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Last Saturday, our school organized a talent show to raise money for charity. It was a great success. Students took an active part in it and we raised 20,000 yuan in all.
After the show I interviewed three students. First, I talked with Liu Li. In the talent show, she danced the ballet(芭蕾舞). “How long have you been dancing the ballet?” I asked. “For about six years.” she answered. “Why do you learn it?” “I think it’s beautiful and I want to be a professional dancer when I grow up.”
Next I had a talk with Zhao Qiang. He played a piece of Mozart’s music. He played wonderfully. I asked, “When did you start playing the piano?” “Um, I’m twelve now and I have been doing it since I was five.” he said. “Are you going to play the piano after you finish high school?” “Sure. My dream is to be a pianist.”
Finally, I asked Chen Yun, an 11-year-old girl. She sang us some folk songs(民歌). Her voice is very sweet. “Why are you interested in folk music?” I asked. “I admire Song Zuying and I want to be a singer like her. I have been singing folk songs since five years ago. I hope I can hold a singing concert in the future.” she said.
How many years
Liu Li
Zhao Qiang
to be a pianist
Chen Yun
Singing folk songs
since five years ago

小题1:dancing the ballet
小题2:playing the piano
小题3:since he was five / seven
小题4:to be a professional dancer
小题5:to be a singer /to hold a singing concert

1. dancing the ballet 从下面用的singing知道此处也应用ing形式。根据In the talent show, she(Liu Li)danced the ballet(芭蕾舞)可知她擅长于跳芭蕾舞。
2. playing the piano,同样采用ing形式。由When did you start playing the piano可知他会谈钢琴。
3. since he was five / seven 此题问的是时间。从I’m twelve now and I have been doing it since I was five可知他开始弹了五年了,也就是七岁时开始弹的。
4. to be a professional dancer 根据I want to be a professional dancer when I grow up可知长大后她想成为一个专业的舞蹈家。
5. to be a singer /to hold a singing concert 根据I hope I can hold a singing concert in the future可知,她想成为一个歌手并举办音乐会。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Allan: Hello! May I speak to Bob?
Mary: Sorry! He isn’t in at the moment. Tomorrow is Teachers’ Day, and he has gone to buy some presents for the teachers. Could I take a message ?
Allan: Yes, please. My name is Allan. I’m taking the subway to Shanghai for vacation tonight. It is two o’clock now. I am afraid I have no time to see him before I leave. Tell him I’ll leave in three hours. My phone number is three o one double five double seven.
Mary: OK! I’ll tell him as soon as he comes back.
Allan: Thank you very much! Goodbye !
Mary: Bye !
1.______________________        __.
2.__________________           ___.
3.___________________            _.
Time leaving:
Phone number:
5.____________________           _.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

阅读短文, 从方框中所给的四个句子中选出正确选项, 填在短文空缺处,使短文内容完整、连贯。

Do you have a mobile phone? Do you often send text messages(信息)to your friends of family? If you keep sending text messages over and over again, there may be something wrong with your fingers(手指). 小题1:  If you don’t , you may get hurt one day.
Text messaging or “texting” is becoming popular. But , scientists have found out that texting can give us problems with fingers. Too much texting can make your fingers uncomfortable. When we press small buttons over and over again , we may have a disease(疾病) called RSI. RSI is short for Repetitive Strain Injury(重复性力损伤).
Harriet Wilson is a doctor. She has many patients(病人) with RSI.小题2: If we spend more than 10-15 minutes every day, we could have such problems in the future.
Mobile phones and the buttons are getting smaller and smaller.  小题3: Texting with a smaller phone is worse than using a large phone with bigger buttons.小题4: . It’s easy to type with a large one.
If you use a computer keyboard and play video games for long, you may have the same problem. More and more people can find themselves with RSI.
It’s a good idea to use a large phone.
Everybody using the mobile phones should be careful.
The buttons are getting closer together.
She says we should check how much time we are spending in typing text messages.
小题5:What does the writer want to tell us?
A.He wants to ask us not to send text messages with mobile phones.
B.He wants to tell us to uses small mobile phones to send text messages.
C.He wants to tell us some good ways to communicate with friends.
D.He wants to tell us the damage(损害) of sending text messages too much.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题

