精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

【题目】Once there were some scientists in a forest. They were trying to _______ the rarest animal in the world. No one had seen it, so everyone was _______ and wanted to be the first one to photograph and study it.

The animals only came out at night, _______ the scientists did some other studies in the day._______ them, there was a famous scientist named Walter. Every day, he would spend an hour sitting at the desk and putting all his equipment (设备) in the _______ place. He did this carefully. But other scientists laughed at him because they thought Walter was just wasting _______.

One night, the animal appeared _______.The scientists heard its call. But the call didn't last long. The animal was frightened by the _______ made by the scientists while they were scrabbling (忙乱地找) for their cameras and notebooks.

On the next morning, the scientists _______ their findings. Some had tried to record its call, others had noted down how it moved, and the luckiest one had even photographed parts of its tail and legs. They all congratulated each other on what they had found. However, when they saw what Walter had, they were very surprised.________ had taken several complete (完整的) photos, the record of the animal's cry and notes about the animal.

They ran to congratulated(祝贺) Walter. They now understood the importance of keeping things in order. Because of that, Walter could find everything quickly in the dark.

1A. feed B. study C. catch D. kill

2A. relaxed B. tired C. excited D. surprised

3A. but B. or C. and D. so

4A. Among B. Beside C. Against D. Except

5A. clean B. right C. safe D. public

6A. space B. money C. food D. time

7A. angrily B. immediately C. suddenly D. quickly

8A. plans B. noises C. records D. mistakes

9A. compared B. counted C. sorted D. kept

10A. They B. It C. He D. You













1根据第一段第三句 wanted to be the first one to photograph and study it 可知,科学家们都想成为第一个拍摄到这种稀有动物并且研究(study)它的人。feed 意为“喂养”,catch 意为“抓”,kill 意为“杀”,均不符合题意。故选B。

2根据上文 No one had seen it 可知,还没有人见过这种动物,因此大家都十分兴奋(excited)想要去拍摄和研究。relaxed 意为“轻松的”,tired 意为“疲倦的”,surprised 意为“惊讶的”,均不符合题意。故选C。

3根据上下文可知,这种动物只在晚上出来活动,所以科学家们白天就做其他研究。空处前后表示因果关系,故 so 符合题意。but 意为“但是”,表转折;or 意为“或者”,表选择;and 意为“和”,表并列。均不符合题意。故选D。

4根据下文 there was a famous scientist named Walter 可知,有一个著名的科学家叫 Walter,在科学家们之中,是其中一员。among 意为“在…之中”,用于三者或三者以上的“在…之间”。因为空处位于句首,首字母需大写,故 Among 符合题意。beside 意为“在旁边”,against 意为“对抗”,except 意为“除了”,均不符合题意。故选A。

5根据最后一段第二句 They now understood the importance of keeping things in order 可知,科学家们知道了把物品按顺序放好的重要性。所以 Walter 每天都会把他的设备放在正确的(right)地方。clean 意为“干净的”,safe 意为“安全的”,public 意为“公共的”,均不符合题意。故选B。

6根据上下文可知,其他科学家都嘲笑 Walter,因为他们觉得他是在浪费时间(time)。space 意为“空间”,money 意为“钱”,food 意为“食物”,均不符合题意。故选D。

7根据第三段第四句 they were scrabbling (忙乱地找) for their cameras and notebooks 可知,科学家们忙乱地找他们得相机和笔记本。所以动物是突然地(suddenly)出现的。angrily 意为“气愤地”,immediately 意为“立即地”,quickly 意为“迅速地”,均不符合题意。故选C。

8根据下文 they were scrabbling (忙乱地找) for their cameras and notebooks 可知,科学家们手忙脚乱找设备的吵闹声吓跑了动物。noise 意为“噪音,吵闹声”,因为有各种噪音,需用复数形式,故 noises 符合题意。plan 意为“计划”,record 意为“记录”,mistake 意为“错误”,均不符合题意。故选B。

9根据第四段第二句 Some had tried to record its call, others had noted down how it moved 可知,有的科学家尝试录下动物的叫声,有的记录了它是如何移动的。所以第二天早晨应是对各自的发现进行比较。因全文为过去时态,故动词过去式 compared 符合题意。count 意为“计算”,sort 意为“分类”,keep 意为“保持”,均不符合题意。故选A。

10根据上文 when they saw what Walter had, they were very surprised 可知,当其他科学家看到 Walter 的成果后,他们都惊呆了,因为他(He)拍了几张完整的图片,空处位于句首,故首字母需大写。故 He 符合题意。故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


The picture on my desk in my bedroom is my favourite. When I have trouble studying, or I'm worried about an exam, I always have a look at it. It is a picture of my best friends taken three years ago when we were in middle school. Today our lives have gone in different directions, but our friendship has kept us close.

Every week I get a message from one of them, or a letter with the latest news or vacation photos. 跟其他年份相比,今年我收到了更多的照片。 I often get an email with a joke for the day or words of comfort about some problems in my life. My friends often show up for surprise birthday parties. And one of them even travelled two hours from the other end of a town just to watch my first English speech.




When was the picture taken?




4What does the underlined word “them” refer to (指的是)?



My favourite picture is on my desk in my bedroom.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:







After you watch the programme,you will_______________________________


You can_________________________________________________________




A film______________Chen Kaige_____________________________________


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】----I heard the fire spread very quickly through the hotel, but everyone __ get out.

---- I can’t believe it.

A. had to B. could C. was able to D. would


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】A boy was walking in a field,when he saw a sheep coming towards him.

The poor thing came running up quite close to him.She then went on a few steps,at the same time,turning around and looking up in the boy’s face,and bleating loudly.

