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Today, there are plenty of opportunities(机会) to get to know people from other c1.. Don’t just stare at your shoes, go and say “Hi”. These ice-breakers will help you get through the embarrassing(尴尬的)moments:

British: “Beautiful day, isn’t it?” The w2. in Britain is unpredictable (不可预测的), so, it’s one of the topics the British talk a lot about. And there’s a s3. rule about weather conversation: just say, “Yes” whether you agree with the person’s idea on the weather or not. That’s because the British s4. a conversation using the weather so that they can find common ground and move on to something else.

French: “Where did you go o5. holiday?” To get close to a French student, the safest way is to ask about his or her l6. holiday. French students enjoy a 10-to-15-day holiday every two months. And the French are famous for their conversations over a cup of coffee. Then, all you need to do is keep your ears o7. when the conversation starts.

American: “What do you like to do on the weekends?” Young American people like to use weekends to relax and have f8.. They go to see movies, visit friends’ houses or go shopping. So s9. “What did/will you do on the weekend?” is a good way to turn the conversation on and get to know more about some of your new f10..

1.countries/cultures 2.weather 3.simple 4.start 5.on 6.last 7.open 8.fun 9.saying 10.friends 【解析】本文介绍了几种和不同国家/文化背景的人打招呼、破冰的说话方式。 1.句意:今天,有很多机会去了解来自其他国家/文化的人。从后文来看,文中提到...

科目:初中英语 来源:新人教版2017-2018学年八年级上册英语第二单元测试卷(无听力) 题型:阅读单选

I’m Bruce and I’m forty years old now. I came to Khémisset city ten years ago. Although the city is small, I like it very much. Why? Let me tell you.

First, I like the weather here. In Khémisset, the weather is often mild. It is not very hot in summer and not very cold in winter.

Second, the city is small. There are a few traffic jams (交通堵塞). There are almost no factories (工厂) either. So there is clean air and little car noise here. In the city, I know most people here and they know me.

Third, I can enjoy the beauty of nature here. The four seasons are different but beautiful.

Last but not least, I like its language. People here speak Berber. It’s very interesting. I can’t speak it well, but I try my best to learn it.

1.How old is Bruce now?

A. 10. B. 20. C. 30. D. 40.

2.What does the underlined word “mild” mean in Chinese?

A. 丰富的 B. 温和的 C. 潮湿的 D. 艰难的

3.Bruce likes the small size of Khémisset city NOT because _________.

A. many people live there B. the air there is clean

C. there are almost no factories D. there are few traffic jams

4.What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?

A. Bruce can’t speak Berber.

B. People in Khémisset can only speak Berber.

C. Berber is a new language in Khémisset.

D. The language is one of the reasons why Bruce likes Khémisset.

5.What can we learn from the passage?

A. It is hot and dry in summer in Khémisset.

B. Khémisset is a small city with many tall buildings.

C. There is much car noise in Khémisset.

D. If you live in Khémisset, you can enjoy the beauty of nature.

1.D 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.D 【解析】 本文作者介绍了自己喜欢住在海米萨特的原因:他喜欢这里的天气;这个城市很小;他喜欢这里的自然美景;他喜欢这里的语言。 1.D 细节理解题。根据I’m Bruce and I’m forty years old now.可知布鲁斯现在40岁,故选D。 2.B 词义猜测题。根据It is not...


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版(9A)英语Unit 1 Know yourself单元测试卷 题型:填空


One of the most common questions I am asked is whether, when, and how to follow up after a job interview. Following up in some way is necessary. Yes, you can get a job without it, but if you compete (竞争) with other top candidates (候选人), following up can sometimes help you when the other candidate doesn’t. Here’s how to follow up well:

Send a thank-you note at once. E-mail is fine for this and has the advantage of arriving faster, but handwritten notes are still appreciated (欣赏). And if there are many interviews, send a thank-you note each time.

Find out their timeline. Hopefully, you asked about their timeline in the interview itself, but if you didn’t, follow up within a week to strengthen (强化) your interest and politely ask what they expect their timeline for a decision to be.

Be patient. Most commonly, job seekers are too worried about the result. It doesn’t look worried to express your interest in the job or check in to ask about the timeline.

Don’t be nervous if you don’t hear from them at once. The hiring process (招聘过程) often takes longer than a candidate would like, maybe the decision makers are out of town. If you’re past the time they indicated you would hear something, this isn’t necessarily cause for nervousness. Hiring often ends up taking longer than expected. Just politely follow up, explain you’re very interested but understand that hiring can take time, and ask if they have the latest timeline.


