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 There are many kinds of pollution around us,11        air pollution,soil pollution,noise pollution and light pollution. They are bad 12        our health in many ways.

 Burning gas,oil and coal creates air pollution. It can cause sore eyes and 13        problems.

 With the increase of pollution and the develop?ment of industry,litter is everywhere. It makes our environment dirty. People put lots of rubbish in the land. Farmers use too many 14        in the fields. They destroy the soil. So soil pollution has become serious.

 Noise pollution can make people 15        For example,people may lose their hearing if they work in a 16      place for a long time. Too much noise can cause high blood pressure 17      .

 Working for a long time in strong,changeable light 18        cause some kinds of illnesses. It makes people feel 19        and is especially bad for the eyes.

 With 20        pollution,our planet will become greener and our health will be better. Let's be greener people.

(   ) 11. A. such as   B. for example

   C. such like   D. as well as

(   ) 12. A. to   B. in   C. for   D. at

(   ) 13. A. breaths   B. breathe

   C. breathed   D. breathing

(   ) 14. A. chemical   B. chemicals

   C. chemistry   D. chemistries

(   ) 15. A. blind   B. lame   C. black   D. deaf

(  ) 16. A. noise   B. noisy

   C. noisily   D. noises

(   ) 17. A. as well   B. too

   C. either   D. also

(   ) 18. A. must   B. should   C. may   D. need

(   ) 19. A. terrible   B. comfortable

     C. terribly   D. comfortably

(   ) 20. A. little   B. a little

      C. less   D. fewer


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

②翻译该句: 购物时我们应该带着自己的包而不是使用超市的塑料袋。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


I don't know potato chips                          


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 We were very pleased with the photo competi?tion. Compared with other years,we received many more photos. Even though all of the photos are ex?cellent,we can't give prizes to everyone. There are four prizes,so read on to find out who the winners are.

  The person who won the prize of the " Most Beautiful Nature" photography is fifteen-year-old Li Wei. Li took photos of the mountains in Xiangshan Park. The park isn't far from his home,about 500 metres,and he knows it well.

  The photo we liked best in the "Historic China" group was taken by Zhao Min. Zhao is only 12 years old. Her photo is of Tian'anmen Square,the largest public square in the world. It's 880 metres from north to south and 500 metres wide at the northern end. Her photo shows the size and beauty of the square perfectly.

  The best photo in "Music" category was taken by He Zhong who is fourteen years old. His photo of this year's best band Crazy Feet shows the singer,Becky Wang,and the band playing at a concert in Shenzhen. He Zhong manages to show the move?ment and the sounds of this great new band,and the fun which their fans are having.

  A collection of photos called the "Many Faces of Our City" which features Beijing won the prize for the "Most Unusual" category. Three pupils at the same school worked on this entry. It includes photos of different parts of the city,old and new. It suc?cessfully shows the rich culture which makes Beijing so famous.

  Congratulations to our winners and thanks to everyone who entered the competition. We are very lucky that the famous photographer John William is in China to talk about his new book. He has agreed to present the prizes at the prize giving ceremony at the end of this month.

(   ) 21,The passage mainly talks about the results of      .

   A. student photo competition

   B. student competition

   C. adult photo competition

   D. student swimming competition

(   ) 22. What category do you think Li Wei's prize was for?

   A. Everyday City Life.

   B. Music.

   C. Most Unusual.

   D. Nature.

(   ) 23. What's the subject of Zhao Min's photo?

   A. Beijing.

   B. The mountains in Xiangshan Park.

   C. Tian'anmen Square.

   D. Crazy Feet.

(   ) 24. Which of the following sentences is true?

   A. The photo competition was more popu?lar in the past than it was last year.

   B. Tian'anmen Square is longer from north to south than from west to east.

   C. There was one photo which won the "Most Unusual" prize.

   D. John William is coming to China soon.

(   ) 25. Why are the fans of Crazy Feet having fun?

   A. Because of the movement of the band.

   B. Because of the sounds of the band.

   C. Because the band moved and sounded crazy.

   D. Because Crazy Feet was the best band.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 6. ―Why are you so tired these days?

    ―Well,I have        homework to do.

   A. too much   B. too many

   C. much too   D. many too


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Think about                   it's       in our       lives.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5.We use wood to make paper.

Wood                        paper.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


        ,I thought that it might be a dog,but I couldn't see a dog        anything      ,      

