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Square dancing has been popular for quite a few years. Its lovers believe it is good for elderly people's health But in recent years, it has many haters as well. They think too loud music or dancing too late into night influences people's life. Should square dancing be supported or limited? Here are opinions from two groups of people.


? Square dancing is a helpful way for elderly people to stay fit.

? Square dancing has become an important socializing opportunity(社交机会) for those parents whose grown children have left to start their own families.

? If governments provide large places where people can dance a bit far from

living blocks, most of the complaints will go away.


? Square dancing in public may not be acceptable to all elderly people. Some

of them hate the noise caused by such kind of dancing.

? Square dancing is something that elderly people themselves invented. They

just want to be left by themselves to do what they like.

? There are some other healthier ways to exercise for people from different

age groups and with different health .situations. Square dancing is not a good idea for everyone.


Square dancing has been a hot topic in daily life. People have been discussing 1. it should be supported or limited. Lovers believe it can help elderly people stay healthy. Those parents who live 2. can communicate with others while dancing. If people are 3. with large places by governments and they can dance a bit far away from living blocks, few neighbours will complain. Haters say the noise caused by square dancing is the main 4. why they are against it. They think square dancers just do what they like to do without 5. others' feelings. And square dancing.is not the only good way for all people to exercise.


科目:初中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江苏扬州邵樊片八年级下期第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:任务型阅读


What do we really mean by being open? Being open is a kind of invitation to others to come in, to speak and to share. It is important for others to get to know how we think and feel. In this way, we will be understood and accepted by others. If we aren’t open with others, we won’t fully believe in ourselves or others.

Here are a few ways for you to be more open. First, make your outside behavior the same as your inside feelings and thoughts. Second, share how you really feel about something instead of just opinions. Third, try to change your questions into statements(陈述句) and talk in the first person so that people will understand you more easily. For example, you might say, “I feel happy that you’re here.” instead of“Are you glad that you’re here?” Finally, try not to say, “I don’t know.” This usually means I don’t want to think about it any more.

Remember also that it is not suitable to be open with everyone in every situation. You may want to be more open with close friends, but not with people you don’t know well, because you are not sure how someone else will use what they know about you. Besides, some people may not be used to too much openness. If we say everything we feel or think to them, they will feel very uncomfortable at times.

In all, being open is a good way for us to get on well with other people, but we’d better keep the balance(平衡) between being open and not being too open.

Title: Being ______1.______

Meanings of being open

______2.______others to come in, to speak and to share.

Show others how we think and feel.

Let others understand and _______3._____.

_____4.______ in ourselves and others by being open.

_____5._____ to be more open

Make_____6.______ your outside behavior is the same with your inside feelings and thoughts.

Try to share your_______7.________feelings.

Make statements instead of _____8._____ and use the first person.

Try not to say, “I don’t know.”

Reasons for not being too open

Someone may use your______9.________ to hurt you.

You will make them feel very uncomfortable sometimes.

Conclusion: It will____10.______us get on well with others if we keep the balance between being open and not being too open.


科目:初中英语 来源:2016年初中毕业升学考试(江苏宿迁卷)英语(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---Do you know whose iPhone6s this is?---Let me see. Oh, it’s _______.

A.hers B.her C.him D.their


科目:初中英语 来源:2016年初中毕业升学考试(江苏徐州卷)英语(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I will see what I can do, but I can’t _________ you anything.

A. plan B. prepare C. promise D. protect


科目:初中英语 来源:2016年初中毕业升学考试(江苏徐州卷)英语(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Have you read the Harry Potter series __________ J.K. Rowling?

A. of B. for C. with D. by


科目:初中英语 来源:2016年初中毕业升学考试(江苏镇江卷)英语(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Several days ago,,1 went to my aunt’s home and saw my cousin who is studying English linguistics in a university. He showed me his learning materials.H ere are two pages of t

Now I know at some point in history, the meanings of some common words that we see every day meant something much different. The English language is developing all the time.


