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I spent a lot of time making a large shelf for my cave. I found a big tree and chopped it down. This took three days. Then, I chopped off the branches. This took another two days. After that, I chopped the wood away from one side, and then from the other side. This took more than one month. Altogether it took forty-two days. In England, two men with a good saw could have made six of these shelves from that tree in half a day.

I also spent a lot of time looking after my corn and rice crops. I had to protect them from wild animals and birds, so I made a fence around them. I shot some of the birds and hung them up near thecorn. After that, all the other birds stayed away. I used one of the old swords I had taken from the ship to cut down the corn when it was ready. I was very proud of my corn and rice and worked hard to increase my crops. A few years later, I would have enough corn to make bread. I had to find a way to grind the corn into flour, but the rocks on the island were not hard enough. I finally discovered that a very hard piece of wood would do. I used some cloth to separate the meal from the husks. Not having anoven, I made some square pots with lids and covered them with hot ashes. This baked the dough, and I had bread! I made my cave bigger again to hold the corn and flour so that I could make bread whenever I needed to.

I sometimes wondered how I could get to the land which was visible from the other side of the island. I went to the ship’s boat that was blown onto the beach in the shipwreck. However, I could not get it to the water. It was too heavy. I tried many different ways of doing it, but none of them were successful.

1.From Paragraph 1, we know that the writer .

A. made a foolish mistake in chopping down a big tree

B. felt hopeless and couldn’t have made a shelf himself

C. spent a long time making a large shelf without a saw

D. made a small canoe with the wood he chopped down

2.The writer to protect his corn and rice.

A. watched out for them day and night

B. divided the cave into several different parts

C. put some old swords from the ship around them

D. built a fence and hung some birds bodies near the corn

3.In which order did the writer make bread successfully?

a.The writer found a way to grind the corn into flour.

b.The writer baked the dough with square pots.

c.The writer separated the meal from the husks.

d.The writer made some square pots with lids.

A. a-c-d-b B. a-d-c-b C. b-d-c-a D. c-b-a-d

4.The underlined word “visible” in the last paragraph means .

A. 偏僻的 B. 看得见的 C. 模糊的 D. 遥远的

1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 【解析】文章讲述了作者在一个小岛上的经历。 1.根据I spent a lot of time making a large shelf for my cave.可知作者做一个大架子花了好长时间;故选C 2.根据I had to protect them from wild animals and birds, so I made...

科目:初中英语 来源:山东省威海市2018年中考英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

One day Vimala and her new friend. Mary, were playing at school. Mary was a very quiet and shy girl but Vimala liked her. While jumping, Mary’s glasses fell off and broke. Just then the bell rang and they had to hurry to their science class.

“Oh dear, I'm going to be as blind as a bat. But we'd better hurry. It's Miss Lee's class, "said Maray.

At the start of the lesson, Miss Lee explained how to do the experiment to produce large eye crystals. Then she started to question the class. Nobody dared to give a wrong answer because Miss Lee was a very strict teacher Miss Lee held up a clamp(夹具) and said, "What do we use it for? What do we call it? All the girls looked down, while she looked at their heads for one to pick on. "Mary?" she finally asked.

Mary was sitting at the back of the class. She stood up and peered at Miss Lee, but she could not see clearly what the teacher was holding. She was nervous a bit and did not answer.

Miss Lee repeated her question. This time she spoke more slowly and there was anger in her voice.

"What is this used for ?" she asked

Vimala saw storm clouds climbing up to Miss Lee's face. She knew that the storm was about to burst on Mary, so she put up her hand. Miss Lee paid no attention to her and stared through narrowed eyes at Mary, waiting for an answer.

Mary did not know what to say. She looked to her left and right for help. Too seared to say out that she couldn’t see clearly, Mary hoped that if she kept quiet Miss Lee would ask somebody else.

Vimala guessed what was wrong, so she decided to take a risk. She jumped to her feet and said, "Excuse me. Miss Lee. Mary broke her glasses just before the lesson started. I don't think she can see the clamp clearly. "Then she sat down, praying (祈祷)that the ceiling would not fall on her.

