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I like reading books and magazines there ¢Ùbecause they ¢Únot only provide me with much knowledge£¬but also help me learn a lot about what is happening around the world£®ÎÒϲ»¶ÔÚÄÇÀï¿´Êé¿´ÔÓÖ¾ÒòΪ²»½ö½öÄÜÌṩÎҺܶà֪ʶ£¬Ò²ÄÜ°ïÖúÎÒÁ˽âÊÀ½çʵ¿ö£®
¢Únot only¡but also¡²»½ö¡¶øÇÒ¡
When I feel tired and unhappy£¬the reading room is the best place to go to£®µ±ÎҸоõÀۺͲ»¿ªÐĵÄʱºò£¬ÔÄÀÀÊÒÊÇ×îºÃµÄÈ¥´¦£®
½â´ð My favorite place in school
¡¡¡¡My favorite place in school is the reading room£®£¨×îϲ»¶µÄµØ·½£©It has been there for two years£®£¨Ê±¼ä£©It is very big and bright£®There are a lot of useful books£¬newspapers and magazines there£®
¡¡¡¡I like reading books and magazines there because they not only provide me with much knowledge£¬but also help me learn a lot about what is happening around the world£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»¡¿Sometimes I even feel I can have a talk with the people in the books£®£¨ÔÒò£©
¡¡¡¡I can also relax myself in the peaceful environment there£®When I feel tired and unhappy£¬the reading room is the best place to go to£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ¡¿Reading helps me forget all my troubles£®£¨¸ÐÏ룩
¡¡¡¡For me£¬the reading room is the place I like best£®
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A£® | I will£®Thank you very much£® | B£® | Sorry to hear that£® | ||
C£® | I'll think it over£® |
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A£®My great grandparents lived in this town£® B£®Every summer all the relatives come together for a week£® C£®And the men and boys are on the other£® D£®We listen to music£¬dance£¬and eat a lot£® E£®It's opposite the school gate£® |
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Sports Groups | Reasons |
volleyball group | 1£®learn something new 2£®make more friends 3£®get on well with ¡ |
swimming group | |
skating group | |
¡ | |
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