The boy had never seen a sheep act in this way before,and wanting to find out what the sheep wanted,he began to follow her across the field.

On and on she went,every now and then turning round to see if the boy was coming.

At last she led the way to a place where there was a running stream,and a deep pool of water.

As soon as he came to this spot,the boy saw a little lamb struggling in the water.It had fallen over the bank into the pool below,and was trying to get out.

The poor mother sheep must have known that she needed help to save her little one.

By leaning over the bank ,the boy found that he could just reach the lamb.

He caught hold of it,and lifted it up on the bank.The mother sheep seemed greatly pleased to have their lamb again beside her.

1The boy decided to follow the sheep because the sheep___________

A. was asking for help.

B. Acted in a strange way.

C. had no lambs around her.

D. Was old and lonely.

2On the way to the stream,the sheep kept looking back to _______

A. Thank the boy for his kindness.

B. Enjoy the handsome boy

C. Make sure of the boy’s following

D. Show her lamb was in danger

3To the boy,the mother sheep was_______

A. helpless B. brave C. clever D. pitiful

4The word”stream” in the reading probably means_______

A. A deep water pool

B. A narrow river

C. A spot for sheep to play in

D. Running water around the field

5In the writer’s view,the story is______

A. unbelievable B. educational C. full of knowledge D. less of fun.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1He's always been a follower rather than a_______ (lead).

2Nothing can make them change their_______ (mind).

3I felt a great sense of_______ (achieve) when I reached the top of the mountain.

4I bought the house_______ (simple) because it was large.

5You have to work even_______ (hard) to get ahead.

6The twins are unequal in_______ (high).


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】WC, toilet, lavatory, bathroom, restroom, john — English has many_________ for the little room we all have to go to every day. Here are some of the words that_______ and explanations of their meanings.

Different countries use different words. In the US, in________ home, you will get ______ you need to go if you ask where the bathroom is. If you are in a shopping mall, you _______ ask directions to the restroom. US people also use the word john, which is named_______ the 19th century British inventor of the flush toilet (although he seems to have been called Thomas).

In Britain the most commonly used words are toilet and bathroom. But WC, which________ for water closet, and lavatory is also used. A public toilet is a public convenience. People _______ speak of the ladies and Gents (you see the words Ladies and Gentlemen above the ________ to public toilets), ______ Men and Women are more common now. An older, now rarely used word in Britain is privy which is short for________.

Australians say loo ,_______ is quite popular in the UK. Canadians use the word can, New Zealanders bog, and South Africans want to go to the bathroom.

Where does the word toilet itself _______ from? Well, it’s from the French toilette — to wash ______.

People from_______ countries also use some humorous words,for example, throne(王座) to describe the toilet and throne room for the bathroom.

1A. words B. names C. places D. titles

2A. uses B. use C. is used D. are used

3A. some B. anyone C. someone’s D. somebody

4A. how B. what C. where D. when

5A. would B. must C. should D. can

6A. in B. for C. after D. at

7A. stands B. writes C. says D. asks

8A. sometime B. never C. sometimes D. some times

9A. entries B. exits C. roofs D. walls

10A. but B. and C. or D. as

11A. pretty B. private C. plenty D. practice

12A. whose B. what C. why D. which

13A. is B. comes C. come D. change

14A. me B. yourself C. us D. you

15A. developing B. developed C. poor D. English-speaking


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Mahalya Daye, 13, is an eighth-grader at Lamberton Middle School in Pennsylvania, USA. Every afternoon at nearly 2 o'clock, she runs to a store at her school. But she is not running to buy snacks. Instead, she works as the storekeeper.

“I didn't know that it took so much work. I've never really done something like this,” Mahalya said.

In fact, she is one of 12 volunteer staff members at Bison Bargains. It is the school's first store run (经营) by students. It started on Feb. 22, and it opens each school day during break time from 2 to 2:30 p.m. It mainly sells stationery (文具) and snacks.

The school wants to provide the students with a real-life business experience through this. Christian Ilg, 14, an eighth-grader, was really surprised by how hard it was not to make mistakes and do the transactions (交易). “It's kind of a challenge to learn all the information on the lists and remember all the prices of the products,” Christian said.

To learn about business, the students took a special class. They learnt how to use money and some simple business rules.

The school did a survey on what products students would buy from a school store. In the future, they plan to sell things made by the students themselves. For example, students can sell their homemade pencil boxes.

1When does Mahalya go to work at the school store?

A. In the morning. B. During lunch.

C. In the afternoon. D. After school.

2How long is the store open on a school day?

A. 30 minutes. B. 2 hours.

C. 2 hours and 30 minutes. D. 4 hours and 30 minutes.

3Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Mahalya is the oldest staff member at the store.

B. Products are sold at very low prices at the store.

C. The store sells things made by students themselves.

D. Christian finds it hard to remember all the prices of the products.

4Which is the best title of the passage?

A. A special class for students B. How to use money wisely

C. How to be a storekeeper D. A student-run store


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Dream House in California is not a house for only one or two children. It's a house for many1(kid). It's a family. It's the future.

Imagine2(live) in a hospital for many years because of illness. Imagine that one stays in a cold street where there is no other place to stay. These children need3 ( help). They need Dream House.

Many years ago, a little girl4(name) Collin Rose decided that when she grew up, she5 (offer) a warm home for those sick and homeless children. When she grew up, she became a nurse and made her dream6( come )true. In November 2003, Collin Rose set up Dream House. Collin Rose's 7(effort)have encouraged many people to help sick and 8(home )children.

“Every child should have a happy childhood. We may help make these 9(children) lives 10(good) than before.Your small help may 11(great) change their lives. No help is too12(small), ” Collin Rose said.

