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Autism(自闭症) is a disorder of the brain that happens in the first three years of life. It affects the brain's normal development. Most autistic patients have difficulty talking with other people or doing things. However, some of the autistic people have amazing abilities. For example, some can memorize many things and some can do calculations really fast.

Raymond Babbitt in the 1988 film Rain Man is an example. The character in the film was based on Kim Peek, a man from the USA. Peek couldn't switch on a light or put his clothes on by himself. But his memory was so amazing that he could remember almost anything. He could memorize every road, place and distance on maps. He could even remember almost every word in thousands of books. His way of reading was more amazing. Peek could read two pages at the same time in just eight to ten seconds. He read the left page with his left eye and the right page with his right eye.

Scientists still don't know for sure why some autistic people have special talent after they have done a lot of research. There is one possible explanation. When certain parts of the brain are damaged! by autism, other parts of the brain might get stronger. Therefore special abilities were born.

But not all people with autism have amazing abilities. In fact, autistic people with amazing abilities are rare (罕有的) and the abilities cannot be trained. According to research, only ten percent of autistic people show any signs of special talent.


1.What do we know about Autism?

A. It is a disorder of the bones.

B. It happens all through one's life.

C. It helps people memorize things better.

D. It affects the brain's normal development.

2.Who is Kim Peek?

A. He is a good friend of Kaymond Babbitt.

B. He is a character in the film Rain Man.

C. He is an autistic patient from the USA.

D. He is a scientist working on autism.

3.What is Kim Peek different from others?

A. He can do some basic things like dressing himself.

B. He has a special talent in calculation.

C. He had difficulty reading books.

D. He has a very good memory.

4.What does the underlined word mean in Chinese7

A. 毁坏 B. 强化 C. 开发 D. 摘除

5.What does the passage mainly talk about7

A. Ways of dealing with autism

B. Relationship between autism and talent

C. Ways of training autistic people's abilities

D. Reasons for autistic people's special talent


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级上同步练习2Unit 6 Do you like bananas 单元测试卷 题型:任务型阅读

Do you eat healthy food every day? It's good for your health. What do you need? Well, you need apples, oranges and bananas. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Do you need ice-cream? No, you don’t. It’s not good for your health. You need salad and tomatoes? but you don't need hamburgers.

What? You eat hamburgers every day? Oh, no, no!

You can have one every five or six days, but not every day. Er, let me see…Oh,vegetables! You can’t be very healthy without (没有)vegetables.

My friend Jane eats well. She has bread and milk for breakfast. And she has lunch at school. After lunch, she always plays sports. For dinner, she only has some rice and vegetables. Jane is in good health(健康).

Make a list of the food you have every day. Are they good? Do you eat healthy food?



1.Why don’t we need ice-cream?


2.Are hamburgers good for us?


3.Does Jane do sports?


4.Where does Jane have lunch?




科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级上Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science单元测试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Dear Alice,

Are you all right in Beijing? How is your study? Dad and I miss you very much.

The Spring Festival is coming. We’re going to spend this Spring Festival in Beijing. We have a ten-day holiday. It starts from January 21 to January 30.

We’re going to take the flight(航班)of South Airline on January 22 to Beijing. We also plan to take the train back.

Can you help us book 2 train tickets on January 28?


Dear Dad and Mom,

Very pleased to hear from you. I am very happy to have you here for the Spring Festival. When you come here, I will show you around Beijing. I will arrange(安 排)the return tickets for you. By the way, please let me know your exact (确切的)flight number so that I can meet you at the airport.



1.Alice is ________in Beijing.

A. studying B. riding C. playing D. traveling

2.Alice s parents are going to Beijing on .

A. January 21 B. January 22

C. January 28 D. January 30

3.Alice’s parents are going to stay in Beijing for about_________.

A. two days B. one week

C. ten days D. two weeks

4.Alice’s parents are going back home by________.

A. plane B. bus C. train D. car

5.Alice is going to_________.

A. meet her parents at the train station

B. help her parents book flight tickets

C. help her parents book the hotel

D. meet her parents at the airport


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版9上Unit3 Grammar 2 随堂测试 题型:单项填空

--Shall we go to Lin Junjie's concert this weekend?

-- , but I'll have to prepare for the monthly exam next week.

A. Sorry', I can't B. No, thanks C. No problem D. I'd like to


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省东台市2017届九年级下学期第二次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:语法填空

1.Her father has________(fly) to London on business already.

2.In order to keep healthy, Lucy eats less for supper. She looks________(slim) than before.

3.How________(heavy) it rained in Europe! Some museums along the River Seine had to be closed.

4.Last year, he________(success) in winning a scholarship to Harvard University.

5.A picture of pear (yali) stands for “stress”, which shares a similar________(pronounce) with the fruit in Chinese.


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省东台市2017届九年级下学期第二次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

People usually like the TV channels with funnier programmes but ________advertisements.

A. few B. little

C. fewer D. less


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省东台市2017届九年级下学期第二次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

—Would you like some coffee?

—Yes, and please get me some milk, too. I prefer coffee milk.

A. to B. with C. then D. of


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级上册英语 Starter unit1第2课时(3a-4d)练习 题型:语音

V. 找出下列字母中有相同发音的答案。

1.A. Aa, Ff B. Cc, Dd C. Gg, Ff D. Ee, Aa

2.A. Hh, Jj B. Gg, Kk C. Bb, Ii D. Ee, Ff

3.A. Bb, Jj B. Kk, Dd C. Gg, Jj D. Ii, Cc

4.A. Aa, Ii B. Gg, Hh C. Ee, Ii D. Bb, Gg

5.A. Aa, Kk B. Hh, Ff C. Jj, Ee D. Ii, Gg


科目:初中英语 来源:安徽省安庆市区2016~2017学年度下学期期末考试八年级英语试卷 题型:单项填空

—The doctor told me not to smoke too much, but I find it difficult.

—The doctor is right. _______ you smoke, _______ you will be.

A. The less; the healthier

B. The less; the more healthier

C. The more; the healthier

D. The more; the more healthier

