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1.My elder brother likes c__________(收集) stamps.

2.Tina is not well today. She is a__________(缺席).

3.There are many amazing rocks in strange s__________(形状) in Mount Huang.

4.This kind of robot is s__________(特别地)designed for the elderly.

5.T__________(虽然) it was already dark, they still went on working in the field.


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届山东省济南市天桥区九年级第一次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—You look sad, Bill. ? —Sorry, dad. I didn’t get good grades this time.

A. How are you B. What’s today

C. How old are you D. What’s the matter


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届江苏省太仓市九年级5月教学质量调研测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

You take my raincoat. I do without it till tomorrow morning.

A. may; can B. may; may

C. can; may D. must; can


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届安徽省阜阳市颍泉区九年级全区中考模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

一Do you still remember our first meeting ten years ago?

—Of course.Everything _________happened yesterday.

A.even though B.as if

C.after all D.as soon as


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届安徽省阜阳市颍泉区九年级全区中考模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

一I don't know _________ she can't go hiking with us.

一She has to do her homework.

A.when B.if

C.why D.how


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届安徽省毕业班五校第四次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


When I was just a kid of ten, my father said to me,” Come here and take a lesson from the lovely lemon tree. Don’t put your faith in love, my boy."

My father said to me, "I fear you'll find that love is like the lovely lemon tree.” Lemon tree very pretty, and the lemon flower is sweet, but the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat. beneath the lemon tree One day my love and I did lie. A girl so sweet that when she smiled, the stars rose in the sky. We passed that summer lost in love beneath the lemon tree. The music of her laughter hid my father's words from me. Lemon tree very pretty, and the lemon flower is sweet, but the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat. One day she left without a word, she took away the sun. And in the dark she'd left behind, I knew what she had done. She left me for another; it's a common tale but true. A sadder man but wiser now, I sing these words to you.

Lemon tree very pretty, and the lemon flower is sweet, but the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat.

Lemon tree, Lemon tree, Lemon tree, Lemon tree

1.In Father’s eyes, ______.

A. the lemon tree looks ugly

B. the lemon flower has a pleasant smell

C. the lemon fruit tastes delicious

D. lemon tree is not lovely

2.Which of the following statement is NOT right?

A. The boy took the lesson at 10.

B. Father told his boy not to believe in love.

C. The boy spent the summer with a sweet girl

D. The girl left the boy after saying good-bye.

3.Who is sadder but wiser now?

A. The boy B. The father

C. The girl D. The listener

4.“The music of her laughter hid my father's words from me. “means ______.

A. The girl told the boy that his father was not right.

B. The boy forgot his father’s suggestion.

C. The girl could sing the songs well.

D. The boy shouldn’t stay with the girl beneath the lemon tree.

5.The name of the song should be______.

A. A kind father B. A happy summer

C. Lemon tree D. A love story


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届安徽省毕业班五校第四次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—How are you doing, Daisy?

, thank you.

A. I'm fine B. I'm a teacher

C. I'd love to D. I'm coming


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届北京市平谷区九年级4月综合测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Tessa is now 18 years old. She remembers her time at school well. Some of it was good but some of it brings back bad memories. My First Day I’ll never forget my first day at primary school. I remember there was a funny smell in the school and

I felt really nervous. We were having a meeting and the head teacher was introducing himself. A girl next to me started asking me questions about my shoes! I wanted to listen to the head teacher but I didn’t want to be impolite to my new friend. So, I told her about my shoes. Suddenly the head teacher looked at me with an angry face. “Be quiet when I am speaking! Go and sit in the corner. ”I remember feeling so stupid.

My First Teacher I remember her name was Mrs. Simpson. She was really pretty and had a lovely smile. She had a soft voice and always wore the same sweater! She seemed so nice after that horrible head teacher. Sports Day Sports day was the best day of the year! I used to practice for the running race and one year I actual ly won!I used to cheer my friends on when they ran their races too.

My Nickname Everyone in the class had nicknames. Some of the nicknames were funny and some weren’t very nice. There was this really thin girl. Everyone called her ‘spider legs’. I remember they used to call me’ mushroom head’ because my hair stuck out on either side. It made a lasting impression on me. Not a good one.

1. What was the questions about on the girl’s first day?

A. Her teachers. B. Her first day.

C. Her feeling. D. Her shoes.

2.How did the head teacher feel when the girl answered the questions?

A. Happy. B. Angry.

C. Stupid. D. Impolite.

3.Mrs. Simpson was really pretty and had a smile.

A. lovely B. horrible

C. soft D. funny

4.The girl didn’t like .

A. her nickname B. running race

C. the thin girl D. sports day


科目:初中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃天水甘谷县七年级下期中检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Mother ____ a gift for me on my birthday every year.

A.buy B.bought

C.buys D.buying

