精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情


  A young boy was playing a ball in the street.He threw it hard, and it broke the window of a house and fell inside.A woman came to the window and shouted at the boy.The boy ran away.But he still wanted his ball back.A few minutes later he came back and knocked at the door and said, “My father’s going to come and mend your windows very soon.”

  In a moment, a man came to the door with tools(工具)in his hand, so the woman let the boy take his ball away.

  When the man finished mending the window, he said to the woman, “Please give me ten dollars(美元).”

  “But aren’t you the father of the boy?” The woman asked.“No,” he answered, “Aren’t you his mother?”


The boy lost his ball because ________

[  ]


he broke the window of the house


he fell into the woman’s garden


the ball went through the window


the ball broke the window of the house


Why did the boy run away?

[  ]


He was afraid of the woman.


He went to look for his father.


He didn’t want his ball back.


He had to go get some money.


The boy came back again because ________.

[  ]


his father came with him


he wanted to get his ball back


the woman told him to come


his father told him to come


Why did the woman let the boy take the ball away?

[  ]


His father came to mend the window.


The man was mending the window.


The boy said sorry to the woman.


She thought the man was the boy’s father.


Which is right?

[  ]


The man was the boy’s father.


The woman was the boy’s mother.


The man thought the boy was the woman’s son.


The woman knew the boy was the man’s son.


科目:初中英语 来源:黄冈重点作业·初二英语(下) 题型:053


  Mr Parker was living in the country. One day he wanted to go to an office in the c 1 . He took out of the k 2 , got i 3 his car and drove to the city. He drove to the office and stopped in front of the door. He locked his car a 4 started to go into the office, but then he turned and went b 5 to his car.“I left my keys in the car!”he said to himself. He telephoned his wife and said,“Excuse me, I locked my keys in the car. Please b 6 me y 7 .”

  Mrs Parker got into their second car and drove twenty miles to help her h 8 . But when he was waiting for her, he walked a 9 his car and tried the other door. It wasn't locked t But he locked it q 10 before his wife came.

1.c________  2.k________

3.i________  4.a________

5.b________  6.b________

7.y________  8.h________

9.a________  10.q________


科目:初中英语 来源:黄冈中学作业本九年级英语(人教版)上册 题型:050


  Most dictionaries will tell you a lot of things about a language. There are three important things. These three things are spelling, pronunciation(发音) and meanings. First, a dictionary will tell you the spelling of a word. If you are not sure about the spelling of a word, you can try to find the correct spelling in a dictionary. Words are listed in alphabetical order(按字母顺序)-a, b, c and so on. For example, on a dictionary page the word “poor” p, o, o, r-comes before “poverty” -p, o, v, e, r, t, y-and the word “poverty” comes before the word “power” -p, o, w, e, r. The words are always given in alphabetical order.

  The second thing, a dictionary will tell you how a word is pronounced. There are a few different pronunciations. Most dictionaries give phonetic (语音的), or sound alphabet. The phonetic spelling will tell different phonetic alphabets. Many dictionaries use the International phonetic alphabet(国际音际) to show pronunciation.

  The third thing, a dictionary will tell you the meanings of words. You can look up a word and find out what it means. Many words have more than one meaning, and a good dictionary also tell you all of the word's meanings. For example, in English the word “get” has over 20 different meanings.

1.In the passage, which of the following is one of the three important things?

[  ]

A.How to write a word well.

B.How to use a word.

C.How to make a sentence.

D.How to read a word correctly.

2.Of the three words “remove,” “remote” and “remount”, ________ in a dictionary.

[  ]

A.“remount” comes first and “remove” comes last

B.“remove” comes first and “remote” comes last

C.“remote” comes first and “remove” comes last

D.“remote” comes first and “remount” comes last

3.Many words have ________.

[  ]

A.several meanings
B.few meanings
C.one meaning
D.no meaning

4.A good dictionary will tell you ________.

[  ]

A.more of the word's pronunciation

B.more of the word's meaning

C.more of the word's spelling

D.more of grammar

5.Phonetic alphabets are used to show ________.

[  ]



科目:初中英语 来源:百分百学生作业本 课时3练1测 七年级英语下册 人教目标版 题型:053


Last weekend, Lily and Lucy w   1   to visit Old Henry.It was a n   2   day, but Old Henry w   3   happy.Because he lost h   4   cute dog, Wang Wang.He couldn't go for a walk with Wang Wang o   5   the weekends.And y   6   before, his wife left him.Now Old Henry is very s   7  .He h   8   no dog and no f   9  .He doesn't want to do a   10  

1.w ________ 2.n ________ 3.w ________ 4.h ________ 5.o ________

6.y ________ 7.s ________ 8.h ________ 9.f ________ 10.a ________


科目:初中英语 来源:百分百学生作业本 课时3练1测 七年级英语下册 人教目标版 题型:053


An opposite(相反的)example

  One day, a professor's(教授)g   1   asked his grandfather:“Grandpa, w   2   did you say that all the falses(假的)are u   3  ?”

  “That's certainly true.Could you g   4   me an opposite example?”

  “Oh, yes.”the grandson climbed o   5   his grandfather's knees(膝盖)and said proudly.“Look at y   6  , when you put on your false teeth, you look younger, but when you g   7   them off, your mouth l   8   empty and ugly.That's r   9   ugly.Isn't it an opposite example?”

  The professor c   10   find no answer.

1.g ________ 2.w ________ 3.u ________ 4.g ________ 5.o ________

6.y ________ 7.g ________ 8.l ________ 9.r ________ 10.c ________


科目:初中英语 来源:百分百学生作业本 课时3练1测 七年级英语下册 人教目标版 题型:053


  When Mary Smith was a student, she always w   1   to be a teacher, because she loved children.When she was twenty-two years old, she began to t   2   in a small school.She was a good t   3  .The children liked to c   4   to her class.One day one of the girls in her class s   5   to her,“Miss Smith, why does a man's hair become w   6   before his beard(胡子)?”Mary laughed and a   7  ,“I don't know, but it happened to my father.”The o   8   children laughed when they heard this.

  Then one of the boys said,“I know, Miss Smith!Men's hair become white b   9   it's sixteen y   10   older than their beard!”

1.w ________ 2.t ________ 3.t ________ 4.c ________ 5.s ________

6.w ________ 7.a ________ 8.o ________ 9.b ________ 10.y ________

