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Andy: Hello , Kevin . You didn’t come to my birthday party yesterday , Why ?

Kevin : ____1.___

Andy : Your cousin Edison ? Do you look the same ?

Kevin : 2._ But Edison is a little taller and stronger than me .He always beats me in basketball .

Andy : ___3.______

Kevin : Yes, we both like reading books and playing computer games .

Andy : That sounds great . __4.__ Is he outgoing ?

Kevin :Yes , he’s more outgoing than me . He likes making friends .

Andy : Can you Introduce(介绍)him to me ?

Kevin : __5.__

















科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川遂宁六中七年级上10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

This is a teacher’s family. The father’s name is Lake Smith. He’s forty - four. The mother’s name is Kate Green. She’s forty - two. The Smiths have a son, Jim, and a daughter, Ann. Jim is fourteen, and Ann is twelve. The son looks like his father, and the daughter looks like her mother. They are all in No.4 Middle School. But the Smiths are teachers; the son and daughter are students.

1. What’s Jim’s father? ——He is ________.

A. a worker B. a teacher

C. a doctor D. a driver

2. Ann’s mother’s first name is ________.

A. Kate B. Lake

C. Smith D. Green

3.Jim looks like his ________.

A. uncle B. mother

C. aunt D. father

4.Are Jim and Ann in the same school? ——__________ .

A. They are not at school

B. They are in different schools

C. Yes, they are

D. No, they aren’t

5. How many people are there in the family? ——_________ .

A. There are three B. There are four

C. There are five D. There are six



科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川资阳安岳永清镇永清责任区九年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Can you tell me _______ tomorrow evening?

A. when will the party start

B. when the party will start

C. when did the party start

D. when the party started



科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川省七年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

There are eleven _______ in the house.

A. boxes B. desk C. fan D. chair



科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川省七年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

– Good morning, Peter! -- _______.

A. What’s your name? B. How are you?

C. I’m fine. D. Good afternoon!



科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川仁寿联谊学校八年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


I’m Molly .My best friend is Annie .When I was a little girl at a summer camp , a girl came up to me and wanted to play _ _me .“Be my best friend ?She asked and gave me her_ _.So Annie and I knew each other and became_ _.A few weeks later , I went to find Annie _ _I wanted to shared my chocolate with her .Annie_ _chocolate ! When I went near the group ,I_ _Annie ask another girl ,“Be my best friend ?”And the girl answered .“Really? I thought you were Molly’s best friend !”Annie said ,“Yeah, but today I want a(n) _ _ friend .”I tried not to _ __.I ran to the river ,threw away the _ _ and cried loudly .Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder . It was Ann“Don’t cry ! I just wanted to help the _ _girl.Hearing that , I gave her my hand .

1.A. in B. with C. at D. on

2.A. arm B. leg C. hand D. foot

3.A. classmates B. brothers C. cousins D. friends

4.A. if B. so C. but D. because

5.A. loved B. made C. sold D. had

6.A. saw B. heard C. watched D. helped

7.A. new B. different C. active D. healthy

8.A. dream B. cry C. forget D. laugh

9.A. photo B. postcard C. letter D. chocolate

10.A. lazy B. smart C. shy D. clever



科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川仁寿联谊学校八年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The students are so ___ to watch such an ____ movie .

A. exciting, excited B. excited. exciting

C. exciting. exciting D. excited, excited



科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川仁寿联谊学校九年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

Mary loved small animals.One morning while she was walking in the forest,she found weak birds in the grass.She took them home and put them in a small cage.She cared them with love and the birds both grew .They thanked her a wonderful song every morning.

But something happened one day.Mary left the door of the cage open.The larger bird flew from the cage.She thought that it would .As it flew close,she grasped(紧抓)it.She was very excited to catch it.Suddenly she felt strange.She opened her hand and looked sadly at the bird.Her great love had killed the bird!

The other bird was moving back and forth(来回)in the cage.Mary could its great need for freedom(自由).It wanted to fly into the clear and blue sky.At once,Mary took the bird the cage and let it fly away.The bird circled once,twice,three times…

Mary enjoyed watching the bird flying and singing .Suddenly the bird flew and landed softly on her head.It sang the sweetest song that she had ever heard.

The easiest way to lose love is to hold it too tight.The best way to keep love is to it wings.

1.A.some B.several C.two D.three

2.A.small B.strong C.thin D.tired

3.A.with B.for C.about D.at

4.A.return B.die C.fly back D.fly away

5.A.1iving B.interesting C.lucky D.dead

6.A.take B.feel C.say D.get

7.A.out of B.out from C.out off D.away of

8.A.sadly B.happily C.friendly D.angrily

9.A.higher B.farther C.closer D.1ater

10.A.show B.give C.pass D.buy



科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川仁寿联谊学校七年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Are these books? No, they aren’t.. They are______.

A. your; her B. your; my

C. you; mine D. your; hers


