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My mum only had one eye. She cooked for students and teachers to   41   the family when I was young.
One day my mum came to  42  hello to me in primary school. I was so embarrassed(尴尬的) that I threw her a hateful  43 and ran out.
The next day at school, one of my classmates said, “Your mum only has one eye!” and  44  at me.
I hated my mum and decided to leave her, so I studied very hard. Later I got a chance to go abroad to study and I left my mother. 45 graduation I worked, bought a house and got   46  there. Then I had kids of my own. I was happy with my wife and my kids. But one day someone knocked at my door. It was my 47  !When she stood by the door, my children laughed at her, and I  48  at her, “How dare you come to my house and scare my children! GET OUT OF HERE NOW!” And to this, my mum  49  answered, “Oh, I’m so sorry. I may have got the wrong  50  ,”and she disappeared.
One day, a letter regarding a school reunion(聚会) came to my house. So I told a  51  to my wife that I was going on a business trip. After the reunion, I went to the old house.
My neighbours said that she   52   . I did not have a single tear. They handed me a letter that she had wanted me to have.
My dearest son,
I am thinking  53 you all the time. I’m sorry that I came to your house and scared your  54  .
I was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion. But I may not be able to even get out of bed to see you. I’m sorry that I was still an embarrassment to you when you were growing up.
You see…when you were very little, you got into an accident, and lost your eye. As a mother, I couldn’t stand watching you grow up with one eye. So I gave you   55  .
  …  With all my love to you!
Your mother
A.storyB.jokeC.lie (谎言)D.news


小题2:say sth to sb表示对于某人说什么,故选答案为C
小题4:shout at sb,表示对···大喊,为固定词组搭配。故选答案为D
小题6:根据后文内容Then I had kids of my own.可知答案为C,表示结婚的意思。
小题11:tell a lie,表示说谎,表示对于某人说谎的意思。故选答案为C
小题13:think of 表示想起···的意思,故选答案为B
小题15:根据文章内容and lost your eye. As a mother, I couldn’t stand watching you grow up with one eye.可知母亲把自己的一只眼睛给了他。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

“If we don’t often wash our hands, we can pick up viruses(病毒)form many places and make ourselves ill,” a man from CDC says. Doctors always say every time when you touch your eyes, nose or mouth, you may be ill. In fact, one of the common(平常的) ways of catching a cold is by rubbing(擦拭)their noses or their eyes when there are viruses on their hands. If you don’t often wash your hands, especially when you’re sick, you may spread the viruses to others. You should wash your hands in these situations:
1. After using the washroom
2. After rubbing your nose or coughing.
3. Before eating or making food.
4. After touching animals.
5. After visiting a sick man.
6. When your hands are dirty.
There’re right ways to wash your hands. Follow these things to keep your hands clean:
1. Use warm water (not cold or hot).
2. Wash for 15 seconds.
3. Wash well under warm running water and dry them with a clean towel.
Information Card
A way to protect against the spread of illness
Situations in which you must wash your hands
After using the   2 
Before making   3 
After visiting the   4  people
A correct way to wash your hands
Use   5  running water
Time needed to wash your hands


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

On Fridays, I come home from work at about 2:00 in the afternoon and I just have a rest. On Friday evenings, I don’t go out, but __36__ a friend of mine comes for __37__. He or she __38__ the wine(酒) and I cook the meal. I love cooking! We listen to music or we just __39__.
On Saturday mornings, I get up at 9:00 and I go to the __40__ to buy something. Then in the evenings, I sometimes go to see a film. I love __41__! Then I eat in my favourite Chinese __42__. On Sunday... Oh, on Sunday morning I stay in bed __43__. I don’t get up until 11:00! Sometimes in the afternoon I __44__ my sister. She lives in the village and has two children. I like playing with them, but I leave __45__ because I go to bed at 8:00 on Sunday evenings.
A.sometimesB.every dayC.never `D.one day