e.g. I had a new year party with my friends.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When he was a teenager, Hunter Adams was very unhappy, and he spent many years in the 1960s and 1970s in a special hospital for people with mental health problems.
When he left hospital, Adams decided to become a doctor, so he went to a medical school in Virginia, in America. But when he was there, he did things in different ways. For example, he didn’t like the doctors’ white coats, so he wore shirts with flowers on them when he visited his patients, and he tried to make them laugh. The doctors at the medical school didn’t like Adams very much because he was too different.
Adams believed that people in hospital need more than just medicine. He saw unhappy and lonely people, and he tried to help them, not just as patients, but as people too. He spent a lot of time with children in hospital, and often put a special red nose on his face so he looked like a clown and made the children laugh.
When he finished medical school and became a doctor, Adams opened his own hospital, called The Gesundheit Institute, with some other doctors. They wanted it to be a place with a different way of working with sick people.
Hunter Adams became famous during the 1980s, and in 1998, Universal Pictures made a film about his life. It was very successful. In the film, Robin Williams played Adams. Williams said, “Hunter is a really warm person, who believes that patients need a doctor who’s a friend. I enjoyed playing him”
小题1:Was Hunter Adams a doctor?
小题2:Where was the medical school?
小题3:How did Hunter Adams make children in the hospital laugh?
小题4:What did Hunter Adams do after he finished medical school and became a doctor?
小题5:In Hunter Adams’ opinion, what was a good doctor like?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Can plants eat people? Probably not, but there are many plants that eat meat. Some of them are big, and they can eat small animals. One famous meat-eating plant is the Venus flytrap.
The Venus flytrap is a very strange plant. It grows in dry parts of the United States. Its leaves are like the pages of a book. (A) They can open and close very quickly. Inside the leaves, there are three small hairs. If an insect touches one of the hairs, the leaf closes quickly. The insect cannot get out. In about half an hour, the leaf presses(挤压) the insect until it is dead. Then, the plant covers the insect with a special liquid (液体). Slowly, the plant eats the insect.
(B) Plants are living things that have leaves and roots and grow in earth. Most of them get energy from the sun, the air, and the ground. In some places, the ground is very poor. It doesn’t have all the important things that plants need, especially nitrogen (氮). Animal meat has a lot of nitrogen, so some plants eat meat to get what they need. Let’s hope that some of the bigger plants don’t get the same idea!
小题1:Can plants get energy from the air?
小题2:Why is Venus flytrap a famous piant?
小题3:In some places, why do some plants get energy from animal meat?
Plants are living things.   ______________________________


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空


小题1:Henry often recycles(循环利用) water to clean his room and water the flowers.
小题2:Daphne always turns off the lights and the computer as soon as she leaves her office.
小题3:Mr. White sometimes goes to work by bus or on foot instead of (代替)driving his car.
小题4:Li Lei usually uses QQ or emails to communicate with his friends instead of paper letters.
小题5:Miss Zhang never wears fur(皮草) clothes and she decided to eat less meat.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题

小题1:dollars, we, those, sell, pants, only, for,38
小题2:colors, sweaters, four, has, in, Fangfang Clothes Store
小题3:is, this, twenty, T-shirt, green, dollars
小题4:sports, does, need, for, bags, Simon
小题5:are, these, how, quilts, much, blue


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

首字母 (5分)
Are you a shy person? Shyness means feeling nervous when you’re around other people. Some children are b____1____ shy. Some become shy later because of their life experience. In fact, everybody gets a little shy sometimes. It’s just how much they feel shy.
Most people have red faces and talk in b___2___ sentences when they are shy. But some become so shy that they won’t go to a restaurant because they are too nervous to o___3___ and pay for their food. Some are afraid of meeting s___4_____ people, so they s___5____ go outside. This kind of shyness can be bad for a person.
If shyness doesn’t stop you from doing something you want to do, being shy isn’t a big p____6____. Some experts say shy people are good at working because they think more and t___7____ less.
But remember not to let good opportunities (机会) p___8___ you by just because of it. If you have to sing a song at a birthday party or give some p___9___ in front of others, just do it. There’s n___10__ to be afraid of.