Title: How to follow up after a job interview (就职面试)

Importance of following up

Following up is very 1. in some way.

2. of following up

Send a thank-you note 3..

E-mail can arrive faster than handwritten notes. ﹡The employer still appreciate handwritten notes.

Find out the timeline.

Follow up to strengthen your interest.

Politely ask what they expect the timeline to be.

Be patient.

It is 4. that job seekers are too worried.

Don’t be nervous

The hiring often takes a longer time.

The decision makers are not 5. town.

If the indicated time is past, follow up politely and explain you are interested in the job.

1.necessary 2.Ways/Ideas 3.immediately 4.common 5.in 【解析】这篇短文给我们讲述的是在参加了工作的面试之后,继续跟进是很重要也很有必要的。那么如何更好的跟进,短文中作者提出了一些好的建议。 1.根据短文的第一段中Following up in some way is necessary.可知,作者认为在面试后,...


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版(9A)英语Unit 1 Know yourself单元测试卷 题型:单选题

Thanks for _____ the new chairperson.

A. recommend me as B. recommending me as

C. recommend me for D. recommending me for

B 【解析】 试题句意:感谢你推荐我成为新的主席。本题考查介词的用法。thank for doing因为某事而感谢,for是介词,介词后用doing。as有“作为”的意思,根据题意,故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:四川省广安市2018年中考英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

There once lived a rich businessman who had a lazy son. The businessman wanted his son to realize the value of labor.

One day, he told his son, “Today, I want you to earn something. If you fail, you won't have your meal tonight.”

The boy didn't want to find a job, so he asked his mother for help. She gave him a gold coin. In the evening, when the father asked his son what he had earned, the son showed him the gold coin. The father then asked him to throw it into the well (水井). The son did as he was told.

The father guessed that the gold was from the boy's mother. The next day, he sent his wife to her parents' home and asked his son to earn something. Since no one helped him, the son had to go to the market to look for a job. A shopkeeper told him that he would pay him a coin if he carried heavy tools for him. The son accepted. As he returned home and gave the coin to his father. he was asked to throw it into the well. The boy cried, "Dad! My body is aching. I'm tired. How are you asking me to throw my hard-carned coin into a well?"

The businessman smiled. He told his son that one feels pain only when the fruits of labor are wasted. The son realized the value of hard work. He promised not to be lazy any more.

1.Who helped the son when he was asked to earn something for the first time?

A. His father.

B. His mother.

C. His sister.

D. The shopkeeper.

2.The underlined word "aching" has the similar meaning with "_________".

A. painful

B. hopeful

C. helpful

D. powerful

3.Why did the father ask the boy to throw his coin into the well?

A. To fill the well.

B. To check if the coin is real.

C. To keep the coin for the boy.

D. To check if the boy had earned the coin by himself.

4.How did the son feel when his father asked him to throw the coin into the well again?

A. Surprised

B. Sad

C. Excited

D. Relaxed

5.The story is mainly about ________.

A. a wise father

B. a gold coin

C. the fruits of labor

D. a lazy boy

1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 【解析】 这则故事讲了一位商人希望他的儿子意识到劳动的价值,通过让儿子把硬币扔在井里的做法给儿子上了一课。 1.句意:当他第一次被要求去赚点什么的时候,谁帮助了儿子?A.他的父亲。B.他的母亲。C.他的妹妹。D.店主。原文“The boy didn't want to find a job, so he asked ...


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省姜堰市2017-2018学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

Michael Perham (born on 16th March, 1992 in Hertfordshire, England) is a boy who, at the age of 17, became the youngest person to sail around the world in the 50 feet racing boat, completing his journey on 7th August, 2009. He started the world trip on the 15th of November 2008 from Portsmouth, England.

Just six days after Michael Perham set sail from Portsmouth, he started having serious problems with the boat, which he was unable to fix himself on the sea. He had to stop in Portugal. Just one day later, he set sail once again, with the hope of breaking David Dick’s world record for the youngest person to sail around the world.

Michael met many challenges(挑战) along the way, including rough seas and knock-downs in the Southern Ocean, terrible loneliness and fighting storms, but the largest difficulty Michael faced was the boat itself. It caused one problem after another. Funnily he celebrated his birthday in March last year among the dolphins in Indian Ocean.

