精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

-How far is it from Chongqing to Guiyang?

-It’'s about two_________ride by high-speed train.

A. hour B. hour’s C. hours D. hours’

D 【解析】考查名词所有格。句意:—从重庆到贵阳有多远?—乘高铁大约需要两个小时。根据two可知,只能用复数,排除A和B,而再由名词ride知道应该用所有格来修饰,排除C。由空格前面的two可知,hour用复数形式。以s结尾的复数名词的所有格在s后加“’”,故选D。

科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省2018年湖州中考英语试卷 题型:书信作文


From: [email protected]

Subject: school project

Hi there!

How is it going? Haven’t heard from you for a long time.

We are dong a project at school about how different teenagers in the world have fun. I’d really like you to help me if you can! So, can you tell me:

·what things you do to have a good time?

·why you think having fun is important?

If you can think of anything else to write, please do! In return, I’ll send you some great pictures of me and my friends in California.

Thanks very much, and write soon!


From: [email protected]

Subject: school project

Hi, Amy!

Thanks for your email. Sorry I haven’t written sooner. Anyway, you want to know how we have fun here.


Li Lei

Hi, Amy! Thanks for your email. Sorry I haven't written sooner. You want to know how we have fun here in China, anyway, we teenagers have different ways to enjoy ourselves, like playing sports, pla...


科目:初中英语 来源:北京市门头沟区2018届九年级5月综合练习(一模)英语试卷 题型:单选题

David _______ Chinese since 2013 and he is good at it.

A. learns B. learned C. is learning D. has learned

D 【解析】句意:自从2013年,大卫就学习汉语,而且他擅长它。根据时间状语since 2013可知此处用现在完成时,故选D。


科目:初中英语 来源:重庆市2018年中考英语试卷(B卷) 题型:话题作文


中澳友好协会准备就“A Gift from the Heart”为题举办征文比赛,要求参赛者分享在一些特别的日子(生日、节日....)用心准备的礼物。








A Gift from the Heart


A Gift from the Heart It was the last day of that term. My classmates were very excited at the coming holiday. But my friend, Mike, looked unhappy because he failed the English test. While think...


科目:初中英语 来源:重庆市2018年中考英语试卷(B卷) 题型:阅读单选

National Smile Month is the largest and longest mouth health activity in the UK. Starting in 1977,it is celebrating its 42nd birthday from May 14 to June 14 this year.

The British are known for their bad teeth because they have too many sugary( 甜的) foods and drinks. It seems that most of them don’t often show their feelings. They neither smile nor cry.But this is NOT true. The British like to smile as much as anyone else. They just don’t want to show their bad teeth.

Brush your teeth at least twice a day, cut down sugary foods and drinks, and visit the dentist often. With the three messages, the organizers(组织者)hope that a month of smiling will make people all around the UK realize the importance of good teeth and be confident enough to open their mouths to smile.

One interesting activity is for the British to enjoy the fun photos with short stories behind. Seeing the smiling faces and reading the interesting stories, everyone can’t help smiling! You’re welcome to send yours with big smiles online.

Smiling is not only good for you but also good for those around you, even if you do have a few bad teeth. This makes National Smile Month a great idea!

1.National Smile Month in the UK has had a history of______years so far.

A. 5 B. l4 C. 42 D. 77

2.According to Paragraph 2, we learn that most of the British

A. don’t like sugary foods B. have very good teeth

C. don’t show their feelings D. like to smile in fact

3.The three messages in Paragraph 3 tell the British how to take care of their________.

A. teeth B. food C. drinks D. hands

4.National Smile Month in the UK suggests that__________.

A. the British should improve their health only this month

B. the British should show more smiles with better teeth

C. the British shouldn’t smile if they have a few bad teeth

D. the British shouldn’t have many interesting activities

1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 【解析】本文是说明文。文章介绍了英国的“国家微笑月”。它鼓励人们保护牙齿健康,多微笑。 1.数字推算题。由文章第一句可知,国家微笑日开始于1977年。故算出到现在为止,它已经有42年的历史了。因此选C。 2.推理判断题。根据they have too many sugary (甜的) foods and drinks知道A错,根据...


