understanding of the Chinese spirit," said one teenager.
1. There are ______ Olympic mascots for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
[     ]
A. four kinds of
B. three kinds of
C. five kinds of
D. two kinds of
2. The panda, "Jingjing" was chosen ______.
[     ]
A. to show China's wish to protect nature
B. as a symbol of the spirit of the Olympics
C. to give best wishes for Olympics
D. to show Chinese's love
3. ______ will represent gymnastics.
[     ]
A. The fish named "Beibei"
B. The swallow named "Nini"
C. The Olympic flame named "Huanhuan"
D. The fish named "yuyu"
4. Zhou Xia enjoys all kinds of ball games very much, so she may buy             as a souvenir.
[     ]
A. Nini
B. Yingying
C. Huanhuan
D. Beibei
5. Mr Brown's son likes diving, he may buy his son            as a birthday present.
[     ]
A. Jingjing
B. Beibei
C. Huanhuan
D. Nini
1. C  2. A  3. B  4. C  5. B

科目:初中英语 来源:期中题 题型:阅读理解

     Hong Kong has about forty public beaches. Some ofthe beaches are
among the best in the world. People can go there for swimming. You
can go to most of them by bus. To go to some beaches, you must take a
boat. There are toilets, changing rooms and places to buy food and drink
on most of the beaches.      
     You will swim there without danger if you remember these instructions:
1. Never swim alone.2.Never swim af-ter a meal or when you feel hungry
or tired.3.Do not stay in the water too long.4.Never go out in a boat if
you can't swim.    
     Remember:A red flag means that it is dan-gerous for anybody to go
into the water.A blue flag means that it is dangerous for children.
1..How many public beaches are there in Hong Kong?
2..How can people go to most of the beaches?
3.Can you go swimming after a meal or when you feel hungry?
4.What does a red flag mean?
5.What does a blue flag mean?


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

  Mr Smith lives in Toronto. He's a doctor. His wife teaches English in a
middle school. They have two children.  One is a son called Mike and the other
is a daughter. She's only three months old. Mike loves the baby very much. He
often shows her to their guests(客人). Mike is young and doesn't go to school.  
He stays at home to help his mother look af ter the baby.
  One day Mike's aunt comes to see the baby. She works in another city and
sees the baby for the first time. Mike shows the baby to his aunt.
  "Look at the baby, aunt," says Mike. "She is beautiful.  I think she looks like
me ! "
  "Does she like playing with you?" asks his aunt.
  "I don't know:" answers the boy, "She can't speak yet. "
1. Mike is _____.
A. an American        
B. an Australian
C. an Englishman      
D. a Canadian
2. There're _____ people in Mr Smith's family.
A. two  
B. four    
C: five    
D. six
3. Mrs Smith is a _____.
A. doctor          
B. worker
C. teacher          
D. bookseller
4. The baby is Mike's _____.
A. elder sister          
B. younger sister
C. elder brother          
D. younger brother
5. Little Mike thinks _____.
A. he's beautiful, too
B. the baby is nice
C. his aunt is friendly to him
D. he loves the baby best


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

Paula Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Gets up  7 :10  am 7 :10  am 7 :10  am 7 :10  am 7 :10  am
moring school school school  school school
lunch pizza rice rice rice rice
afternoon  yo-yo table tennis table tennis table tennis soccer
 evening homework homework Television  homework clothes
goes to sleep 10.15 pm 10.15 pm 10.15 pm 10.15 pm 10.15 pm
1. On        , Paula usually gets up at 7:10 a.m.
A. Thursdays        
B. Wednesdays
C. weekdays          
D. weekends
2. Pizza is a kind of'           .
A. drink    
B. fruit  
C. toy    
D. food
3. Paula's favorite sport is _      
A. volleyball              
B. table tennis
C. yo-yo                  
D. soccer
4. On Wednesday evenings Paula usually _      .
A. watches TV
B. does her homework
C. washes her clothes
D. goes to see her friends
5.  Which of the following is WRONG?
A. Paula goes to school f'rom Monday to Friday.
B.  Paula goes to bed af'ter ten p. m.
C. Paula has sports in the afternoon.
D. Paula usually has pizza for lunch.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

President Hu Jintao flew to theearthquake-hit region in Yushu ,Qinghai on
April 18, 2010. Ata field hospital on the groundof a sports stadium, Hu sat
onthe  bed ' of  Drolma, a  middleschool student , and held her inhis arm as
she wept (哭泣)." Rest  assured (放心 IYJ ) , youwill have a full recovery (康复) . Be strong. You will have abright future , " he told her.

The 2010 Word Expo .
Shanghai China
The 2010 World Expo Shang-hai ChinaDuration (举办时间)  : May  1to
October 31 ,2010Expected visitors : 70 millionTheme (题 ) : ." Better  City ,Better Life. "     The theme represents thecommon wish of the people allover
the world for a better liv-ing in  future  urban (城市的 )environments.
The 19th FIFA World Cup(世界杯足球赛)Duration: June 11 to July12 ,2010Host(ii办)nation: South Af-ricaNumber of teams: Thirty-twoNumber
of matches: Sixty-four    It is the first time that thetournament(锦标赛)has beenhosted by a nation in the Con-federation(联盟)of AfricanFootball.
1. President Hu Jintao flew to Yushu, Qinghai _____, 2010.  
A. on May l              
B. on June 11 
C. on April 18          
D. on July 12
2. President Hu  Jintao  comforted (安慰) _____ at  a field hospital. 
A. a middle school student
B. a soldier
C. a farmer of Yushu
D. a doctor
3. The 2010 World Expo in Shanghai ended on_____ . 
A. September 30        
B. October 31
C. November 30          
D. December 31
4. The theme of Exp0 2010 is"_____"
A. Better City, Bright Future
B. Better City, Good Environment
C. Better City, Better Life
D. Better City , Best Investment(投资)
5. There would be ______teams taking part in the 19th FIFA World Cup. 
A. 10                      
B. 12
C. 13                        
D. 32