Michael Perham has entered the record books after becoming the youngest person to sail around the world. The teenager already holds the record for being the youngest people to sail across the Atlantic, aged just 14.

Michael Perham plans to create the Sail Michael Fund to encourage young people to take to the water. He is also aiming to take part in the 2012 Olympics.

1.This passage is most probably taken from __________.

A. a story book B. a magazine C. a travel guide D. a film review

2.How long did it take Michael Perham to complete his world trip?

A. It took about 9 months. B. It took 6 days.

C. It took about 14 years. D. It took 50 days.

3.What does “to take to the water” probably mean in this passage?

A. To save water. B. To protect water.

C. To sail in the sea. D. To swim in the sea.

4.Which of the following is NOT true about Michael Perham?

A. Michael Perham wants to encourage young people to take part in the 2012 Olympics.

B. Michael Perham has held two world records for sailing so far.

C. The most difficult problem that Michael Perham faced while sailing was the boat.

D. Michael Perham is going to set up the Sail Michael Fund for young people.

5.What’s the correct order of the following events?

a. Michael Perham started the world trip from Portsmouth.

b. Michael Perham became the youngest person to sail across the Atlantic.

c. Michael Perham celebrated his birthday in March last year among the dolphins in Indian


d. Michael Perham became the youngest person to sail around the world.

A. d, a, c, b B. b, c, a, d C. d, a, b, c D. b, a, c, d

1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.D 【解析】本文讲述了一位名叫Michael Perham 的年轻人的航行经历,他成为了世界上最年轻的航行周游世界的运动员。 1.句意:这篇文章很可能取材于杂志。A.故事书B.杂志C.旅行指南D.电影评论。这篇文章的主人公是Michael Perham,讲述了他航行的人生经历,这应该是取材于杂志上的,而非故事书、旅行指南或电影...


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省姜堰市2017-2018学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:单选题

—Don’t keep water running when you wash hands.


A. I hope so B. I’m afraid not C. Sorry,I won’t D. It’s nothing

C 【解析】 试题句意:--当你洗手的时候,不要总是让水一直流着,--对不起,我不会。A. Ihope so我希望是这样;B.I‟mafraidnot我恐怕不是这样;C. Sorry,Iwon‟t对不起,我不会;D.It‟snothing没什么。根据题意,故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省姜堰市2017-2018学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:听短对话回答问题

How many students are there in all the clubs?

A. 100. B. 40. C. 20.

A 【解析】M: How many students are there in the clubs? W: 40 in the Art Club, 40 in the Dancing Club and 20 in the Music Club.


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省威海市业考试模拟训练英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

Middle East

Egyptian birthday parties in these countries are filled with dancing and singing. To celebrate the child’s age, family and friends gather around the chair, lifting and raising it once for each year of life——plus one more for good luck!


When Japanese children turn 3, 5 or 7, it is thought to be especially lucky. They are allowed to take part in the upcoming Shichi-go-san Festival, which is celebrated on November 15th every year.


In China, people believe that tigers protect children. Family members bring newborns special food and present them with gifts of clothing or toys decorated with tigers. When a Chinese girl or boy turns one year old, kinds of toys are placed on the floor around the child.


Filipino families display blinking(闪光的) colored lights to show that someone is having a birthday at his home. The whole family usually goes to church together to thank god.


In Korea, “Paegil”, the 100th day after a child’s birth, is a get-together day for the child’s family. On a Korean child’s first birthday, a “Tol” or “Dol” is held. Family and friends gather to enjoy food together and offer the one-year-old gifts of money.

1.__________ celebrate the child’s age by lifting and raising a chair.

A. Egyptians B. Japanese C. Korean

2.Shichi-go-san is a special ____________.

A. present B. food C. day

3.In China, family members bring the children present decorated with tigers because they think _______________.

A. tigers are strong and healthy

B. tigers protect children

C. the children look like the tiger

4.In Korea, a “Tol” or “Dol” is the name of ___________.

A. party B. game C. present

5.Which of the descriptions is true for birthday celebrations?

A. Shichi-go-san Festival is celebrated on Chinese children’s birthday.

B. Filipino families get together at home to thank God.

C. People in Korea celebrate a child’s birthday on the 100th day.

1.A 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C 【解析】本文介绍了埃及、日本、中国、菲律宾和韩国人给孩子们庆贺生日的一些风俗。 1.细节理解题。根据Egypt信息栏中“family and friends gather around the chair, lifting and raising it once for each year of life.”可知,在埃及,...