Generally speaking, the word “nice” is quite an expression of praise. However, back in the late 12th century, if someone said you were “nice”, it was far from saying good words about you.

Very long ago, “nice” was used to mean “foolish” and “stupid”. That sounds more like the kind of words that would start a fight, not put a smile on someone’s face. Later on in the 13th century, ‘nice” came to mean “shy and nervous”. During the 14th century, it even meant “being careful”. But finally in the 18th century, it changed to the kinder meaning we know today, and ever since then, people have been using it in a lovable way.


All of us get sad from time to time. It’s a usual part of life. A loved one passes away. We expect too much progress in an exam. Or the store is out of our favourite drink. These are all things that can make us sad.

However, once upon a time, “sad” had a very different meaning. Back in the 14th century, it was the perfect word if you had eaten too much food at dinner.

Through the years, the meaning of “sad” changed to “heavy” and then “tired”. Interestingly, when “sad” took on its present meaning, it was actually used instead of “unrot”, an old English word that was the opposite of “rot” that meant “cheerful” or “glad”.

1.When did "nice" come to mean "shy and nervous"?

A. In the late 12th century. B. In the 13th century.

C. During the 14th century. D. In the 18th century.

2.The underlined word "these" refers to指代) the following except that________.

A. a loved one passes away

B. we expect too much progress in an exam

C. the store is out of our favourite drink

D. we have eaten too much food at dinner

3. The purpose of the passage is to tell us .

A. the meanings of all words are different at some point in history

B. my cousin learns English well because of his learning materials

C. we should know about all the different meanings of words in history

D. the meanings of some words are changing because language is developing


科目:初中英语 来源:2016年初中毕业升学考试(江苏镇江卷)英语(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Last year, five Chinese teachers to a school in the UK to teach the British students in Chinese style for four weeks.

A. was sent B. were sent C. have sent D. sent


科目:初中英语 来源:2016年初中毕业升学考试(山东淄博卷)英语(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

On May 1, a wildfire started in a forest near the Alberta town of Fort McMurray in Canada. Within two days, the fire grew larger and the people who lived in Fort McMurray had to leave their homes. While there have been very few people injured (伤害) by the large fire itself, it has been harmful to the community.

Canadians in other places have been helping by sending money and donations to the Red Cross. Many people in Alberta have taken in people from Fort McMurray, letting them stay in their homes for free until the fire is put out. Many firefighters are needed to fight the fire and some of them have come from other parts of Canada to help. The brave firefighters were able to save 25,000 homes as well as the hospital and all of the town’s schools, according to CBC news.

There have been thousands of other acts of kindness towards the people of Fort McMurray. Some musicians, such as Great Big Sea’s Alan Doyle, are holding special concerts, with the money going to Fort McMurray people. And companies have been helping, as well. Beer-maker Labatt filled thousands of cans with water—instead of beer—and sent them to the people in Fort McMurray.

The fire is huge, spreading over more than 229,000 hectares (公顷), but firefighters say they believe they are starting to get it under control—it is becoming smaller instead of spreading.

1.How many people have been injured by the large fire itself?

A. 25,000. B. Very few. C. 229,000. D. Many.

2.In this passage, the underlined word “donations” means_________.

A. 捐赠物 B. 礼物 C. 吉祥物 D. 农作物

3.What did beer-maker Labatt do for the people in Fort McMurray?

A. He sent money to the people in Fort McMurray.

B. He held a concert and gave the money to the people in Fort McMurray.

C. He took in people from Fort McMurray and let them stay in his home for free.

D. He filled thousands of cans with water and sent them to the people in Fort McMurray.

4. What is the passage mainly about?

A. A big fire in Fort McMurray of Canada.

B. The people in Fort McMurray of Canada.

C. The firefighters in Fort McMurray of Canada.

D. The musicians in Fort McMurray of Canada.


科目:初中英语 来源:2016年初中毕业升学考试(湖南衡阳卷)英语(解析版) 题型:单项填空

My neighbor asked me ______ I heard the big noise last night or not.

A. whether B. if C. what