“Oh!” Miss Lee said, a little surprised. She had thought that Mary was refusing to answer.

Now that she understood, her anger faded away. “Thank you, Vimala.” she said Then she turned

to Mary and said, “Come and look at this.”

Mary left her chair and went to the front of the class.

“It’s a clamp.” she said. "We can put it on a metal stand(支架) and use it to hold things in place.”

"Well, you got it right at last. "Miss Lee said with a brief smile. But you'd better not do any experiments until your glasses have been repaired. You can watch Vimala while she does the experiment.

The storm clouds disappeared. The smile disappeared from Miss Lee's face and she continued with the lesson. Vimala winked at Mary who peered at her and smiled weakly.

1.What's the matter with Mary’s glasses?

A. They were lost. B. They were broken C. They were left at home

2.Miss Lee was __________ teacher.

A. an English B. a science C. a math

3.Why couldn't Mary answer Miss Lee's question?

A. Because she didn't know the answer

B. Because she couldn't hear what Miss Lee was saying

C. Because she couldn’t see what the teacher was holding

4.The sentence "Vimala saw storm clouds climbing up to Miss Lee's face.” means Vimala found_______

A. the sky was cloudy B. a heavy storm was coming C. Miss Lee was becoming angry

5.Which of the following is not right?

A. Mary was quiet and shy and also as blind as a bat

B. Miss Lee was a strict and serious teacher

C. Mary knew what a clamp was used for

1.B 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A 【解析】本文介绍了Vimala和玛丽是新的好朋友。虽然玛丽内向,但是Vimala很喜欢她。在一次跳高的时候,玛丽的眼镜掉了,结果玛丽看不清楚东西。这时上课铃响了,是李老师的课,她是一位非常严肃认真的老师。在课上,李老师问了一个问题,除了玛丽,其他的同学把头低了下去。老师提问了玛丽,由于看不清楚老师拿的是什么,而没有回答出来。这时...


科目:初中英语 来源:重庆市2018年中考英语试卷 题型:句型转换

1.Jeff played tennis with his classmates yesterday. (改为否定句)

Jeff ____ ____tennis with his classmates yesterday.

2.I go to the movies once a week. (对划线部分提问)

____ ____do you go to the movies?

3.My sister will take care of my cat when I am on holiday. (改为同义句)

My sister will ____ ____my cat when I am on holiday.


When we have different ideas, we should understand ____ ____.


Stephen Hawking was not only a great scientist ____ ____a famous writer.

1. didn’t play 2. How often 3. look after 4. each other 5. but also 【解析】 1.句意:昨天杰夫和他的同学一起打网球了。根据yesterday判断句子时态是一般过去时,play 是一个实义动词,否定形式需要加助动词didn't,后面跟动词原形,故答案填(1). didn’t (2). play ...


科目:初中英语 来源:重庆市2018年中考英语试卷 题型:单选题

visitors came to take photos of Hongyadong during the vacation.

A. Thousand B. Thousand of C. Thousands D. Thousands of

D 【解析】句意:在假期里,成千上万的游客前来拍摄红亚东的照片。考查动词辨析题。hundred, thousand和million等词与具体数字连用时,习惯上用单数,而且也不后接介词of;当这些词不与具体数字连用,而是表示不确定的泛指数时,则不仅要要用复数,而且要后接介词of,然后才能接名词。根据句意语境,可知选D。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年江苏省连云港市中考英语试卷 题型:填空


When we are talking to someone, we tend to change someone else’s mind to our way of thinking.And we may often find it difficult to do that, So here are five tips on how to change someone’s mind.

The first one is never to turn the conversation into an argument. It should be a conversation whereyou show your opinions and the facts that you’ve collected. By showing them the facts, we want to tell other people that we are right. But emotionally, they may not totally agree with what you say. So when you are trying to change someone’s mind, try to keep it as a conversation and not an argument.

The second tip is never to say that you are wrong. If someone makes a statement that you think iswrong, it’s better to point it out by saying, “I thought otherwise but I might be wrong, let’s look at the facts.” The key is to say that you might be wrong, not that you are wrong. This opens up the other person to look at the data again and shows them that you’re not bullheaded (顽 固 的) and that you’re not going to change your opinion. You’re showing them that you are open to new ideas and this is super important in changing someone else’s mind to your way of thinking.