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Colours often have different meanings in different cultures. In the U.S., people have found the following to be true.
Black is the colour of power. It is also popular in fashion because it makes people appear thinner.
White is the symbol of purity. White is thought to be a summer colour. However, white shows dirt and is more difficult to keep clean than other colours.
This is the most exciting colour. Red furniture (家具) should look very good since it will attract a lot of attention. Red cars are the thieves’ favourite. Red is often used in restaurants because it is an appetite (食欲) stimulant. This means it can make people eat more.
Blue is the colour of the sky and the ocean. Peaceful blue is often used in bedrooms. Studies show that weightlifters are able to lift heavier weights in blue gyms.
Green represents nature. It is the easiest colour on the eye. Hospitals often use green because it relaxes patients.
Sunny yellow is a cheerful colour, yet people lose their tempers (发脾气) more often in yellow rooms, and babies cry more.
小题1:Which colour is a summer colour?
A.Blue. B.White.C.Green.D.Red.
小题2:The underlined word “stimulant” means “______”.
小题3:Where is colour red often used?
A.In bedrooms.B.In gyms.
C.In hospitals.D.In restaurants.
小题4:What does the underlined sentence mean?
A.It is the easiest colour for people to find.
B.It is the most comfortable colour for eyes.
C.People can remember it more easily.
D.It can improve our eyesight.
小题5:Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the passage?
A.White can make people eat more.
B.Blue can make patients feel more relaxed.
C.People can get angry easily in yellow rooms.
D.Black cars are popular among thieves.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Many students feel it is difficult to remember new words when they begin to study English. Now I will give you some advice.
Do not waste time in learning the word list. It is not a good way to remember new words. The best way to learn new words is through listening. You can find radio programmes or TV programmes. And listen to them carefully. When you listen to the conversations, you will learn the pronunciation easily. Of course, it is not enough; you have to remember their spellings.
Some people find that they can learn the names of everyday objects such as box, bottle, cup, desk and so on, in the following way. They write the names of things on paper, and then they read the words on the paper. Try this and see if this way works for you. If it does not work, then go on to practise listening to the conversations.
小题1:To remember new words is not easy for many students.
小题2:Learning the word list is a good way to remember new words.
小题3:The best way to learn new words is to listen to radio and TV programmes.
小题4:Listening to radio and TV is enough.
小题5:If you write the names of things on paper, it will help you learn new words.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Kate is an English girl. She lives in a tall building in the city of London. There are sixteen floors in the building, and she lives on the tenth floor. She uses a lift to go up and down. Kate studies in a middle school near her house and she works hard. She goes to school early. Every day she leaves her home at half past six. She walks to the lift, and it takes her down to the first floor. There is a bus stop near the building. Usually she takes No.7 bus to her school, but sometimes she goes on foot. It is only four kilometers to her school from the building. She gets to school at about seven twenty. Classes begin at eight. She goes to play games at three forty. She gets home at a quarter past five. She begins to do her homework at eight and finishes it at half past nine.
小题1:Kate lives in a tall building ________ London.
A.nearB.inC.outsideD.far from
小题2:She goes up and down the building ________.
A.in liftB.by a liftC.by liftD.use a lift
小题3:She leaves ________ at six thirty.
A.her homeB.the building C.the liftD.the bus stop
小题4:She goes to school ________.
A.by busB.by bikeC.on footD.A and C
小题5:It takes her ________ to do her homework.
A.about an hourB.about one hour and half
C.eighty minutesD.one hour and a half


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Philip likes to play football. He often plays football after school with his friends. Sandy likes to play basketball. She teaches her friends how to play it every Sunday afternoon. Han Mei is very good at the computer. She always uses it to draw pictures three times a week, and she uses it to surf the Internet. She has a good friend in America. Her name is Mary. Lin Tao is also good at drawing pictures. But he never uses computer to draw.
小题1:What do Sandy and his friends do on Sunday afternoon?
A.Play footballB.Play basketball
C.Draw picturesD.Play computer games
小题2:How often does Han Mei draw with computer?
A.Once a weekB.Three times a week.
C.Once a dayD.Every day
小题3:Who likes to surf the Internet? 
A.PhilipB.SandyC.Han MeiD.LinTao
小题4:How often does Lin Tao use computer to draw?
A.NeverB.Hardly ever
C.Three times a weekD.Every week
小题5:Who's Mary?   
A.She's an English girl.B.She's Sandy's friend.
C.She's Han Mei's friend.D.She's Lin Tao's classmate.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填写表格 (每空限填一词)
There are many things you can do to improve your memory. Among them are many kinds of useful ways as well as taking special care of your health.
It is important that you make yourself excited to make your memory more active. You can do this by doing some new activities and by changing your daily habits. Learning a new skill helps your brain(大脑) to develop. When trying to remember something, you should pay special attention to the most important things about it. Do not allow other thoughts to enter your mind because this will reduce your chances of making right memories.
An excellent way to help memory is to connect information with pictures. Try to see the pictures in your mind. Taking notes and keeping a diary will also be helpful.
Healthy food and plenty of vitamins are necessary for your memory to work well. Drinking a lot of water also helps keep your memory. You must allow your brain to have enough sleep and rest. When you are sleep, Your brain stores memory. Not enough sleep can cause problems with storing information. And being tired will also stop you from being able to think clearly and well.
In order to keep your mind on your work, you must be free from worry. Generally keeping fit and normal health checks are both important as well--- not just for improving your memory.
How to___1___ Your Memory
*taking special ____3____ of your health
*making yourself excited to make your memory more active by taking_4___
in some new activities and changing your daily habits.
*paying attention to the most ____5___ things, in order to add to add to
your chances to ___6___ right memories.
Other ways
*connecting information with _____7____
* taking notes and __8____ diaries
* eating __9____ food and taking plenty of vitamins
* drinking a lot of water
* having ___10___ sleep and rest


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

It’s Sunday. There are   36   people on the bus. And   37   is looking here and there. He wants to find a   38  . Then he finds one. He goes to it. A small   39   is on the seat. And a young man is 40   it.”
“Excuse me.   41   I have this seat?” asks the old man. “Sorry, it’s for   _42  . She goes to buy some bananas.” says the young man.
“Well,” says the old man. “Let me sit here, please. When she comes back, I will leave(离开) here.”
The bus starts. “She doesn’t come, 43  her bag is here. Let me give her the bag.” The old man wants to throw(扔掉) the bag   44  of the window.
The young man jumps and shouts(大喊),“Don’t throw! It’s  45  bag.”
小题1:A. little         B. a lot          C. many
小题2:A. a young woman B. an old man      C. an old woman
小题3:A.seat            B. chair          C. bag   
小题4:A.dog             B. book          C. bag
小题5:A.or              B. at            C. next to
小题6:A.Do              B. May          C. Must
小题7:A.a boy           B. a man         C. a woman 
小题8:A.and             B. then          C. but
小题9:A.from            B. out           C. in       
小题10:A.my             B. her           C. his      