科目:初中英语 来源:重庆市2018年中考英语试卷(B卷) 题型:单选题

Please__________the TV. It'’s time to go to bed.

A. turn on B. turn off C. put on D. put off

B 【解析】考查动词短语辨析。A. turn on“打开“;B. turn off“关闭”;C. put on“穿上;增加(体重)”;D. put off“推迟”。句意:请 _______ 电视,该上床睡觉了。根据后面信息该睡觉了,当然应该关电视。故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:重庆市2018年中考英语试卷(B卷) 题型:单选题

I believe that_________apple a day keeps the doctor away.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

B 【解析】考查冠词辨析。句意:我相信一天吃一个苹果,我不会生病看医生。apple是句中第一次出现的可数名词单数形式,表示泛指,用不定冠词a/an修饰;根据apple的第一个发音/ ? /判断用an。故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年广州中考英语压轴专题练习卷:被动语态(选择题) 题型:单选题

--- How do you usually go to school?

--- I to school on foot.

A. go B. went C. was going D. will go

A 【解析】句意:----你通常怎样去上学?------我步行去上学。考查动词时态。根据问句中usually的频度副词,可知用一般现在时,结合句意可知选A。


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省温州市2018年中考英语试卷 题型:多任务混合问题

On May 17, 2009, according to the plan, Mike Good and I would take a space walk to the Hubble Space Telescope to repair an instrument. The power supply on this instrument had failed, so it could no longer be used. I would be the person doing the repair and Mike my assistant.

Working in space is more difficult than you can imagine. As there is no gravity, you can't stand and any slight push can result in tragedy -you can be pushed into space, never be back.

We got to the telescope. Before we could replace the power supply, we would have to remove from the telescope a handrail fixed with four screws. Having taken out the first three, I found the fourth stripped. I realized that the handrail would not come off, which meant we could no longer be able to replace the power supply and repair that instrument, which meant scientists could no longer look at the universe and find life on other planets.

I tried all kinds of things, and nothing worked. Then Houston, the control centre on the earth, called up and told me to use the tape to tape the bottom of the handrail and pull it off the telescope. They said it was going to take about 27 kilograms of force for me to do that.

I knew what it meant: The handrail could be completely pulled off and the safety tether might break, and I might therefore be pushed into space.

Mike was next to me in his space suit but he could not take over my role. I turned and looked into the cabin where my five crewmates were, and nobody in there had a space suit on. However, I knew they were all looking at me. "Come on Mass, we are all behind you." The telescope must be repaired.

"Bam!" The handrail came right off. The rest of the walk went well. We finally got the new power supply in. They tried it; turned it on from the ground. The instrument came back to life.

At the edge of darkness, after about eight hours, I turned around and saw the Earth from our altitude at Hubble, 568 kilometers up. I saw the huge round pure blue globe home planet. It's the most beautiful, magnificent thing I’ve ever seen. It's like looking into heaven. It's paradise.

1.According to the passage, space walk can be very ______.

A. interesting

B. dangerous

C. comfortable

D. harmful

2.Mass had difficulty in______ when repairing the instrument.

A. fixing the screws

B. getting to the telescope

C. taking off the handrail

D. finding the new power supply

3.Why did Mass look into the cabin where his five crewmates were?

A. To see whether they could help.

B. To find out what they were doing.

C. To ask them to send him a new tool.

D. Let them know what had happened

4.What does Mass want to tell us by writing "At the edge of darkness"? (请用约40词回答)



assistant n. 助手 blood vessel n. 血管 complication n. 并发症

entrance n. 人口 force n. 力 gravity n. 重力

handrail n. 栏杆 metabolic disorder 代谢素乱 screw n. 螺丝钉

stare v. 注视 telescope n. 望远镜 vision loss 视力衰退

1.B 2.C 3.A 4.Working in space was dangerous because he might lose his life. When he met with difficulties in repairing the instrument. he was lonely and helpless. After he solved the problem...