Tip number three is to get the other person saying yes as fast as possible. You may begin your conversation on hobbies that you guys have, something that they’re crazy about, something that gets them saying yes. Because the more that you get them to say yes now, the more likely they are to say yes in the future. A conversation like this will get them to start to like you and maybe even more open up to ideas that you have. It builds up trust between the two of you.

Tip number four is to let the other person do a great amount of talking. If you let them talk more, you’re going to show that you actually care about their opinions and ideas, which will earn their respect in the end. By listening to them, you’re going to create a friendly relationship and build trust. So when you express your opinions, they will also show a willingness to listen. Never interrupt them when they are talking. Just listen patienly with an open mind, encourage them to talk even more and more so that when it’s your tum to talk, they’ll listen and say nothing.

The last tip is to let the other person feel like the idea was theirs. It’s wiser to make suggestions and let someone else come to the conclusion, then they have a sense of pride that it’s their idea. Giving someone the data and letting them come to the conclusion let them feel like it is their idea and they are proud of it.

Title: How to change someone else’s mind


Though it is not 1. to change someone else’s mind, here are tips you can follow.


2.of changing

someone else’smind

Keep it as a conversation and not an argument, or they may not totally be in 3. with you.

Say that you might be wrong4.of saying that you are wrong to show that you are open to new ideas.

Try to get them saying yes as fast as possible, so they are more likely to say yes in the future.

Create a friendly relationship and build trust so that when you express your opinions, they are willing to listen.

Let someone else come to the conclusion and they will be5. of it because they feel like it is their idea.

1.easy 2.ways/methods/means 3.agreement 4.instead 5.proud 【解析】文章讲述了怎么改变一个人的观点的一些建议。 1.根据we tend to change someone else’s mind to our way of thinking.And we may often find it difficul...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年江苏省连云港市中考英语试卷 题型:单选题

Lisa, don’t do many things at one time, or you’ll be tired out. You can’t .

A. burn the candle at both ends B. provide for a rainy day

C. put all your eggs in one basket D. do as Romans do when in Rome

A 【解析】句意:丽莎,一次不要做这么多事情,否则你会累坏的,你不能过分耗费。A. burn the candle at both ends 你不能过分耗费; B. provide for a rainy day未雨绸缪;C. put all your eggs in one basket 孤注一掷; D. do as Romans do when in Rome入乡随俗;根据don’t d...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年江苏省连云港市中考英语试卷 题型:单选题

—Bill, did you see Tom?

—Yes, he just parked his car here and then hurried the street.

A. through B. over C. past D. across

D 【解析】句意:——比尔,你看见汤姆了吗?——是的,他刚刚把车停在这儿,然后匆忙穿过街道。A. through 穿过(从物体中间穿过); B. over 越过(在物体上方,不接触); C. past 经过(从旁边经过); D. across穿过(从物体表面横穿);故选D


科目:初中英语 来源:山西省2018届九年级中考模拟英语试卷 题型:单选题

-How about 3 dollars a T-shirt, madam?

-The price sounds . I’ll take three.

A. cheap B. fair C. little D. convenient

B 【解析】句意:——女士,3美元一件T恤衫怎么样?——价格听起来很合理。我要三英镑。考查形容词辨析题。A. cheap便宜的,用于实物;B. fair合理的/公平的;C. little小的;D. convenient方便的。sound听起来,根据句意语境,可知ACD三项不合语境,fair更合乎句意,故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:北京市门头沟区2018届九年级5月综合练习(一模)英语试卷 题型:材料作文


提示词语:Laoshe Teahouse, drink tea, Peking Opera, magic shows, gate

提示问题:Where are you going?

What will you do there?

When and where will you meet?

Hi, Lucy! I know you like Chinese traditional culture. I want to invite you to Laoshe Teahouse this Saturday morning. We are going to drink tea, watch magic shows, enjoy Peking Opera, and eat Chinese ...

