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More and more people mainly communicate ______.

A. on email B. by email C. in the Internet D. through email


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林八年级上期末模拟英语试卷 题型:完型填空

I started to love running at a young age. I loved to race my father and my sister around the backyard. I wished I could run in the Olympics and win lots of medals.

One day my mother saw ______ for a race(比赛) in a newspaper. “Would you be interested in taking part in this race?” she asked me, ______ to the advertisement.

“Yes, of course.” I answered.

I spent the next few days ______ for my big race. My sister set up a table in the backyard so she could ______ me water and time me.

On the day of the race, just before the race, my ______ said to me , “ Don’t use up all your energy(能量) at the beginning of the race. You need to have ______ energy so that you can run much faster at the end. ”

The race ______. Following Dad’s words, I didn’t run as fast as I could. Then the other runners started passing me, which made me feel ______. I began to feel tired, and I started slowing down and breathing(呼吸) ______.

Just at that moment I heard, “______, Kelly! You can do it! Don’t give up. Keep running!” Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Dad running beside me around the outside of the track(轨道).

I took a ______ breath and tried my best to go on running. I didn’t win the race. I came fifth, but I felt like a ______. I did my best, and I didn’t give up.

Later, as I thought about the race, I felt thankful because my dad ______ left my side. He always encourages(鼓励)

me when I ______ to give up. He runs alongside(在旁边) me through my life. I’ll ______ my dad’s words forever, “Never give up. You can be a winner, even if you lose.”

1.A. a story B. a report C. a piece of news D. an advertisement

2.A. walking B. talking C. pointing D. leading

3.A. practicing B. jumping C. swimming D. playing

4.A. buy B. carry C. fill D. offer

5.A. teacher B. mum C. dad D. sister

6.A. little B. enough C. small D. low

7.A. began B. finished C. reached D. stopped

8.A. proud B. happy C. nervous D. hopeful

9.A. higher B. harder C. louder D. farther

10.A. Come down B. Come on C. Come out D. Come back

11.A. deep B. easy C. free D. lazy

12.A. player B. winner C. soldier D. runner

13.A. sometimes B. always C. often D. never

14.A. get B. stop C. want D. like

15.A. forget B. remember C. keep D. write


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省汕头市龙湖区2018届九年级上学期期末质量检测英语试卷(含听力) 题型:单选题

----What ___________bad weather it is today!

----Yes, _____________ weather makes me so sad.

A. a; a B. /; the C. an; the D. the; a


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省杭州市西湖区2016-2017学年八年级(上)期末英语试卷(无听力部分word版附答案) 题型:完型填空

It was still in deep night,everything seemed to be the same as usual.

“Tommy!”called a clear voice. Tommy __ and sat up in bed. At the foot of the bed stood a boy about his age,all dressed in __ ,like fresh snow. He had very bright eyes,and he ___Tommy straightly. “Who are you ?”asked Tommy.

“I am the New Year!” said the boy. “This is my day , and i bring _______ your leaves.” “What leaves?” asked Tommy.

“The new ones,to be sure!”said the New Year. “I hear__________words of you from my Daddy--” “ ______ is your Daddy?” asked Tommy.

“The old year,of course!”said the boy. “He said you asked too many questions and i see he was right. And one day you _______your book into the fire. Now, all this ______ .”

“Oh, must it?”said Tommy. He felt _______ ,and did not know just what to say.

“ _______it does not stop.” the boy said.” you will grow ______ every year.till you grow up into a Terrible Man. Do you want to be a Terrible Man?” “N-no!” said Tommy.

“Then you must stop being a terrible boy!”said the New Year. “ Take your________!” and he held out a book made of leaves,all white.

“Turn over one of these every day.”he said, “and soon you will be a good boy instead of a bad one.” Tommy took the leaves and looked at them.____each leaf were a few words. On one it said, “Help your mother!” On ___, “Don’t eat so much!” And on still another, “Don’t fight Billy Jenkins!”

“Oh!” cried Tommy. “I have to fight Billy Jenkins!”he said--

“Goodbye!”said the New Year. “I shall come ______when I am old to see whether you are a good boy or a terrible one. Remember, “Terrible boy makes terrible man.”

1.A. stood B. woke C. played D. walked

2.A. red B. blue C. black D. white

3.A. looked for B. looked at C. looked after D. looked down

4.A. you B. me C. her D. him

5.A. nice B. beautiful C. bad D. interesting

6.A. How B. What C. where D. who

7.A. threw B. bought C. left D. read

8.A. might B. would C. could D. must

9.A. happy B. interested C. brave D. afraid

10.A. And B. If C. Though D. So

11.A. taller B. worse C. super D. clever

12.A. messages B. leaves C. exam D. exercise

13.A. On B. Between C. From D. Besides

14.A. other B. the other C. another D. others

15.A. finally B. once C. too D. again


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八下Unit 1 Integrated skills-Task课时练习 题型:单选题

Nice to see you again. I ________ you for a long time.

A. hadn’t seen B. haven’t seen C. didn’t see D. don’t see


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八上Unit 4 Do it yourself 单元测试英语试卷 题型:将所给单词连成句子


1.loves ,repair ,he ,and, things ,to ,decorate ,house ,his


2.reading, books ,and ,I ,the, am ,all ,attending, lessons ,every, myself, Saturday


3.pieces,cut,card,of,out,scissors,pair,with ,a ,of


4.for, stay, home ,it’s, to ,day, usual, me ,at ,all


5.planned,make ,with , I ,to, card, roses ,it ,the ,some ,on



科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八上Unit 4 Do it yourself 单元测试英语试卷 题型:单选题

She stayed at home_____ the meeting last Sunday.

A. instead of attend B. instead of attending

C. because of attending D. because of attend


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省临沂市蒙阴县2017-2018学年八年级上学期期末考试(含听力)英语试卷 题型:其他题

What did Max watch today?


Type: sitcom
Channel (频道):BBC3
Time: 10:35
Duration (时长):30 min—utes

Wonders of Nature(自然)

Type: educational show for kids
Channel (频道):BBC2
Time: 18:55
Duration:5 minutes


Type: news, sports, weather and traveling
Channel (频道):BBC Radio Foyle
Time: 07:00
Duration:30 minutes

Escape(逃亡)2 Africa

Type: cartoon
Channel (频道):BBC3
Time: 19:10
Duration:80 minutes

1.Badults is a(n) ____.

A. sitcom B. cartoon

C. action movie D. scary movie

2.The program Wonders of Nature ends(结束) at ____.

A. 18:35 B. 19:15

C. 18:53 D. 19:00

3.We can’t get any information about ____ from the program Breakfast.

A. sports B. homework

C. weather D. traveling

4.Max watched a cartoon on ____ today.

A. BBC 1 B. BBC 2

C. BBC 3 D. BBC Radio Foyle

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Max watched Badults on BBC 2.

B. The program Wonders of Nature is scary.

C. The program Breakfast lasts for an hour.

D. Madagascar Escape 2 Africa is a cartoon.


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省盐城市响水县2016-2017学年春学期第一次学情调研初一英语试卷 题型:单选题

---Who is that lady?

---She’s Miss Green. She_______us music,and she is so good.

A. taught B. teaches C. will teach D. is teaching

