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However, the British students  are___

__,so I think we'll  become good friends.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

6.She spoke as_(clear) as she could to make  the visi?tors undersland her.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

That Will Teach You,Bear!

One beautiful day, Bear was out hunting. As  he walked past a fallen tree, he heard a small voice shoul ," Wat(,li your feet !"

Bear looked down and saw crickets  (螺蜂)."You almost destroyed my house," Cricket  said.

"I'll walk wherever I want to," Bear shouted  as he showed off his size and strength.

Cricket shouted back," But it's my house,  and I should protect it !,,

This made Bear so furious thai he said he  would destroy the house, Cricket, and all of Cricket's family. This made Cricket  angry."I have a friend who is only half my si/e,but he is strong enough to beat  you in a fighi."

Bear laughed and said, "Go and get your  friend,Cricket.Til return tomorrow, and we'll see  who can win in a fight."

The next morning, Bear returned to Cricket's  house. "Come out,brave Cricket," called Bear.Suddenly he felt a terrible ache on  his back.He yelled, but Cricket's friend Mos?quito ( 紋子)continued slinging ( 口J ) until Bear yelled,  " I give up !,,

Just then Cricket appeared at the door of  his house. Cricket told Bear to leave and never return. Bear quickly ran  away.

41. The title of the story tells us that it  is probably about_.

A.making a new fricml B.learning a  lesson

C.playing a game I).winning a  competition

42. Where does this story most probably take  place? A.In a city. B.In a town.

C.At the beach. D.In a forest.

43. What is the main idea of this story?  A.Time passes too quickly.

H.Be friendly lo neighbours.

C.Size isn't everything.

I). Don't be afraid of small  things.

44. What does the underlined word "furious"  mean in this story?

A.Big and strong. B.Very angry.

C.Loud. D.Afraid.

45. How does Cricket finally solve his  problem?

A. He gets help from his friend.

B. He invites Bear to his honm.

C. He and his family run away.

I).He slings Hear to make Iiini go  away.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

根据短文内容,从方框中选择合适的单词填 空,使短文内容完整、通顯,有的需要变换形式(每





[wait , three, easy,  head , but, pass , them ,  anything , like , good




This is really a vrry fas I game. Both sides  air lighting for

the ball at the time.The audience  (观众)are shouting at the top of 66 voice.Willis has the  ball now.This is only his

67 game forEngland, but  he's playing so 68 that it won't be his last.Fm quite sure.

Willis 69 the ball to Cotton.Cotton kicks it  over the

70 of the waiting Australians, tow an Is the  goalmouth. But he's too far away. David picks it up 71 , and throws it to Peter,out on the left.

AustraliaandEnglandstill have one goal each, and  I here are only two minutes left of the game. But at that time,

72 can happen.Peter kicks the ball across to  Crozat.Ifs a beautiful kick , 73 Stevens jumps and just  stops the ball with (he side of his head.But Mike is there, he passes it to  Crozat and Crozat without 74 a second, puts the hall into the back of the  goal.It takes everybody by surprise.Fve n('、,'r seen a  goal 75 it.

And the game is over.Australiahas  won the cup.


71 •_72 •_73 •_74 •_75 •_


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. 我学会了使用筷子,而且他们正在教我一些汉语。

I____chopsticks , and they're

teaching me a liltle Chinese.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5.1 read an_(introduce) about Shenzhen on  the Inter?net.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

. The man spends most of his_(工作曰)sitting at  a



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2. 寄宿家庭已经计划好了周末活动。

Host families .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4. 我爷爷从来没有去过上海。

